
All About Goldfish
What are Goldfish
• The goldfish is a freshwater fish in the
family Cyprinidae of order cyprinformes. It
was one of the earliest fish to be
domesticated, and is one of the most
commonly kept aquarium fish.
• The common goldfish is a great fish for
beginners since it’s a very hardy breed of
goldfish. It can live in water with
temperatures ranging from 55-80*F (1226*C), with a pH of 6-8, which is much
like tap water.
Where do gold fish live and How do
they Reproduce?
• Gold fish live mostly in ponds and aquariums.
Goldfish may only grow to sexual maturity with
enough water and the right nutrition. Most
goldfish breed in captivity, particularly in pond
settings. Breeding usually happens after a
significant temperature change, often in spring.
Males chase females, prompting them to release
their eggs by bumping and nudging them.
Do people eat my fish for food and
what makes them unique?
• This amazingly unique small variety of
fancy goldfish that originated from China
with upward pointing eyes that are