Health chapter 11 - St. Dominic High School

Managing Weight and
Eating Behaviors
Chapter 11
Maintaining a Healthy
Lesson 1
Do Now
Text pg. 284 # 1-6
Sum total of all chemical reactions
in a body
Ex: the process by which the body
breaks down substances and gets
energy from food
3,500 calories = 1 lb body fat
Foods high in fat are high in calories
1 gram fat = 9 calories
1 gram protein/carb = 4 calories
Fried foods/creams/sugars are high in calories
Body Mass Index – measure of body weight relative to height
Use to calculate whether you are within the “healthy range
Skin fold tests measure BMI by measuring the thickness of skin
folds at different points on the body to figure out how much fat is
stored beneath the skin
Overweight – having
excess body fat
Below the standard weight
range for your height
Can carry serious health
May be due to genetics or
a fast metabolism
May be due to genetics or
a slow metabolism
Any people who are
overweight consume too
many calories and get too
little physical activity
Managing Your Weight
Target a healthy weight
Set realistic goals
Personalize your plan
Put goals in writing
Evaluate your progress
Healthy Ways to Lose Weight
Choose nutrient dense foods
Watch portion sizes
Eat fewer foods that are high in fats and added sugars
Enjoy favorite foods in moderation
Be active
Tone your muscles
Stay hydrated
Healthful Ways to Gain Weight
Select foods from 5 major food groups that are higher
in calories
Choose higher calories nutrient rich foods
Eat nutritious snacks
Regular physical activity
Physical Activity and Weight
Helps relieve stress
Promotes a normal appetite response
Increases self esteem
Helps you feel more energetic
In class assignment
Workbook pg 42 “Buyer Beware”
Workbook pg. 41 “Strategy Sessions
Workbook pg. 42 Nutrition Notes”
Body Image and Eating
Lesson 2
Do Now
What is body image?
How can body image influence your nutritional health?
Body Image
The way you see your body
Body image can be influenced by:
Media images are not always realistic or attainable in a
healthy way
Fad Diets
Weight loss plans that tend to be popular only for a
short time
Promise quick, easy weight loss
People usually loose weight temporarily and regain it
after going off the diet = Weight Cycling
Usually not very effective
Can pose serious health risks
Most teens should not diet at all unless directed and
monitored by a physician
Types of Fad Diets
Miracle foods
Magic combinations
Liquid diets
Diet pills
Recognizing Fads
In class assignment
Analyze fad diet products and advertisements
Food Ads Checklist pg 86-87
Diet Spy
Lesson 3
In class assignment
Computer lab
Work in groups of 4 to complete the Diet Plan Analysis
Sheet pg. 109
Eating Disorders
Lesson 4
Do Now
Thoughts About My Eating Behaviors pg 201
Anorexia Nervosa
An eating disorder in which an irrational fear of weight gain
leads people to starve themselves
Affected by outside pressures, high expectations, genetics or
biological factors
Develop obsessive behaviors related to foods, such as:
Avoiding food and meals
Eating only a few kinds of food and in small amounts
Weighing or counting the calories in everything eaten
Exercising excessively
Weighing themselves repeatedly
Health Consequences of Anorexia
Brittle bones
Low body temp
Low heart rate
Low blood pressure
Decreased organ size
Heart problems
Bulimia Nervosa
An eating disorder that involves cycles of overeating
and purging, or attempts to rid the body of food
People regularly binge and feel out of control, forcing
down food too fast to taste then purge by forcing
themselves to vomit or taking laxatives to flush the
food out of their system
Typically within normal weight range for age a weight
but have an intense fear of weight gain as with anorexia
Health Consequences of Bulimia
Sore or inflamed throat
Swollen glands
Teeth may become damaged from stomach
Damage to stomach, intestines and
Chemical imbalances can lead to irregular
heart rhythms and heart failure
Binge Eating
An eating disorder in which people overeat
Binges are similar to binge eating in bulimia but are
less frequent
More common in males
Feel powerless to stop it
Health Consequences of Binge Eating
High blood pressure
Type 2 diabetes
Cardiovascular disease
Seeking Help
Eating disorders are illnesses and people with these
disorders should seek help to overcome them
Individual therapy
Behavior therapy
Group therapy
Family therapy
First step to getting help is admitting there is a problem
In class assignment
Write an essay describing how teen magazines portray
teens and their bodies. How might the magazine’s
pictures affect the body image of these teens?
Write a story about a teen who seeks help for an eating
disorder. Describe the symptoms and how the disorder
affects the teen’s life
Eating Disorders pg 112-113
HBO Documentary Films
Lessons 5-7
Eating Disorders
Hey Good Lookin’ What’s
Lesson 8
In class assignment
Work in pairs to recognize the effect the media has had
on body image and self-concept
Eating Disorders pg 201-204
Lifelong Nutrition
Lesson 9
Do Now
Workbook pg 40 Vocabulary
Nutritional Needs
Everyone has different nutritional needs, preferences
and considerations
Factor that influence nutritional needs include:
Activity level
Vegetarian Diets
A person who eats mostly or only
plant-based foods
May be a personal choice or for health
Drawbacks include being lower
nutrients such as protein, iron,
calcium, zinc, and vitamin B
Must take dietary supplements to
obtain all nutrients
Health Conditions
Food allergies
Lactose intolerance
Celiac disease
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Nutrition for Athletes
More calories are needed to produce more energy
Active teens may need 2,000-5,000 calories per day
Active teens should consume nutrient dense foods and
foods higher in carbohydrates
Teens should drink 9-13 cups of water or noncaffeinated beverages per day to avoid dehydration
Dehydration can lead to fatigue, dizziness, light
headedness and cramping
To avoid dehydration drink water before exercise,
about every 15 minutes during exercise and after
Performance Enhancers
Anabolic steroids
Energy drinks
In class assignment
Nutrition Notes pg 43
Workbook pgs. 44-45 Study Guide
Supersize me
Lessons 10-12
Supersize Me Paper