
“It’s all real, but it’s not all true”
ELA 30-1
fiction vs. non-fiction - defined
fiction vs. non-fiction
What do you anticipate in terms of the writer’s purpose, as well
as your own purpose for reading in terms of form and content
and in terms of how you might respond?
What makes each one enjoyable to read? Do you prefer one
over the other? Explain.
real vs. true
What is the difference between “real” and “true”?
Can something that is not “real” nevertheless be “true”?
meaning – semi-autobiographical
Why is Bush bothered by the human tendency to assume works
of fiction are, in fact, semi-autobiographical pieces about their
author? What is this tendency called?
meaning – précis
A précis is a summary in which the most important points in a
larger piece of writing are presented in a concise, logical, and
readable form. Write a précis of this persuasive essay.
form and style – point of view
This essay is written in the first-person point of view. How would it
be different if written in third-person? Does Bush's choice of point
of view contribute to the autobiographical fallacy she argues
against or not? Support your opinion.
If this piece of writing were fiction, would the first-person point of
view contribute to the autobiographical fallacy? Explain.
form and style – choices
Bush's first paragraph is concrete; her final paragraph is abstract.
How does each support her thesis? How do they support each
other? Are these choices effective or not in your opinion?
exploring content
Bush points to the differences between autobiography and fiction
in this essay. Outline the major characteristics of these two forms.
How well has Bush's essay contributed to your understanding of
these forms? What else could she have said that would also
have supported her thesis?
Choose one author whose text was studied in the course of this
unit - Wilfred Owen, Sinclair Ross, William Shakespeare,
Tennessee Williams, or Catherine Bush.
Read one or two more pieces by this author (this will require
research), and then research facts about the author's life.
Does this writer's writing tend to be autobiographical?
Answer this question in an essay of at least five paragraphs.
Read "Research and Ethics" on pages 306-334 of your textbook
Canadian Students' Guide to Language, Literature, and Media.
Review the notes contained in U1L5 - Essay Writing, and the
structure of the skeleton essay in U2L2, which you should use as
a guide for planning your essay.