THE JING THING A FEW IDEAS ON USING JING 22nd IATEFL Hungary conference THE JING THING IATEFL Hungary GOAL OF THIS WORKSHOP • Present Jing and benefits of its use. • Show practically how Jing can be used in the classroom. • Offer tips on how teachers can use it for their professional activities. The Jing thing THE JING THING IATEFL Hungary WHAT IS JING Jing is a free, screen casting and screen capturing tool. It offers also marking up functions and wide sharing possibilities within a few seconds. Obligatory resources Fee Setup The Jing thing PC with Internet connection Adobe Flash installed free basic plan download application from THE JING THING IATEFL Hungary FREE PLAN FOR USERS • Allows a 5 minute video limit • Includes saving and sharing via, Facebook, Twitter, Flicker, embed code • Provides marking up functions (arrows, highlights, …) • Is user friendly and free The Jing thing THE JING THING IATEFL Hungary WHAT CAN TEACHERS DO WITH JING 1. Create tutorial videos for students • Present how to use a new tool. • Revise a selected grammar point. • Show how to complete an exercise or form. 2. Set tasks and homework • Assign homework/class project/research and explain what are students supposed to do. The Jing thing THE JING THING IATEFL Hungary WHAT CAN TEACHERS DO WITH JING 3. Present your projects/ school/ class activities • • • • Talk about your new projects. Share some well proved activity with other teachers. Present your class or school. Show results of students´ work. 4. Edit homework or assignments • Provide feedback on students´s written assignments using Jing. Formore inspiration check on Russell Stannard´s websites. The Jing thing THE JING THING IATEFL Hungary WHAT CAN STUDENTS DO WITH JING SOME IDEAS • Create tutorials as a learning tool for other students. • Present and evaluate useful websites. • Present friends of Facebook. The Jing thing THE JING THING IATEFL Hungary WHAT CAN STUDENTS DO WITH JING MORE IDEAS • Talk about their favourites. • Give directions thought Google Maps. • Read a short article with focus on pronunciation. The Jing thing THE JING THING IATEFL Hungary WHAT CAN STUDENTS DO WITH JING AND MORE … • • • • Summarize and article and highlight useful phrases. Present results of their research or task. Comment on a selected article/poem/short story. Tell a story of their favourite historical/ political/social personality. The Jing thing THE JING THING IATEFL Hungary WHY TO CONSIDER USING JING Jing: • encourages creativity • offers integrated skills practice • adapts to each student´s language level and skills • provides focus on communication skills and pronunciation • enhances critical thinking and problem solving • fosters reflection • allows personalized choice • promotes learning outside the schools premises • can be used in lessons of any language you teach The Jing thing THE JING THING IATEFL Hungary JING ALIKES • Camstudio • Snagit • Screen Jelly • Screen toaster The Jing thing THE JING THING A FEW IDEAS ON USING JING Lenka Kroupová