Fast Food Research Study Ashley Peterson Brandi Guertin Lexi Bean Luke Healy Matt Stagnone Introduction • Franklin Pierce College was founded in 1962 by Frank S. DiPietro • This research project was conducted from September to December of 2004 for the population of Franklin Pierce College. • The population of our survey was based on the 1,591 Franklin Pierce College students on the Rindge campus. 2 Problem Statement Our research team came to the conclusion that there is a lack of fast food facilities in the Rindge area. We came to the conclusion that: Research is necessary to determine if Franklin Pierce College students would patronize a fast food chain in Rindge, NH 3 Research Objectives • Determine what criteria are important to consumers with respect to patronizing a fast food establishment. • Determine which fast food restaurant would be most successful in the area. • Determine fast food spending habits. 4 Methodology • First, our team identified the problem of the lack of fast food restaurant choices in the area. We conducted primary research on the fast food industry, as well as speaking to others on campus to determine the fast food demand. • We then created our problem statement. • We then created our research objectives, and created our survey with our objectives in mind. • We used convenience sampling, by handing out surveys to 30 students (15 boys and 15 girls) of each class standing, Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senior. • We analyzed our data using SPSS software, which created our results so that we could determine our conclusions and recommendations. 5 Survey Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Are you on the Meal Plan? How many times a month do you go to the Raven’s Nest Pub? Please circle your response. Which fast food restaurant do you most prefer? Please Rate the following statements: I get hungry between the hours of 10pm and 3 am. I travel outside of Rindge for food. I patronize fast food establishments. I prefer fast food restaurants with the drive-thru option. Based on your own experiences which of the following restaurants has the best customer satisfaction? 6 Survey Continued 9. 10. 11. 12. If there were more fast food options in the Rindge area would you patronize them? What fast food chain would you like to see come to Rindge, New Hampshire? Check the appropriate gender. What’s you current class standing? 7 Are you on the Meal Plan? 25% Yes NO 75% Mode= 1 (yes) 8 How many times a month do you go to the Raven’s Nest Pub? 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 3 6 9 MEAN 9 Which fast food restaurant do you most prefer? 12% 2% Papa John's 14% McDonald's 11% Wendy's Subway 23% 38% Mode= 3 (Wendy’s) Burger King Other 10 I get Hungry between the hours of 10pm and 3am. Mean 2.13 Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 0 10 20 30 40 11 I Travel outside of Rindge for food. 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree 2.38 Disagree Strongly Disagree MEAN MEAN 12 I prefer fast food with the drive-thru option. Mean 2.53 Strongly Disagree Neutral Strongly Agree 0 10 20 30 40 13 I Patronize fast food establishments. MEAN 2.37 Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 0 10 20 30 40 14 Which of the following restaurants has the best customer satisfaction? 15% 8% 14% Papa John's McDonald's 8% Wendy's Subway Burger King 29% 26% Other Mode= 4 (Subway) 15 Cross Tabulations Are you on the meal plan? * W hat is your current class standing? Crosstabulation Count Are you on the meal plan? yes no Total What is your current class standing? Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior 30 30 14 16 16 14 30 30 30 30 Total 90 30 120 Case Processing Summary Valid N Are you on the meal plan? * What is your current class standing? Percent 120 100.0% Cases Missing N Percent 0 .0% Total N Percent 120 100.0% 16 Cross Tabulations Case Processing Summary Valid N Based on your own esperiences, which of the following retaurants has the best customer satisfaction? * Check the appropriate gender: Percent 102 85.0% Cases Missing N Percent 18 15.0% Total N Percent 120 100.0% Based on your own esperiences, which of the following retauran ts h as the best customer satisfaction ? * Check the appropriate gen der: Crosstab ulation Count Based on your own esperiences, whi ch of the fol lowing retaurants has the best customer sati sfaction? Total Papa Johns McDonal ds Wendys Subway Burger King Check the appropriate gender: Male Female 6 4 7 10 15 16 16 18 6 4 50 52 Total 10 17 31 34 10 102 17 Cross Tabulations Case Processing Summary Valid N Which fast food restaurant do you most prefer? * If there were more fast food options in the Ri ndge area, woul d you patronize them? Percent 106 88.3% N Cases Mi ssing Percent 14 Total N 11.7% Percent 120 100.0% W hich fast foo d restaurant do you most prefer? * If there were more fast food optio ns in th e Rin dge area, would you patron ize them? Crosstab ulation Count Which fast food restaurant do you most prefer? Total Papa Johns McDonal ds Wendys Subway Burger King If there were more fast food options in the Rindge area, would you patronize them? Yes No 2 12 5 37 9 21 7 12 1 84 22 Total 2 17 46 28 13 106 18 Limitations • Small sample size • Time • Confusion of questions by our respondents (question 9) • Lack of knowledge of SPSS software 19 Conclusions • Based on our results the top three restaurants students selected to their preference were : Wendy’s with a 38.3% rating. Second was Subway with 23.3%, and McDonald’s with 14.2%. • 64.2% reported that they travel outside of Rindge for food. • 59.2% students reported that they patronize fast food restaurants. 20 Conclusions Continued • 78.3% of students reported that they would patronize a fast food establishment in Rindge. • Subway was recorded as having the highest customer satisfaction ratings at 28.3%, Wendy’s followed with 25.8%. 21 Discussion • More than 87.5% of respondents surveyed replied strongly agree, agree, or neutral when asked if they would patronize a fast food restaurant. • We found that our research for our literature review stated that McDonald’s was the top choice for favorite fast food restaurant. Our survey showed that students would prefer a Wendy’s. • We also found that our research stated that Papa John’s had the highest rating for customer service. Our survey respondents had little to no knowledge of the Papa John’s restaurant. 22 Recommendations • A fast food restaurant should open in the Rindge area, preferably close to campus. • There should be a drive-thru option based on our surveys results of 50% of students strongly agreeing or agreeing with this option. • There should be a fast food establishment which offers late night service for students. Our survey resulted that 70.8% of students strongly agreed or agreed that they get hungry between the hours of 10pm and 3am. 23 The end Thank you for your time Any Questions? 24