BILINGUAL PROGRAMS IN EXTREMADURA An experience for improving linguistic skills in primary and lower secondary school. BILINGUAL PROGRAMS IN EXTREMADURA Last year, our Regional Education Authority launched a two year experimental bilingual programme for four lower secondary schools and six primary schools, located in the two main cities of Extremadura (Cáceres and Badajoz). At the beginning of this term the spreading of this programme was considered for other towns across the region ... BILINGUAL PROGRAMS IN EXTREMADURA a result six new secondary schools, among them PEREZ COMENDADOR school, and a similar number of primary schools joined the project last September . BILINGUAL PROGRAMS IN EXTREMADURA Where is Extremadura? Bilingual schools in the region. BILINGUAL PROGRAMS IN EXTREMADURA Three different possibilities were offered to schools in order to develop a bilingual experience: The French-Spanish, the EnglishSpanish and the Portuguese-Spanish sections. PEREZ COMENDADOR (located in Plasencia) chose the English/Spanish option and nowadays is working in a close cooperation with a primary school in the city (EL PILAR) that is launching a similar programme. BILINGUAL PROGRAMS IN EXTREMADURA PEREZ COMENDADOR SECONDARY SCHOOL (PLASENCIA) BILINGUAL PROGRAMS IN EXTREMADURA The aims of the bilingual programmes in our region are : Improving communicative skills of students in foreign languages. Learning contents included in non linguistic areas in foreign languages. Making a cultural immersion in countries whose first language is the one chosen in the bilingual section. BILINGUAL PROGRAMS IN EXTREMADURA PROGRAM STRUCTURE (1/2) This program is intended in its first year for students who have just left primary school at the beginning of lower secondary studies, when they are 12 years old and it will extend in the first two academic courses of the level. Up to three non linguistic subjects can be taught using the foreign language of the bilingual section. BILINGUAL PROGRAMS IN EXTREMADURA PROGRAM STRUCTURE (2/2) In each non linguistic subject considered in the programme, the foreign language must be used in at least one weekly period. The weekly schedule and contents of these non lingüistic subjects are the same as those followed by the rest of the students. In this programme students must study a second foreign language with an additional hour in its weekly timetable. BILINGUAL PROGRAMS IN EXTREMADURA STUDENTS (1/2) They volunteered to take part in the programme. Schools developing this project are allowed to establish selection procedures in order to incorporate students in the programme. Parents sign a compromise on behalf of their children to stay in the program for two years. BILINGUAL PROGRAMS IN EXTREMADURA STUDENTS (2/2) Students with a good level of the foreign language used in activities may be authorised to enter the programme at the beginning of the second year. Such level will be determined by the staff in charge of the programme. At least twenty students are required to begin with the project. Only one bilingual group is allowed in each level. BILINGUAL PROGRAMS IN EXTREMADURA TEACHERS (1/2) Teachers in the project are staff members of schools involved in the bilingual programme who have agreed to participate for a two years period with no extra payment. They must have an adequate level of English. This level is assessed by a University degree in the foreign language or external certificates issued by other institutions (Cambridge University Proficiency test, Official Spanish School of Languages. DELF, etc.) BILINGUAL PROGRAMS IN EXTREMADURA TEACHERS (2/2) Among the teachers involved in the program, there is a coordinator, usually a teacher with a degree in the chosen foreign language. He/She is in charge of: the surveillance of the program. teachers coordination. resource making. everything concerned with the program. courses aimed at improving linguistic skills of staff members. BILINGUAL PROGRAMS IN EXTREMADURA OFFICIAL SUPPORT Schools involved in this bilingual program are provided with a full time native assistant teacher. They are also funded with an extra amount of money . They have priority in the development and funding of European projects such as those included in the Socrates program(Comenius, Arion, etc.). Teachers are encouraged and supported to increase their language skills and methodological knowledge abroad. Profesional development for teachers that take part in the pregramme. BILINGUAL PROGRAMS IN EXTREMADURA ACTIVITIES DEVELOPED IN BILINGUAL PROGRAMME AT PEREZ COMENDADOR SCHOOL. As previously mentioned the program began in our school last september. Since that moment the teachers involved in the project have been working in a number of fields... BILINGUAL PROGRAMS IN EXTREMADURA ACTIVITIES DEVELOPED IN BILINGUAL PROGRAMME AT PEREZ COMENDADOR SCHOOL. Organize Visits to teaching secondary and schools learning with activities previous of students experience included in cothe in Organize courses for the school teachers who may join the project Contribution Establish the to way the the making native of assistant school identification teacher works cards in and Search ofget information related to European programs. Define Establish a common the ways set ofofcooperation communicative between strategies our school in order andtothe be program bilingual to group information (English-Spanish) concerning in non students linguistic admission, areas insearch the years to come. Contributions in coordination meetings with schools involved operation with other members ofother the group. panels. Prepare materials and of resources (printed, multimedia, primary used education in lessons centre taught that in English: is developing basis vocabulary the same bilingual and methodogical (Mathematicsmethods and Design in bilingual & Technology) teachingand anddevelop learning in the program. etc.) gramatical experience structures, in Plasencia. etc. processes, methodological resources tools andtomaterials, integrate English assessment, language partnership in thesewith local community, subjects. etc. BILINGUAL PROGRAMS IN EXTREMADURA ACTIVITIES DEVELOPED IN BILINGUAL PROGRAMME AT PEREZ COMENDADOR SCHOOL. We are also about to embark in other activities in the next few months... Keep Get Design Search aninIntegrate English touch out of partners ofwith version school organisms for activities ofdeveloping our school and in institutions English: European web into and involved include programs guided educational incultural inbetter the Include culture cross curricular contents intrips, order to get abilingual more subjects and levels the program. resources future education: in order for English-speaking students to tours, improve (both games communication developed , countries music, trips, byembassies us skills etc. or included of our cultural in other knowledge of English-speaking countries culture asorastudents way of and tostudent’s establish links web with pages) schools all over Europe. centers hosted in Spain, British Council, private organizations broadening educational background and establishing which usually develop language training programs abroad for links among different countries. students and teachers, etc. BILINGUAL PROGRAMS IN EXTREMADURA SOME POSITIVE ASPECTS OF THE PROGRAMME ACCORDING TO SCHOOLS WORKING IN IT SINCE LAST YEAR After The one assistant year native within teacher bilingual provides teaching,students an invaluble showed help tolocal abeen other better Work inafull group and an interdisciplinary enviroment has There Schools is further involved knowledge in the project of English are well speaking considered countries by culture Familiar commitment withinschool improves in the case of parents perfomance staff members in oral involved communication the project both in in everything English and concerning in the non streghtened with this project. that contributes to a better community. understanding of world’s current who have agreed areas toresource takeincluded partsearching in this bilingual experience. of linguistic in the program. material development, and improvement situation. communicative skills. BILINGUAL PROGRAMS IN EXTREMADURA SOME NEGATIVE ASPECTS OF THE PROGRAMME ACORDING TO SCHOOLS THAT LAUNCHED IT LAST YEAR Additional More printed economical educational funds resources for schools are needed involved ininnon the linguistis program Promoting more meetings between schools engaged in the Streghtening teacher training programs in foreign languages. subjects. Too much in work has developed in and this field. should be revised order tobeen do more activities buy project. educational materials. BILINGUAL PROGRAMS IN EXTREMADURA OTHER ACTIONS DEVELOPED BY REGIONAL EDUCATION AUTHORITY TO IMPROVE FOREIGN LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGEMENT AMONG ALL PRE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS (3-18). this20% academic year threetoprimary in the region are a At least of primary schools includeschools in theirthey’re educational offer A In foreign language is taught children since three years developing the learning and (two teaching processes in the second foreign language a week)described for students old.lessons European Portfolio. attending higher levels. BILINGUAL PROGRAMS IN EXTREMADURA SOME PICTURES OF PLASENCIA. BILINGUAL PROGRAMS IN EXTREMADURA SOME PICTURES OF THE SURROUNDINGS