Project method -

Project method
School is a community in miniature and the
project method aims at providing
community life activities on a small scale in
the school.
 The project method is the pragmatic
educational philosophy of John Dewey, the
noted American Philosopher-cum-educator.
 The pragmatic educational philosophy lays
great strees on providing differend kinds of
rich experience to the children.
 This method was developed by William
Head Kilpatrick of the university of
This project method is the expression of the
widespread dissatisfaction against the bookish
method which makes children passive in which
children are drilled and spooned with information
which mostly unconnected with the real life.
A Project is a bit of real life that has been
imported into the school.
----------- By Ballard
A Project is a Whole purposeful activity
proceeding in a social environment.
----------- By William
Project is a unit of educative work in which
the most pupils are made responsible for
planning and purposing.
---------- By Parker
A project is a problematic act carried to
completion in its natural setting.
----------- By Stevenson
Characteristics of a Project Method
A project is a purposeful activity
A Project is a Real Life activity
Project is a activity in a natural setting
A project is a problem-centred activity
A project is an activity in a social setting
A project is a whole-hearted activity
A project is an activity which results in positive result
A project is a comparative activity
A project is an activity which provide an integrated view of a
A project is a new way of teaching the child to live
A project is an activity through which solution of a problem is
found out by the pupil
Main Principles of a Project Method
The principle of Purpos
The Principle of activity
Experience is the best teacher. What is real must be experienced.
The children learn new fact through their experience
The Principle of Reality
Children are active by nature. They love activity. The curiosity
nature of the child makes him active in nature. So such activities
should be provided to them to learn by doing.
The Principle of Experience
Knowledge of pupose is a great stimulus which motivates the
child to realiize his goal. The child must know why we are doing
such things in variouse situations
Life is real and education to be meaningful and must be real. So
real life situations should be provided.
The Principle of Freedom
The Principle of Utility
Different Types of Projects
The Producer Type
The Consumer Type
Where the objective is to obtain either direct or vicarious
experience such as reading and listening.
The Problem Type
In which the emphasis is directed towards the actual
construction of a material object or article
In which the chief purpose is to solve a problem involving the
intellectual processes, such as determiing the density of a certain
The Drill Type
Where the objective is to attain a certain degree of skill in a
Essentials of Good Projects
 Usefulness
 Interesting
 Challenging
 Economical
 Rich in Experience
 Co-operativeness
Various Steps in a Projects
Providing a situation
Choosing and purposing