Lines and Linear Equations

Lines and Linear Equations
Projector Resources
Projector Resources
Lines and Linear Equations
Formative Assessment Lesson
Lines and Linear Equations
Mathematics Assessment Resource Service
University of Nottingham & UC Berkeley
For more details, visit
Facilitated by:
Jenny Ray, Mathematics Specialist
Kentucky Dept. of Education / NKCES
Projector Resources
Lines and Linear Equations
Participant Learning Target
• I can analyze components of a Formative
Assessment Lesson
– After engaging in a formative lesson from a student’s
perspective, participants will determine how teachers
• Engineer effective classroom discussions, questions,
activities, and tasks that elicit evidence of students’
• Provide feedback that moves learners forward,
• Activate students as owners of their own learning,
• Activate students as learning resources for one another.
Projector Resources
Lines and Linear Equations
Assessment Task
The Race
Read through the questions and try to answer
them as carefully as you can.
Please work independently. (This is important.)
Projector Resources
Lines and Linear Equations
Important Note:
• Due to time constraints, the next component
of the Formative Assessment Lesson must
be envisioned by participants.
• After the initial assessment, the teacher must
collect student responses and note what
their work reveals about their current levels
of understanding, as well as different
• Help students make further progress by
summarizing their difficulties as a list of
Projector Resources
Lines and Linear Equations
Examples of Common Issues &
• Student assumes
Maggie is running the
fastest because at 5
seconds her line is
above Emma’s.
• How can you figure
out the speed of
each runner?
• Student fails to notice
the distance increases
by 5’s, not 1’s.
• What is the scale on
the vertical and
horizontal axes for
each graph?
Projector Resources
Lines and Linear Equations
Lesson Introduction
• Please use white paper and a pen/pencil to
show me your responses to my questions.
Projector Resources
Lines and Linear Equations
Flowing Liquid
Projector Resources
Lines and Linear Equations
Flowing Liquid
Projector Resources
Lines and Linear Equations
Liquid flowing out of the top prism 1
Projector Resources
Lines and Linear Equations
Liquid flowing out of the top prism 2
Projector Resources
Lines and Linear Equations
Liquid flowing out of the top prism 3
Projector Resources
Lines and Linear Equations
Liquid flowing out of the top prism 4
Projector Resources
Lines and Linear Equations
Liquid flowing out of the top prism 5
Projector Resources
Lines and Linear Equations
Liquid flowing out of the top prism 6
Projector Resources
Lines and Linear Equations
Projector Resources
Lines and Linear Equations
Working Together
1. The graphs represent the flow of a liquid either out of the top prism or into
the bottom prism of the container.
2. Take turns to match two cards that represent the movement of water in the
same container.
3. Place the cards next to each other, not on top, so that everyone can see.
4. When you match two cards, explain how you came to your decision.
5. Your partner should either explain that reasoning again in his or her own
words, or challenge the reasons you gave.
6. Some graphs are missing information, such as a scale along an axis. You
will need to add this scale.
You both need to be able to agree on and explain the match of every
Projector Resources
Lines and Linear Equations
Sharing Work
1. If you are staying at your desk, be ready to explain the reasons for your
group’s graph matches.
2. If you are visiting another group, copy your matches onto a piece of paper.
3. Go to another group’s desk and check to see which matches are different
from your own. If there are differences, ask for an explanation. If you still
don’t agree, explain your own thinking.
4. When you return to your own desk, you need to consider as a group
whether to make any changes to your own work.
Projector Resources
Lines and Linear Equations
Whole Class Discussion
Projector Resources
Lines and Linear Equations
• Consider the equation:
h = 5t + 1
This equation describes the flow of liquid
in one of the prisms of the container.
On your whiteboards write an equation
that describes the flow of the liquid in the
other prism of the same container.
Projector Resources
Lines and Linear Equations
• Consider the equation:
h = 5t + 1
This equation describes the flow of liquid
in one of the prisms of the container.
Write an equation that describes the flow
of the liquid in this prism that takes half
the time.
Projector Resources
Lines and Linear Equations
Reviewing the Assessment Task
• Look again at your original, individual
solutions to the problems and consider the
comments on your paper.
• Make some notes on what you have learned
during the lesson.
• Use what you have learned to complete the
new assessment task / revise your answers.
Projector Resources
Lines and Linear Equations
Participant Learning Target
• I can analyze components of a Formative
Assessment Lesson
– After engaging in a formative lesson from a student’s
perspective, participants will determine how teachers
• Engineer effective classroom discussions, questions,
activities, and tasks that elicit evidence of students’
• Provide feedback that moves learners forward,
• Activate students as owners of their own learning,
• Activate students as learning resources for one another.
Projector Resources
Lines and Linear Equations
Thank you for your active
Please let me know if I can assist you in any way.
Projector Resources
Lines and Linear Equations