Answer in 30 minutes Write true or false (with correct) 1- Annelids are segmented worms 2- Annelids are diploblastic 3- Annelids have radial symmetry 4- Annelids just marine animals 5- Annelids use gills in respiration 6- Skin is highly vascularized and must stay moist 7- Segmentation is the subdivision of the body into segments 8- Embryonic segmentation have harmful affect on Annelids 9- Each segment may develop a more or less complete set of young organ systems 10- Segmentation is benefit for locomotion 11- In radial symmetry the parts of the body are arranged around a lateral axis 12- In bilateral symmetry the body has a right and left half that are mirror images of each other 13- Symmetry allows different organs to be located in one part of the body 1 Answer in 30 minutes Write true or false (with correct) 14- Special muscles attached to setae to move setae 15- In polychaetes, oblique muscle groups run into the parapodia for movement 16- Cellular epidermis secretes a cells 17- Cellular epidermis are thickened, non-living transparent cuticle 18- Coelom is not fluid-filled space 19- All organ systems are metameric 20- Nervous System consists of a brain at just . 21- leeches have an anterior brain of two pairs of fused ganglia and a posterior brain of seven pairs of fused ganglia . 22- Circulatory System closed system 23- Blood contains respiratory pigments including oxygen 24- Blood with red cells as O2-carrying molecule 25- Gas exchange by simple diffusion 26- Parapodia in polychaetes act as gills 27- Specialized gills seen in arthropods 2 Answer in 30 minutes Write true or false (with correct) 28- Complete digestive system 29- Crop for digest, Gizzard for grinding 30- Typhlosole with increase surface area for digestion in oligochaetes 31- In tube worm polychaetes, specialized capillary arms or radioles use ciliary action 32- Mucus to trap food particles of a digestible size 33- leeches are parasitic 34- Terrestrial leeches feed on arthropods 35- Ameobocytes found in crop 36- Aquatic annelids secrete urea . 37- Terrestrial oligochaetes secrete high toxic urea . 38- Osmoregulation occurs via the body surface and the nephridia . 39- Monoecious in polychaetes and leeches with internal fertilization and direct development 40- Dioecious (in polychaetes with external fertilization and formation of a trochophore larva . 3 Answer in 30 minutes Write true or false (with correct) 41- Asexual = most less organized animals capable of complete regeneration. 42- Annelids are hermaphrodites - with fertilization 43- Clitellum is a special region at the anterior of the worm 44- Clitellum secretes a mucus cocoon, 45- Clitellum makes protective coat around eggs 46- Diochophore is typical larval stage 47- Annelida have Hirudinea Oligochaetes Uniychaeta 48-Segmented inside and out 49- Parapodia used in feeding with many large number of chitinous bristles setae 50- Polychaetes have distinct head with eyes palps, and tentacles have clitellum separate sexes trochophore larva usually absent mostly fresh water. 51- Polychaetes have prostomium is well equipped with sensory and feeding structures 4 Answer in 30 minutes Write true or false (with correct) 52- Polychaetes are bristle worms mostly marine 53- Many are active predators, while others are filter feeders 54- Many crawl on or burrow in the seafloor. 55- A few drift and swim in the plankton. 56- Polychaetes include carnivores, scavengers, and planktivores. 57- Esophagus is located just below the prostomium, but in front of the modified segments – peristomium 5 6 Syllabus •Introduction •Phylum: Annelida (General charactes) •Nereis •Allolobophra caliginosa •Hirudo medicinalis •Phylum: Arthropoda (General charactes) •Astacus fluviatulis & Neptunus pelagious •Daphnia, Cyclops, Balanus •Scolopendra morsitans, Lycosa ferox •Phylum: Mollusca (General characters) •Acanthochiton spinigira, Helix pomatia •Loligo peadlii, Anodonta sp. •Phylum: Echinodermata (General characters) •Astropecten sp. 7 Aims What do you know about What do you know about Oligochaeta ? What do you know about Hirudinae ? 8 9 Clitellata General Characteristics 1. Pronounced reproductive structure (clitellum). 2. Permanent gonads 3. Hermaphrodites ... each individual is male & female 10 A- Subclass Oligochaeta General Characteristics Earthworms, night crawlers and their allies Most are terrestrial : organisms that extract nutrient material from soil Important as organisms that condition and aerate soil Biodiversity: ~6000 described species Distribution: freshwater >marine Life-style: Free-living, burrowers (few epibenthic or tube dwellers). Detritivores. Ecological & economic significance: Bioturbation, Prey, Bait Small (1 cm) to large (3 meters giant Australian earthworm) in size 11 A- Subclass Oligochaeta General Characteristics • • • Many of the morphological structures are reduced when compared to the polychaetes Prostomium : lacks sensory structures Parapodia are absent; each segment usually contains one or more pairs of setae; used in locomotion • • Aquatic forms : usually have larger setae than the terrestrial forms • Obvious metamerism (segmentation) • •Coelom : separated by septa (but gut is continuous) • •Segments: fused to form clitellum 12 A- Subclass Oligochaeta General Characteristics Body wall: It is covered by a thin cuticle ,perforated by minute pores of epidermal glands. Below the cuticle is the epidermis which is formed of a single layer of columnar cells and contains unicellular glands . These are mucous secreting goblet cells as well as albumen cells. 13 A- Subclass Oligochaeta General Characteristics • Body muscles: Circular and longitudinal muscles • Setal muscles: Protractor and retractor muscles 14 A- Subclass Oligochaeta General Characteristics 15 A- Subclass Oligochaeta General Characteristics Locomotion Peristaltic contractions of circular muscles •Longitudinal muscles shorten and flatten segments Protractor and retractor muscles extend and withdraw 16 A- Subclass Oligochaeta General Characteristics The method of locomotion In the posterior segments: The contraction of the setal muscles brings the seta outside and pushes it into the soil. In the anterior segments: The contraction of the second group of the muscles causes the withdrawal of the setae into their sacs. In the posterior segments: The setae are withdrawn and the segments become free by the contraction of the second group of the setal muscles. - In the meantime: The contraction of the circular muscles of the body tends the body elongated and thus the animal moves interiorly. The setal muscles of the anterior region: Contract thus fixing the setae in the coil to maintain the progress of the animal 17 A- Subclass Oligochaeta General Characteristics Systems of Oligochaeta 1-Digestive system 2-Respiratory system 3-Circulatory System 4-Nervous System 5Reproduction 6-Excretory System 18 A- Subclass Oligochaeta General Characteristics Systems of Oligochaeta 1-Digestive system 1)Mouth : mouth cavity buccal pouch in segments 1 to 3 2)PHARYNX (sucking pump) : a thick muscular pharynx lying in somites 4 to 5 3) OESOPHAGUS: a narrow straight which extends through somites 6 to 14 4)Crop (food storage) : a then walled enlargement in somites 15 to 16 5)GIZZARD (grinding) : a thin muscular walled gizzard in somites 17 to 18 6)INTESTINE (absorption) : a thin walled intestine extending from somite 19 to the aperture its dorsal wall is infolded the typhlosole. 19 A- Subclass Oligochaeta General Characteristics Systems of Oligochaeta 1-Digestive system Note (important) 1- Chloragogen cells for glycogen and fat synthesis •3- Earthworms feed on vast quantities of soil that contains living and decaying organic material. •4- An earthworm ingests its weight in soil every 24-hr •2- calciferous glands (accessory glands that excrete excess calcium from the food) lie at the sides of the esophagus in segments (10 to 12 ) they produce calcium carbonate which they excrete into the digestive tract . 20 A- Subclass Oligochaeta General Characteristics Systems of Oligochaeta 1-Digestive system • 1-In the pharynx: It then passes through the esophagus to the crop where it is stopped temporarily • 4-The food into intestine • 2-In the mean time The food receives a secretion from the pharyngeal glands The secretion from calciferous glands in the esophageal walls is added neutralizing the acids The digestion and absorption takes place The food is broken up into minute fragments 3-The • gizzard 21 A- Subclass Oligochaeta General Characteristics Systems of Oligochaeta 1-Digestive system Note Solid particles such as grains of sand which are frequently swallowed probably aid in this grinding process 22 A- Subclass Oligochaeta General Characteristics Systems of Oligochaeta 2- Respiratory system Lack respiratory organs; gas exchanges occurs across the body wall 23 A- Subclass Oligochaeta General Characteristics Systems of Oligochaeta 3- Circulatory System 1- The blood is bright red due to the presence of haemoglobin in plasma . 2- The main blood vessels extend adjacent to the alimentary canal. 3- Dorsal to it runs adorsl blood vessel witch Is wide and contractile. 4- It contains valves in each segment and the blood passes through it from backward forwards . 5- An other main blood vessel, but narrower and no valves although contractile, runs ventral to the alimentary canal. 24 A- Subclass Oligochaeta General Characteristics Systems of Oligochaeta 3- Circulatory System 6- Both the dorsal and ventral blood vessels are connected to the alimentary canal by mesenteries 7- In addition to these vessels , Other transverse commissures run round from the dorsal vessel to the ventral . 8- subneural vessels giving off branches in their course. 8- There is asubneural blood vessel extending below the nerve cord. 25 A- Subclass Oligochaeta General Characteristics Systems of Oligochaeta 3- Circulatory System Note Pseudo hearts : Six dorso-ventera commissures lying in segment from (6 to 11) are dilated and pulsate rhithmically driving the blood through a system of vessels 26 A- Subclass Oligochaeta General Characteristics Systems of Oligochaeta 3- Circulatory System 1- The blood is oxygmated in peripheral vessels running through the body wall 2- The blood passes from body wall to A - the transverse commissures, B - the dorsal vessel and C - the pseudo hearts . 3 - These pump the blood to the ventral and subneural vessels and then to the different organs of the body. 4- Removal of the excretory substance occurs in the nephridial vessels supplying the nephridia from the ventral blood vessel. 27 A- Subclass Oligochaeta General Characteristics Systems of Oligochaeta 3- Circulatory System The answer : 1. Anus 2. Dorso-subneural vessel 3. Intestine 4. Dorsal vessel 5. Hearts (aortic arches) 6. Mouth 7. Ventral vessel 8. Subneural vessel 28 A- Subclass Oligochaeta General Characteristics Systems of Oligochaeta 4 - Nervous System 1- the brain consists of bilobed suprapharyngeal ganglia and bilobed sub pharyngeal . 2- Each of them jointed with another by circum pharyngeal commissure which pass around the pharynx. 3- Nervous system much like Polychaetes 4- BUT ... sensory organs less developed 3. Cerebral ganglion 6. Nerve collar 7. Segmental ganglion 10. Segmental nerve 13. Ventral nerve cord 29 A- Subclass Oligochaeta General Characteristics Systems of Oligochaeta 4 - Nervous System comparison Place Function suprapharyngeal sub pharyngeal Over the pharynx Below the pharynx 1- gives nerves to the sensitive anterior segments . 2- considered to be centers for touch ,light and smell 1- extends backward a double ventral nerve cord to the posterior one of the body . 30 A- Subclass Oligochaeta General Characteristics Systems of Oligochaeta 4 - Nervous System Note In each segment there is a slight swelling of the cord which may be referred to as a nerve ganglion from the fifth segment to the end of the body each of these ganglia has pairs of segmental nerves ( two of them branching posteriorly and the last pair interiorly . 31 A- Subclass Oligochaeta General Characteristics Systems of Oligochaeta 5- Excretory system Figure 17.14 32 A- Subclass Oligochaeta General Characteristics Systems of Oligochaeta 5- Excretory system These consists of: 1- The nephridia : which arises as ectodermal invaginations and arranged metamerically, a pair in each segment except for the anterior three segments and last one. 2- The nephridium: is covered with a peritoneal layer ( the nephridial peritoneum). 33 A- Subclass Oligochaeta General Characteristics Systems of Oligochaeta 5- Excretory system Description *It starts with a ciliated funnel known as the nephrostome which lies at the posterior aspect of the segment. *From the nephrostome extends a narrow short tube which penetrates through the intersegmental septum and passes to the succeeding segment where it winds on itself about three times and eventually runs ventrally where it opens by the nephridiopore near the ventral pair of setae . 34 A- Subclass Oligochaeta General Characteristics Systems of Oligochaeta 5- Excretory system *Thus each nephridium actually extends • in two segments where the nephrostome projects in the coelomic cavity of the segment in front of the segment which contains the main part of the nephridium and the nephridiopore. *The uriniferous tubule is surrounded • with a network of blood capillaries from which it extracts the waste products and these are eliminated outside the body under the ciliary action of uriniferous tubule. *Just before its opening, the uriniferous • tubule dilates into a bladder or reservoir which is not ciliated internally. 35 A- Subclass Oligochaeta General Characteristics Systems of Oligochaeta 5- Excretory system Note The nitrogenous wastes contain urea and ammonia. Chlorogogen cells, which belong to the coelomic epithelium of the intestines are important in removing excretory material from blood. They break off from the alimentary canal and discharge into the coelomic fluid as vacuoles. They either removed through the nephridiopore or taken up by Ameobocytes which are then deposited in the body wall in the form of cuticle. 36 A- Subclass Oligochaeta General Characteristics Systems of Oligochaeta 6- Reproduction Figure 17.17 37 A- Subclass Oligochaeta General Characteristics Systems of Oligochaeta 6- Reproduction Hermaphroditic, but exchange sperm during copulation During copulation, worms join their anterior ends; held together by mucous secretions from a clitellum After reciprocal copulation, sperm is stored in seminal receptacles Clitellum then secretes a mucous tube that serves as a cocoon The cocoon moves interiorly and eggs from the oviduct and sperm from the seminal receptacles are poured into it; fertilization occurs in the cocoon Cocoon eventually slips off the anterior end of the worm In time, young worms emerge from the cocoon 38 A- Subclass Oligochaeta General Characteristics Systems of Oligochaeta 6- Reproduction 39 B - Subclass Hirudinae General Characteristics Segments obscured by annulations •No setae •Fixed number of segments (33) •Anterior and posterior segments fused to form suckers •Dorso-ventrally flattened •No obvious parapodia 40 B - Subclass Hirudinae General Characteristics • Anterior segments are modified as a small sucker which surrounds the mouth; posterior segments form a larger sucker • Evidence of segmentation externally, but no internal septa • There is serial repetition of many of the organs (e.g., nephridia and testes 41 B - Subclass Hirudinae General Characteristics • • • • Most leeches are active predators; however, some are the parasitic , bloodsucking forms. Blood suckers have blade like jaws that they use to penetrate the skin of a host. Blood is prevented from clotting because they secrete a powerful anticoagulant; anesthetics are also released A muscular pharynx subsequently pumps blood into the gut. 42 B - Subclass Hirudinae General Characteristics • Leeches are hermaphroditic but engage in cross-fertilization; some use hypodermic impregnation • Leeches have a clitellum and are capable of generating a cocoon 43 B - Subclass Hirudinae General Characteristics The body wall: 1- The body is covered externally by a thin cuticle. 2- Beneath it is the epidermis, separated externally by spaces in which blood capillaries run. 3- The spaces between epidermis and enteric canal is filled with botryoidal tissue consisting of large cells loaded with pigment. 44 B - Subclass Hirudinae General Characteristics The coelom 1- it is usually small because of the development of the botryoidal tissue. 2- Botryoidal tissue is homologous to the chloragogen tissue of the oligochaetes. 3- sinuses are is the spaces in the body which are not filled up by this tissue. Note: In many species contain a fluid very much like true blood, reduction of the blood circulatory system with the assumption of such of its function by the coelomic spaces has been a general trend of leech specialization. 45 B - Subclass Hirudinae General Characteristics Locomotion: 1- Hirudo swims freely by dorsoventral undulation of its body . 2- Walks by looping . 3- Alternatively attaching and releasing the anterior and posterior suckers . 4- Bending the body like the Hydra. 46 B - Subclass Hirudinae General Characteristics Systems of Hirudinae 1-Digestive system 2- Respiration system 6- Nervous system 3-Circulatory system 5Reproductive system 47 B - Subclass Hirudinae General Characteristics Systems of Hirudinae 1-Digestive system 1- It is fitted for the digestion of the blood of vertebrates (principal food of some leeches ). 2- the mouth lies in the anterior sucker provided with : A- three jaws armed . B- chitinous teeth for biting. C- salivary glands 3-main feeding anatomies –Jaws –Pharyngeal proboscis 448 B - Subclass Hirudinae General Characteristics Systems of Hirudinae 1-Digestive system Method 1- the blood flow caused by the bite 2- In this time difficult to stop since a secretion from glands opening near the jaws prevents coagulations . 3- Blood is sucked up by the dilation of the muscular pharynx. 4- The short esophagus leads from the pharynx in to the crop (which has 11 pairs of lateral branches). 5- Here the blood is stored until digestive . 49 B - Subclass Hirudinae General Characteristics Systems of Hirudinae 1-Digestive system 6-The intestine leads from the crop and stomach to the rectum which the anus on the dorsal surface of the posterior sucker. 7- the absorbed food passes into the blood vessel and the coelomic cavities , and is carried to all parts of the body. 50 B - Subclass Hirudinae General Characteristics Systems of Hirudinae 1-Digestive system Note 1- A Leech is able to ingest three times its own weight in blood 2-It may take as long as 9 months to digest this amount. 51 B - Subclass Hirudinae General Characteristics Systems of Hirudinae 2- Respiration system 1-It is carried on at the surface of the body. 2-Oxygen being taken into and carbon dioxide given off by many capillaries in the skin. 3-Waste products are extracted from the blood and coelomic fluid by seventeen pairs of nephridia which resemble those of the earthworm but lack the internal opening. 52 B - Subclass Hirudinae General Characteristics Systems of Hirudinae 3-Circulatory system The blood containing spaces are of two kinds: . A- Blood vessels : Blood vessels: proper having muscular walls B- Blood sinuses : Blood sinuses: the walls of which are not muscular 1-The main blood vessels are lateral in position and unite with one another at the anterior and posterior ends of the body. 53 B - Subclass Hirudinae General Characteristics Systems of Hirudinae 3- Circulatory system 2-They send off branches both dorsally and ventrally which break up into capillaries in the integument and nephridia. 3-The two principal siruses are respectively dorsal and ventral. 4-The latter encloses the nerve cord .The two sinuses are connected posteriorly and are also branching and their branches reach the skin . 54 B - Subclass Hirudinae General Characteristics Systems of Hirudinae 4- Nervous system 1-There is a small brain above the pharynx. 2- It connected by two ciricum pharyngeal commissures with the ventral nerve cord. 3-The ventral nerve cord consists of 23 ganglia, situated in the middle of each segment. 4-The first or the sub pharyngeal ganglion is larger than the other and made of 5 united pairs of embryo ganglia. 5-The last ganglion is also made up of 6 united pairs of ganglia distinct in the embryo. 55 B - Subclass Hirudinae General Characteristics Systems of Hirudinae 5- Reproductive system 1.-All hermaphrodite. 2-There are 10 pairs of tests situated in . segment from 12 to 21 3- Each gives off a narrow efferent duct which opens into common vas deferens. 4- In the tenth segment the vas deferens widens to form the coueled vesicular seminalis. 5- It leads to ejaculatory from each duct a narrow tube passes to the penis. 6- Prostate gland surrounded the penis. 56 B - Subclass Hirudinae General Characteristics Systems of Hirudinae 5- Reproductive system 7- There are two ovaries situated in segment 11. 8- From each ovarian sac a short oviduct units with its follow to form common oviduct opens into the vagina which opens on segment behind the male aperture. Note Prostate gland: Its secretion causes the aggregation of the sperms into masses called spermatophore 57 B - Subclass Hirudinae General Characteristics Systems of Hirudinae 5- Reproductive system The eggs collected in the inner part 9- -of the vagina (uterus). 10- Fertilization of eggs some times occur in the vagina. Reproduction method: "Like it in the earth worm" 58 General view Figure 17.20 59 Quiz Clitellata 1- Pronounced reproductive structure ……………… ………………. Gonads Are clitellata unisexual or hermaphrodites illustrate and illustrate the different between the two ? What the meaning of terrestrial biodiversity and distribution ? 60 Quiz What do you benefit in this lecture ? (write in short point and we will see it in the next lecture ) Prepare the next lecture please 61