SILVICULTURAL SYSTEMS What is a Silvicultural system? A silvicultural system is the process of tending, harvesting and regenerating a forest. Different objectives in forest management (e.g. conservation in an ancient semi-natural woodland vs. production of timber from a conifer plantation) are likely to lead to the adoption of different silvicultural systems. Forestry Commission. restresearch.nsf/ByUnique/INFD-6V4BGP SYSTEMS Generally divide into 2 main groups HIGH FOREST SYSTEMS COPPPICE SYSTEMS CLASSIFYING SYSTEMS • There are many different types of silvicultural systems • A broad classification can be made based on the pattern of regeneration and how the tree canopy is removed. • Forestry Commission. Generally forests managed using clear felling and shelterwood systems tend to be evenaged (only possess one or two canopy strata) and those managed using selection systems are uneven-aged (have three or more canopy strata). Silvicultural systems Clearfelling Uniform shelterwood system Complete removal of trees and artificial regeneration. Uniform opening of the canopy for regeneration purposes Strip shelterwood Opening up of crop in narrow coupes Opening up of groups of advance regeneration – comparitively short regen period ‘Rolling system’ COPPICE SYSTEMS Coppice Coppice with standards HIGH FOREST SYSTEMS CLEAR CUT SYSTEMS - old crop felled in single felling Usually artificial regeneration Crop felled in 2 or more regeneration fellings SHELTERWOOD SYSTEMS SELECTION SYSTEMS CLEAR CUT Shelterwood systems Uniform shelterwood system Shelterwood systems Uniform Group Irregular Strip Selection systems Complex Single tree selection Adaptations on this Bradford Hutt system A Classification of Silvicultural systems • • • BUT you can also get combinations of these or variations on them www.forestry.go agedsilviculture 0001.../fruneven agedsilviculture 0001.pdf