Внеклассное мероприятие "Веселый час"

Ребята, каникулы в самом разгаре! Предлагаю вам
короткие смешные рассказы и шутки, которые вы
самостоятельно сможете прочитать с интересом и без
большого труда. К шуткам подобраны английские
пословицы и поговорки, так или иначе перекликающиеся
с текстом шуток.
Диалоги, которые встречаются почти в каждом
рассказе и шутке, дают образцы устной разговорной речи
англичан на бытовые темы. Хотите говорить на английском
языке? Рекомендую прочитать их! Желаю весёлого
A Lost Balloon
Boy: Can you see everything in the sky
with this telescope?
Man: Yes, my boy.
Boy: Then where’s the balloon I lost
this morning?
Balloon – воздушный шарик
Memorize the proverbs.
1. If the sky falls we shall catch larks.
– Если бы небеса упали, мы
поймали бы жаворонков. (Если
бы, да кабы.)
2. Saying and doing are two things. –
Одно дело – сказать, другое
сделать. (Скоро сказка
сказывается, да не скоро дело
• I. Questions.
1.Who is speaking to the man? 2.About what does the
boy ask the man? 3.Does the boy ask whether the man
can see everything with the telescope? 4.What does
the man answer? 5.What did the boy lose? 6.Did the
boy lose his balloon? 7.Does the boy ask the man to
find his balloon? 8.Can the man find the boy’s balloon?
9.Can the man see everything in the sky with his
telescope? 10.What do we use telescopes for?
• II.Retell.
It Doesn’t Matter
Bessie is a little girl. She is
only five. She doesn’t go to school, and,
of course, she doesn’t know how to read
and write. But her sister Mary is a
schoolgirl. She is ten.
One day Mary sees her little
sister at the table with a pen in her hand
and a big sheet of paper in front of her.
“What are you doing, Bessie?” she says.
“I am writing a letter to my friend Kitty,”
says Bessie.
“But how can you?” says her sister. “You
don’t know how to write.”
“Well,” says Bessie, “it doesn’t matter,
because Kitty doesn’t know how to read.”
Memorize the proverb.
Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. –
Для сердца, которое жаждет, нет
ничего возможного. (Была бы охота, а
возможность найдётся.)
• I. Questions.
1.How old is Bessie? 2.Does she go to school? 3.Does Bessie know how to
read and write? 4. Who is Bessie’s sister? 5. Is Bessie Mary’s sister? 6.How
old is Mary? 7.What does Mary see one day? 8.Where is Bessie sitting?
9.What does Bessie have in her hand? 10.What does Mary ask Bessie?
11.What does Bessie answer?
• II. Read the text in the Past Tense.
• III. Ask and answer the above questions in the Past Tense.
The Float
Once a keen angler
went fishing and took his friend
with him. The man knew nothing of
fishing, but decided to try his luck.
The two friends came to
the river and began to fish.
Suddenly the man who went fishing
for the first time in his life said: “I
say, how much do those little red
things cost?”
“You mean the floats? Oh, they are
cheap. Why do you ask me?”
“I owe you for one. Mine has just
Float - поплавок, angler - рыболов ,
to try one’s luck – попытать удачи ,
cheap - дешёвый , I owe you – я
должен тебе.
Memorize the proverb.
Neither fish nor flesh. – Ни рыба,
ни мясо
• I. Questions.
1.What did the two friends do one day? 2.Was one of them a good angler?
3.Did the other know much about fishing? 4.Why did he decide to join his
friend? 5.Was he going to try his luck? 6.Did he know what floats are used
for? 7.What did he say when he saw that his float had sunk? 8.What did his
friend answer him? 9.Why did he say he owed his friend for one float?
11.Do you often go fishing? 12.Do you go fishing in winter?
• II. Retell.
No Alligators
The Florida Beach and blue sky looked
inviting to the tourist from the north. He
was going to swim. So he asked his guide:
“You are certain there are no alligators
here, aren’t you?”
“No, no,” replied the guide smiling.
“There are no alligators here.”
The tourist was no longer afraid. He
stepped into the water and began to
swim. Then he asked the guide again:
“What makes you sure there aren’t any
“They’ve got too much sense,” answered
the guide. “They are afraid of the sharks.”
•Alligator – разновидность крокодила
•Florida - Флорида
•Beach – взморье, пляж
•Inviting – заманчивый,
•Tourist - турист
•Guide – гид, проводник
•They’ve got too much sense – у них
хватает ума