legislations - Chichester Online

Last Time – Duty of Care
 What are the consequences of unsatisfactory duty of
 List one key point of your complaints procedure, share
this with another member of the group, and then
another, and then another etc...
Today we will look at the various
safeguarding legislations and
guidelines that influence day to day
Our Objectives
 Outline current legislations and guidelines and
demonstrate how they have influenced practice
 Analyse safeguarding polices and procedures
 Explain child protection within the wider concept of
 Verify the role of SCR and public inquiries and how
they have informed practice
 Examine how your practice complies with legislations
relating to information
Current Safeguarding Legislation
and Guidelines
 The protection of children act 1999
 The children act 2004
 LSCB regulations 2006
 Working together to safeguard children 2006/2010
 What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused
 HaSAW 74
 Public Interest Disclosure Act
For each legislation and guideline
briefly explain it and then describe
how your day to day practice has
been influenced by it.
15 minutes complete as home
Safeguarding Policies
For each one bullet point three
ways that you follow the policy in
your setting every day and why it is
We have looked at legislations,
guidelines and policies but what
procedures happen every day that
safeguard children?
 Risk Assessments
 Position of Trust
 Physical Care
 Off- site visits
 Photography
Child protection within the
wider context of safeguarding
Keeping children safe- everyone’s
 Keeping children safe is the one aspect when working
with children and young people that will always come
 ECM framework states “all those who come into
contact with children and their families in their
everyday work, including practitioners who do not
have a specific role in relation to safeguarding
children, HAVE a duty to safeguard and promote the
welfare of children”
It’s not just about child protection
but more about safeguarding,
keeping children safe as a
preventative. If children are kept
safe (safeguarding/ preventative)
would we even have child
protection as a cure?
The Stay Safe Action Plan
 https://www.education.gov.uk/publications/eOrderin
 Please read through the first few pages of this
document- I particularly like the very first paragraph.
Inquiries and serious case reviews
 Serious case reviews are carried out when a child or
young person dies and abuse is known or suspected to
be a factor.
A serious case review might also be undertaken:
 if a child or young person sustains a potentially life
threatening injury or serious impairment of physical of
mental health
 a child or young person has been seriously harmed as
a result of sexual abuse
 a parent /carer has been murdered and a domestic
homicide review is being undertaken
What is the purpose of a serious
case review?
 They are used to identify ways to improve
practice to stop future abuse.
 To establish what lesson can be learned and
ways to improve communication between
individuals and professionals to keep children
safe and promote their welfare.
 Changes to be implemented within and
between agencies and a time scale for these
changes, among others.
A public inquiry is often instigated
after a serious incident, this is an
official review ordered by the
government, and changes or
influences legislation which has an
impact on our practice in settings.
Public Inquiries
 Victoria Climbie Inquiry
 Baby P Inquiry
 Bichard Inquriy
 Vanessa George Inquiry
Victoria Climbié
 128 Injuries
 70 Professionals
What lessons can be learnt
from this tragic case?
 Government ordered an inquiry led by Lord Laming
Report 2003
 Resulted in the Every Child Matters Green Paper and
the Children Act 2004.
 What are the influences
on practice?
Multi Professional
It is deeply disturbing
that during the days and
months following the
initial contact with Ealing
Housing Department,
Victoria was known to
over ten other agencies.
On twelve key occasions
relevant services had the
opportunity to intervene
in Victoria’s life.
‘A gross failure of the
(The Victoria Climbie
Inquiry Report, 2003)
Victoria’s Web
Social Workers
For Your Assignment
 You will need to research the four main inquiries and
summarise your findings.
 Then discuss how practice and or government
guidelines or legislations have been
influenced/changes as a result.
 Finally describe how has the practice setting’s has been
Data Protection and Information
sharing legislations
Data Protection Act 1998
Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998
Freedom of Information Act 200
Putting it into practice...
Complete the handout on sharing
information and keeping
information safe to promote
children’s welfare.
Our Objectives
 Outline current legislations and guidelines and
demonstrate how they have influenced practice
 Analyse safeguarding polices and procedures
 Explain child protection within the wider concept of
 Verify the role of SCR and public inquiries and how
they have informed practice
 Examine how your practice complies with legislations
relating to information
Draw a picture...
Home work
 Section 2 of the assignment
Partnership working