Corporate fundraising - Aston

Corporate fundraising
Matt Wynes
Corporate Partnership Manager
Richard House Children’s Hospice
Living for today, creating positive memories for tomorrow
Corporate fundraising
Ways in which companies support:
•Charity of the Year
•Cause Related Marketing.
•Project funding and donations.
•Payroll giving.
•Employee led support (staff fundraising).
•Pro bono support.
Living for today, creating positive memories for tomorrow
Corporate fundraising
What do you want from companies?
What do companies want from you?
Living for today, creating positive memories for tomorrow
Corporate fundraising
Corporate fundraising is changing
The days of corporate philanthropy are
Companies want something in return.
Living for today, creating positive memories for tomorrow
Corporate fundraising
Companies want to be able to point to
how their company has made a
difference to social problems.
It's the charity's job to facilitate that
Living for today, creating positive memories for tomorrow
Corporate fundraising
Allen & Overy law firm.
Global Partnership – Afrikids
Previously - Red Cross.
Living for today, creating positive memories for tomorrow
Corporate fundraising
Allen & Overy law firm.
Local community focus –
• Law related charities
• Charities based in or benefit neighbouring
boroughs of Tower Hamlets or Hackney
Charities to which Allen & Overy volunteers have
made a contribution by participating in activities.
Living for today, creating positive memories for tomorrow
Corporate fundraising
So, how do we help a company achieve
their social aspirations?
Living for today, creating positive memories for tomorrow
Corporate fundraising
• Know their objectives, research,
research research.
• Look at your tools/ resources/ mission
• Use their professional skills to help
address your cause (mentoring young
people, employment workshops by
HR team)
Living for today, creating positive memories for tomorrow
Corporate fundraising
• Provide opportunities for staff to learn
new skill’s.
• Team building/ staff development
• Position the company as supporting a
specific community
• Staff motivation
Living for today, creating positive memories for tomorrow
Corporate fundraising
Biggest Company Complaints!
• Lack of professionalism
• “Over-promising” – careful what you
wish for!
• Unsolicited, aimless applications
• Failing to understand why businesses
do CSR in the first place.
Living for today, creating positive memories for tomorrow
Corporate fundraising
Companies want to be able to point to
how their company has made a
difference to social problems.
Living for today, creating positive memories for tomorrow
Corporate fundraising
• Can you support and deliver?
• Have you got the right people in
• Have you got the right ‘ask’?
• Can you deal with demands?
Living for today, creating positive memories for tomorrow
Corporate fundraising
Top tips
• Find an internal advocate
• Build relationships
• Demonstrate understanding
• Listen
Living for today, creating positive memories for tomorrow
Corporate fundraising
Top tips
• Make it a two way partnership
• Contact mapping exercise
• Don’t be put off by the size of the
• Get to know other organisations –
we’re all in it together!
Living for today, creating positive memories for tomorrow
Corporate fundraising
Having said all of that . . .
If you're a small charity, often local and
regional companies just want to give you
a cheque. They want to be believe you
would close down without their donation.
A business-like approach really turns
them off.
Living for today, creating positive memories for tomorrow
Corporate fundraising
There is no one solution.
Research, research, research . . . .
Know your target, be professional, be
focused, address THEIR criteria.
Its not easy and it takes time.
Living for today, creating positive memories for tomorrow
Corporate fundraising
It can be very rewarding
Living for today, creating positive memories for tomorrow
Corporate fundraising
Matt Wynes
Corporate Partnership Manager
Richard House Children’s Hospice
Living for today, creating positive memories for tomorrow
Corporate fundraising
Any questions??
Living for today, creating positive memories for tomorrow