Module 13 Growing the Movement (Section Leaders) © The Scout Association Module 13 Page: 1 of 28 Cambridgeshire Module 13 Session 1 Opportunities to Grow © The Scout Association Module 13 Page: 2 of 28 Cambridgeshire Module 13 Opportunities to Grow Objectives • Outline methods of retention and recruitment of – Adults – Young People © The Scout Association Module 13 Page: 3 of 28 Cambridgeshire Module 13 Opportunities to Grow Opportunities to grow Retention Recruitment ____________________ Transfer ____________________ Programme ____________________ ____________________ Adults ____________________ Young people ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ © The Scout Association Module 13 Page: 4 of 28 Cambridgeshire Increasing Provision ____________________ Waiting Lists ____________________ Mixed Scouting ____________________ New Sections ____________________ New Groups ____________________ Module 13 Session 2 Planning for Growth © The Scout Association Module 13 Page: 5 of 28 Cambridgeshire Module 13 Planning for Growth Objectives • Explain the benefit of having and using Group Development/Growth Plans • Describe the process for creating a Group Development/Growth Plan © The Scout Association Module 13 Page: 6 of 28 Cambridgeshire Module 13 Planning for Growth Task 1. 2. 3. 4. Share you census figures with your group (5 mins) Brainstorm and list priorities on Worksheet 1 (15 mins) Choose top 3 priorities - concentrate on easiest to achieve (10 mins) Using Handout B as a guide complete a Development plan for your group – set targets, and timescales over the next 12 months and identify individuals for each action (5 mins) © The Scout Association Module 13 Page: 7 of 28 Cambridgeshire Module 13 Planning for Growth Summary – Group Development plan should:• • • • • Be devised by everyone in the Scout Group so that ownership is shared Focus on growth Identify the most important two or three needs of the Group Include realistic targets and timescales Be simple © The Scout Association Module 13 Page: 8 of 28 Cambridgeshire Module 13 Session 3 Recruiting Adults © The Scout Association Module 13 Page: 9 of 28 Cambridgeshire Module 13 Recruiting Adults Objectives • Describe the Six Step Approach to the recruitment of adults • State the principles of the key stages of induction of adults © The Scout Association Module 13 Page: 10 of 28 Cambridgeshire Module 13 Recruiting Adults Some Facts • • • • • • • • Around half the population of the UK undertake some form of voluntary work More people undertake voluntary work now then 20 years ago Three million volunteers work with children or young people On average volunteers give four hours of their time per week Only 14% of volunteers had their job explained to them 70% said things could be better organised Only 10% responded to a general appeal for volunteers 70% of people volunteer because someone asked them to do a job © The Scout Association Module 13 Page: 11 of 28 Cambridgeshire Module 13 Recruiting Adults The Six Step Approach 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Define the job that needs to be done List the skills and qualities needed List the people who could do the job Target the best choice Ask them When they say yes …. © The Scout Association Module 13 Page: 12 of 28 Cambridgeshire Module 13 Task Devise Job Description © The Scout Association Module 13 Page: 13 of 28 Cambridgeshire Module 13 Recruiting Adults Other ideas • • • • • • Recruitment stand Parents’ rota Breaking down jobs Parents’ Charter Job Sharing Change the meeting © The Scout Association Module 13 Page: 14 of 28 Cambridgeshire Module 13 Induction © The Scout Association Module 13 Page: 15 of 28 Cambridgeshire Module 13 Recruiting Adults Induction Task Devise a simple three month plan to:• To introduce a new adult to scouting and their role • Integrate the new adult fully into the Section and the Scout Group © The Scout Association Module 13 Page: 16 of 28 Cambridgeshire Module 13 Session 4 Recruiting Young People © The Scout Association Module 13 Page: 17 of 28 Cambridgeshire Module 13 Recruiting Young People Objectives • Describe effective ways to recruit young people © The Scout Association Module 13 Page: 18 of 28 Cambridgeshire Module 13 Task School Presentation © The Scout Association Module 13 Page: 19 of 28 Cambridgeshire Module 13 Session 5 Moving On © The Scout Association Module 13 Page: 20 of 28 Cambridgeshire Module 13 Moving On Objectives • Outline the role of Moving On and Membership Awards and age range flexibility in supporting the transfer between Sections • List the problems experienced by young people when moving from one section to the next • Describe attractive methods to encourage the successful transfer of young people from one Section to the next © The Scout Association Module 13 Page: 21 of 28 Cambridgeshire Module 13 Moving On Some Facts • 20% of Beaver Scouts do not move on to Cub Scouts • 50% of Cub Scouts do not move on to Scouts © The Scout Association Module 13 Page: 22 of 28 Cambridgeshire Module 13 Moving On Task Beaver/Cub/Scout Leaders In groups, imagine that you are the Leaders of a Scout Group – Plan an event which will support the transfer of young people between the sections. This event should include contact with the local Explorer Unit Explorer Leaders As a group devise and plan an event which your Explorer Scouts could run for the local Scout Troops to encourage Scouts to move on to Explorers. © The Scout Association Module 13 Page: 23 of 28 Cambridgeshire Module 13 Session 6 Waiting Lists © The Scout Association Module 13 Page: 24 of 28 Cambridgeshire Module 13 Waiting Lists Objectives • Describe how to manage waiting lists effectively © The Scout Association Module 13 Page: 25 of 28 Cambridgeshire Module 13 Waiting Lists Fact Sheet FS 155058 • Setting the size of the section • Managing membership • Setting the size of the waiting list • Who should go on your ‘register of interest?’ • Who should go on your waiting list? • What to do when it all goes wrong © The Scout Association Module 13 Page: 26 of 28 Cambridgeshire Module 13 Session 7 Planning For Growth Revisited © The Scout Association Module 13 Page: 27 of 28 Cambridgeshire Module 13 Planning for Growth - Revisited Objectives • Describe the process for creating a Group Development Plan Task • Complete How? and Resource sections on Work Sheet 2 © The Scout Association Module 13 Page: 28 of 28 Cambridgeshire