PowerPoints - History @ St Benets

Title: Who were The Tudors?
Learning Objectives:
• To know who the
Tudors are
• To understand the
Historical Context in
which we will be working
Remember as much of the video as
you can because you will need it for
the next task!
Learning Outcome:
• To produce a timeline
Watch the video and see what you can remember
about the Tudors
The Tudors
Put these events into chronological order
The Spanish Armada
England leaves the Catholic
Elizabeth I dies
Mary I is born
Execution of Mary Queen of
Henry VII becomes King
Edward VI is born
Henry VIII becomes King
Elizabeth I is born
1485 Henry VII becomes King
1509 Henry VIII becomes King
1516 Mary I is born
1533 England leaves the Catholic Church
1533 Elizabeth I is born
1537 Edward VI is born
1587 Execution of Mary Queen of Scots
1588 The Spanish Armada
1603 Elizabeth I dies
On one page
in your books
draw a
from1485 –
And draw
these events
on the
You will be
details to
your timeline
as we move
through the
Can I have 9 volunteers?
Come to the front and hold 1 card each.
You have the easy job!
You have to listen to what the rest of the class say and put yourselves into what
THEY SAY is the correct chronological order
Title: Who was Henry VIII?
Date: __________________
Learning Objectives
• To understand what kind of man
Henry VIII was
• To identify key features of his
• To comment on what kind of King
we think he was
Title: Who was Henry VIII?
In pairs look at the source you have been given of Henry VIII
What can you learn from it about Henry VIII?
His physical appearance?
His character?
Aim for two of each
Who was Henry VIII?
Using the sources try to gather evidence that will help you to answer the key question above.
To make sure you have enough evidence you should be quoting from the sources and
explaining what you think that means or tells you about Henry VIII.
What does this source tell us
about Henry VIII?
Source 1
Source 2
Source 3
Source 4
Source 5
Source 6
Source 7
Does it give us any information about
what kind of King Henry might be?
Where did the source come
from? Who wrote it? Is this
Source 2
Henry VIII was so fat that three men had to haul
him out of bed in the morning. His legs had oozing
scabs on them. He was almost bald.
Written by a historian in 2005
Source 1: Portrait of
Henry VIII
Source 7: Portrait of
a young Henry VIII
Source 3
He wore a cap of crimson and velvet the French
way. The brim was tied with loops that had
gold tags. Around his neck was a gold collar
from which hung a diamond, the size of the
largest walnut I have ever seen. From this hung
a beautiful and very round pearl. His cloak was
of pure velvet with a train almost six feet long.
Written by a visitor to Henry VIII’s court.
Source 6
He is very talented: a good musician who
composes well. He speaks good French, Latin
and Spanish. H
He is fond of hunting, and never takes his
sport without tiring eight or ten horses.
Written by a close friend of Henry VIII
Source 4
Henry is very
religious. He hears
three masses daily
when he hunts and
sometimes five on
other days.
Written by a close
friend of Henry VIII
Source 5
Henry was
England’s most
tireless horseman,
foremost wrestler
and a first class
Written by a
historian in 1999
Source 1: Portrait of
Henry VIII
Source 2
Henry VIII was so fat that three men had to haul
him out of bed in the morning. His legs had oozing
scabs on them. He was almost bald.
Written by a historian in 2005
Source 3
He wore a cap of crimson and velvet the French
way. The brim was tied with loops that had
gold tags. Around his neck was a gold collar
from which hung a diamond, the size of the
largest walnut I have ever seen. From this hung
a beautiful and very round pearl. His cloak was
of pure velvet with a train almost six feet long.
Written by a visitor to Henry VIII’s court.
Source 4
Henry is very
religious. He hears
three masses daily
when he hunts and
sometimes five on
other days.
Written by a close
friend of Henry VIII
Source 5
Henry was
England’s most
tireless horseman,
foremost wrestler
and a first class
Written by a
historian in 1999
Source 6
He is very talented: a good musician who
composes well. He speaks good French, Latin
and Spanish. H
He is fond of hunting, and never takes his
sport without tiring eight or ten horses.
Written by a close friend of Henry VIII
Source 7: Portrait of
a young Henry VIII
Source 2
Henry VIII was so fat that three men had to haul
him out of bed in the morning. His legs had oozing
scabs on them. He was almost bald.
Written by a historian in 2005
Source 1: Portrait of
Henry VIII
Source 7: Portrait of
a young Henry VIII
Source 3
He wore a cap of crimson and velvet the French
way. The brim was tied with loops that had
gold tags. Around his neck was a gold collar
from which hung a diamond, the size of the
largest walnut I have ever seen. From this hung
a beautiful and very round pearl. His cloak was
of pure velvet with a train almost six feet long.
Written by a visitor to Henry VIII’s court.
Source 6
He is very talented: a good musician who
composes well. He speaks good French, Latin
and Spanish. H
He is fond of hunting, and never takes his
sport without tiring eight or ten horses.
Written by a close friend of Henry VIII
Source 4
Henry is very
religious. He hears
three masses daily
when he hunts and
sometimes five on
other days.
Written by a close
friend of Henry VIII
Source 5
Henry was
England’s most
tireless horseman,
foremost wrestler
and a first class
Written by a
historian in 1999
What have we learnt about Henry VIII
from the sources?
Write - 2 paragraphs which show your
knowledge about Henry VIII
Success Criteria:
• Remember to use your knowledge of his
appearance and his personality in your
answer to refer to his skills as a King
• Refer to the History Literacy objectives
• Write in a detailed and accurate way
• Refer to details you can see in the
portraits or quote from the sources to
support your answer
Title: Which of Henry VIIIs wives was most successful?
Date: __________________
Learning Objectives
• To further our
understanding of Henry VIII
• To identify and discuss the 6
wives of Henry VIII
Learning Outcome
• To answer the key question
for Henry
Katherine of
Anne Boleyn
Jane Seymour
Anne of Cleves
Catherine Howard
Catherine Parr
Todays Groups
Catherine of
Anne Boleyn
Anne of
Jane Seymour
There are 3 main
reasons why Henry
VIII would marry:
A) Ability to have
sons and secure
Henry a male heir
B) Religion
C) Political Reasons –
For instance does
Henry want to
prevent a war with
Task: Which wife was the most
Each group had been given
information on 1 of Henry’s
wives. From this information
they need to complete the fact
file they have been given and be
ready to explain how suitable
your wife was for marrying
Henry? Would she make a
successful queen?
How suitable your wife was for marrying Henry?
Would she make a successful queen? http://www.youtube.com/
Did Henry find her
What country was she
from? Does this help
England politically?
Which religion is she?
Does this match
Henry and England?
Does she provide
Henry with children?
What goes wrong?
What evidence can you find?
Does this make her a successful
Queen? Explain your answer
How suitable your wife was for marrying Henry?
Would she make a successful queen?
What evidence do you have that she is
a successful Queen?
Catherine of
Anne Boleyn
Jane Seymour
Anne of Cleves
Catherine Parr
What evidence do you have that she is not a
successful Queen?
How suitable your wife was for marrying Henry?
Would she make a successful queen?
Which Queen do you think would be most
With a pencil draw this line in your books and
mark on the Queens!
Which of Henry VIII’s wives was
the most successful?
Explain your answer
Use the writing frame below to guide you:
In my opinion the most successful wife was …
Success Criteria:
• Give 3 reasons for your answer
• Explain why those reasons
mean she was successful
• Aim to write 1/3 – 1/2 of a
• Refer to, and use, the History
Literacy objectives
• Use the writing frame to guide
The first reason is
This reason explains her success because …
The second reason is
This reasons explains her success because …
The third reason is
This reasons explains her success because …
Title: Why did Henry VIII split from the church in Rome?
Learning Objectives:
• To understand the importance of
religion in the time Henry VIII
lived and the impact on Britain
• To learn about why Henry might
have split with the church in
Rome and come to a decision on
this question.
Learning Outcome:
• To complete an explain why
question and an inference square
Do these images tell you why Henry VIII might
want to split from the Church in Rome?
Henry had been married to Catherine of Aragon for many years but
she had only had a baby girl. Henry was very upset as he believed that
he needed a strong male to be the successor of his throne of England.
He decided he needed a new wife!!....
There was no such thing as divorce those days!!!
Henry tried hard to force the Pope (Head of the Catholic Church) to
allow him to divorce but the pope said ‘NO’!!....
Henry was furious!!! Nobody had said no to him in his life before! He
took matters into his own hands…..
Sent his popular wife Catherine away (exile) and married the not so
popular Anne Boleyn…...
What does Reformation mean?
Reformation: a religious and political movement
of 16th-century Europe that began as an attempt
to reform the Roman Catholic Church and
resulted in the establishment of the Protestant
Henry VIII Mystery
So why else did Henry break with the Church in Rome?
YOU are going to investigate!
Read through the information on the cards and have a look at the
pictures – can they help you answer this question?
Now you need to sort the information into categories;
- Personal reasons
- Economic reasons
- Religious reasons
Why did Henry VIII break away from Rome?
Economic Reasons
Personal Reasons
Religious Reasons
Does this source explain why Henry broke with Rome?
What other questions do I want to ask?
What else do I need to know to explain this source?
What do I know already that helps explain this source?
What can I learn from this source?
Describe what is happening in this carving?
What types of people can you identify
Does this source explain why Henry broke with Rome?
Homework answer: Explain why did
Henry VIII split from Rome?
• One reason why Henry VIII split from Rome is ….
• Another reason why Henry VIII split from Rome is ….
• A final reason why Henry VIII split from Rome is ….
Title: Why did Henry VIII break away from Rome?
Learning Objectives
• To apply our knowledge of
why Henry split with the
church in Rome
• To practice our writing skills
Learning Outcome
• To complete our first History
You are going to complete an assessment:
On the back of your
sheet their is a writing
frame to help you.
Your essay should be
¾ of a side of your
book minimum.
Look at the level
descriptors to see what
you need to include.
When you are finished
you need to say what
level you think your
work is and why and
stick in your feedback
Title: Why did Henry VIII break away from Rome?
Review your assessment
Take a few minutes to review my
feedback on your assessment
Complete your progress record in
the front of your books
Complete your contents page
Title: Did ‘Bloody Mary’ deserve her name?
Date: _________________
Learning Objectives
• To investigate what earned
her this nickname
• To debate whether she
deserved this title
Learning outcome:
• To answer the key question
Watch the following
clip from the film
You will be asked to
answer the following
• Who was bloody Mary?
• Why might she have had
this title?
Did ‘Bloody Mary’ deserve her name?
What other questions do I want to ask?
What else do I need to know to explain this source?
What do I know already that helps explain this source?
What can I learn from this source?
Length of Reign
Number of
Heretics Executed
Henry VII
24 years
38 years
6 years
5 years
45 years
Henry VIII
Edward VI
Mary I
Elizabeth I
Did ‘Bloody Mary’ deserve her name?
Evidence to suggest Mary did
deserve her nickname
Evidence to suggest that her nickname
is unfair
Evidence from the
sources – make sure
you are quoting from
the source.
What is your
Decide whether each source suggests Mary was Bloody or Unlucky – put a
brief description of the sources in the correct column.
Did ‘Bloody Mary’ deserve her name?
Explain your answer
Success Criteria:
• Give 3 reasons for your answer
• Explain why those reasons
mean she was successful
• Aim to write 1/3 – 1/2 of a
• Refer to, and use, the History
Literacy objectives
• Use the writing frame to guide
Use the writing frame below to guide you:
In my opinion Mary …
The first reason is …
This reasons explains why because …
The second reason is …
This reasons explains why because …
The third reason is …
This reasons explains why because …
Did ‘Bloody Mary’ deserve her name?
Explain your answer
Use the writing frame below to guide you:
Success Criteria:
• Give 2 reasons for
your answer
• Explain why those
reasons mean she
did or did not
deserve her name
• Refer to, and use,
the History Literacy
• Use the writing
frame to guide you
In my opinion Mary deserved her name
‘Bloody’ because…
This reasons explains why because …
In my opinion Mary did not deserve her
name ‘Bloody’ because…
This reasons explains why because …
Overall I think she did/did not deserve her
name ‘Bloody’ because….
Cast Your Vote!
Mary I deserved to be called ‘Bloody Mary’
Half the top section of your page by drawing
a line in the middle (this does not need to
be the full page only the top section)
On one side you have 3 minutes to draw
what you think Elizabeth I looked like.
When Elizabeth I came to the throne in 1558 after the death of her
sister, Mary she needed to win the support of all her people:
• Catholics
• Protestants
• Those who believed that a woman could not run a country by
One of the best ways for a monarch to win support was by making a
tour of the country and showing themselves to the people. In Tudor
times this was called a 'progress'.
This was not an option for Elizabeth because she had many Catholic
enemies and it was not safe for her to travel around the country. She
chose, instead, to use portraits to show herself to her people.
Now on the other side …
Draw out the descriptions:
• Short about 5'3 or 5'5 with brown eyes and red curly hair.
• Afraid of mice.
• Bad tempered and would throw things or threaten to send
courtiers to the Tower if upset.
• Swore and spat when angry.
• Teeth were black with tooth decay and speech was sometimes
difficult to understand because of missing teeth.
• Very superstitious and was afraid of black magic.
• Only bathed once every few weeks.
Title: Who was Elizabeth, according to her portrait painters?
Learning Objectives
• To understand what Queen
Elizabeth looked like and to
study the importance of
• To identify aspects of her
Learning Outcome
• To write an explanation of
how portraits helped her
Elizabeth 1st – Her portraits
Look back over your
description and drawing of
How would you describe
her in one word
Now look at this portrait
and compare it with your
drawing and description
Two similarities
Two differences
Who was Elizabeth I and what kind of Queen was she?
What impression does
this give of the Queen?
Can you see anything
important in the portrait?
At what point in her reign do
you think this was produced?
Fill in your table
Fill in your table
Fill in your table
Fill in your table
Fill in your table
Fill in your table
What impression do you get of Elizabeth from her portraits?
Give five words to describe her based on the portraits we have
Can you think of two reasons why Elizabeth would want
portraits like this painted?
Explain how this portrait would have helped
Elizabeth gain support.
One way this source would have helped her gain
support is …
There is evidence in the source to support this …
Another way this source would have helped her gain
support is …
There is evidence in the source to support this …
Overall I think portraits helped Elizabeth gain
support because……..
Title: How did Tudor women make themselves ‘beautiful’?
Date: ________________
Learning Objectives
• To investigate the beauty
regime of Tudor Women
• To research the effects of
Learning Outcomes
• To write a persuasive
magazine article
What do you
beautiful for a
How do
Using pages 50 and 51 in the Folens Britain 1485-1750 text book.
You are going to produce a magazine article entitled “Tudor
Beauty Tips”
In the article you will be expected to:
• Discuss some of the substances used for beauty purposes in
Tudor times.
• Discuss why they were used
• Discuss why Tudor women wanted to look this way.
• Encourage people to use these tips!
Remember! You are writing to PERSUADE people to use
these beauty treatments so you will need to include:
• Facts (you can make them up)
• Anecdotes (a little story which shows you are right and they
SHOULD use these tips)
• Personal opinion (say what you think)
• Expert Opinion
• Rhetorical Questions
Remember to avoid telling the
women they will end up looking
like this!
Title: Who should Queen Elizabeth I marry?
Date: _______________________
Learning Objectives
• To understand why marriage
was so important to a female
• To evaluate the options
Elizabeth had
Learning Outcome
• To come to a decision about
who Elizabeth should marry
and justify it.
Title: Who should Queen Elizabeth I marry?
In pairs discuss why Elizabeth may want to get married
In the front of your books answer the question
Why would Elizabeth want to get married?
One reason is
Another reason is
A final reason is
Welcome to a very special
edition of Blind Date.
In our audience tonight
we have the English
Parliament, and they are
here to choose a husband
for a very special lady.
The audience all have a
sheet that they will be filling
in as our suitors give their
answers to three questions.
And at the end of the
programme they will vote to
decide who our lovely lady
will marry.
So, without further ado
Let’s bring
in the boys!
Number 1
Number 2
Number 3
Who should Queen Elizabeth I marry?
Contestant 1
Country of Origin –
why might this be
Religion – why might
this be important?
Wealth – why might
this be important?
Are there any other
details you need to
take into account?
Do you think they
would make a good
husband for
Elizabeth and why?
Contestant 2
Contestant 3
Hello, Number 1
What’s your name and
where do you come from?
My Name’s Robert Dudley,
Earl of Leicester and I’m also
from England
Hello, Number 2
What’s your name and
where do you come from?
My Name’s Phillip II and
I am from Spain
Hello, Number 3
What’s your name and
where do you come from?
My Name’s Francis, Duke of
Alençon and I am from
Now let us meet our
very special girl.
It is my honour to introduce to
you all the most magnificent,
the great, the most glorious….
Queen Elizabeth I
Hello everyone, I am Your Queen,
and I know how much you want
me to get married.
You believe that if I marry I will
produce a male heir, England will
remain Protestant and my new
husband will use his influence to
protect my country from war.
To help you decide who I should
marry I have three questions to
ask each suitor
Question Number 1
My father went through a
lot of pain, and lost many
friends (and wives) to turn
England into this great
Protestant country.
What is your preferred
Question to Number 2
Your father Henry VIII was
a great man, however he was
Catholicism is the true
Philip II Spain
Question to Number 1
Protestant of course,
I am a real
Englishman, loyal to
you my lady
Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester
Question to Number 3
I have to agree
with contestant
number 3. I will
stick to my
Catholic roots!
Francis, Duke of Alençon
Don’t forget to fill in
your worksheet as we go
through the questions.
You will need this
information to decide
who to vote for later
Question Number 2
As Queen, I enjoy the
finer things in life.
Good food, fine
wines, expensive
clothes and I just love
buying make-up.
My second question is,
are you rich?
Question to Number 1
Oh yes, rich rich rich. I
made most of my
money in the trading
companies, and a little
extra spending money
in the court.
Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester
Question to Number 3
My brother is the King of
France and I have lots of
money and some estates
in France. However my
older brother inherited
most of my fathers land.
Francis, Duke of Alençon
Question to Number 2
I have gold from South
America, and I own a lot
of other countries. I will
share all I have with you.
Choose me as your
Philip II Spain
Question Number 3
We all have skeletons in
the closet. I have my
cousin Mary locked up as
we speak!
My third question is, is there
anything you think I should
know before my parliament
decides who I should marry?
Question to Number 3
Although I am Catholic, please
remember we French do not
hate England as much as the
Spanish do.
I understand that some people
in England have published a
pamphlet warning you not to
marry me. Please don’t listen
to them.
Francis, Duke of Alençon
Question to Number 2
I spoke to the Pope the other
day, and he said I should have
nothing to do with Protestant
But we know each other well, I
was married to your fine sister
Mary. She knew that England
should be Catholic.
Philip II Spain
Question to Number 1
We have known each other
since we were children. You
know I love you.
It was terrible when my wife
Amy fell down those stairs to
her death. But you must
know, the rumours that I
murdered her are just not
Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester
How fantastic was that!
What a difficult choice.
You must now make up your
minds, who should Good
Queen Bess Marry?
Before you make your final
decision here is a reminder
of our four fabulous suitors
Suitor, Number 1
Dudley has known the
Queen since they were
But did he murder poor
Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester
Suitor, Number 2
A Catholic who plans to
defend his faith.
He is very wealthy, but
his former wife was
Elizabeth’s sister Mary
Phillip II of Spain
Hello, Number 3
He is a French Catholic, but
does not hate England as
much as the Spanish hate
us. He is very rich and his
brother is King of France, a
good Ally.
Loyal fans of Elizabeth have
published a report urging
Elizabeth not to marry him.
Francis, Duke of Alençon
How fantastic was that!
•Robert Dudley
•Phillip II Spain
•Francis Duke of Alencon
Well done all votes are in
While the votes are being
counted, let us ask the
Queen who she would like
to marry.
Over to you Your
Although all of these
contestants would make a
wonderful husband, I can
choose to marry only one.
After a lot of thought, I
have made my decision.
I will marry the only one
that I can be 100% faithful
My Country
Your Vote
We can now reveal who
you thought the Queen
should marry.
It is…...
She was the most eligible woman in
the world!
So why did she fail to get
Write down one reason why you
think Elizabeth didn’t get married.
Reasons why Elizabeth didn’t get married:
• She wanted to control her own future
• She had seen how Henry VIII (her father) treated his
• She was already in love but was not allowed to marry him
(Robert Dudley)
• She had been abused as a child by Thomas Seymour
• She had seen the problems created by her sisters
marriage to a foreign King
• She worried how Protestant England would react to a
Catholic King
• She didn’t want to marry someone she had never met
Why was marrying so
important for Elizabeth?
Title: Was Elizabeth right to chop off another Queen’s head?
Can you break the code?
1st one Hero Card
What is going on?
What other questions do I want to ask?
What else do I need to know to explain this source?
What do I know already that helps explain this source?
What can I learn from this source?
Title: Was Elizabeth right to chop off another Queen’s head?
Date: __________________
Learning Objectives:
• To investigate the relationship
between Elizabeth I and Mary Queen
of Scots
• To come to a decision to whether
Elizabeth’s actions were justified
Learning Outcomes:
• To answer a ‘how far’ question
Can you break the code?
Was Elizabeth right to chop off
another Queen’s head?
• On each table is a set of cards. Each card is part of the story of
Elizabeth and Mary Queen of Scots. In your groups, put the
cards in chronological order.
• What reasons can you find to show that Elizabeth was justified
in believing Mary was a threat? Display on your single bubble.
• What evidence can you find to support Mary’s actions in trying
to become Queen? Display on your single bubble.
• Do you think Elizabeth’s execution of Mary Queen of Scots was
justified? Explain your answer.
Was Elizabeth right to chop off another
Queen’s head?
What reasons
can you find to
show that
Elizabeth was
justified in
believing Mary
was a threat?
What evidence
can you find to
support Mary’s
actions in
trying to
become Queen?
‘Elizabeth WAS right to chop off another Queen’s
head’ How far do you agree with this statement?
Explain your answer
Success Criteria
•Write 3/4 - 1 side of your book
•Give 2 reasons to agree AND 2
reasons to disagree
•Explain each reason
•Refer to the History literacy
•Use the writing frame to guide
your structure
Introduction: 2 sentences
• Who was Mary Queen of Scots and why did
Elizabeth chop of her head?
• Give two reasons why Elizabeth WAS right to chop
off Elizabeth's head and explain those reasons
• Give two reasons why Elizabeth WAS NOT right
to chop off Elizabeth's head and explain those
• Do you think Elizabeth was right or not and why?
Title: How successful was Elizabethan foreign policy?
Date: _____________________________
Learning Objectives:
• To assess the relative success
of each Tudor monarch
• To compare the reigns of
each Tudor monarch
Learning Outcomes:
• To reach a justified
judgement in answer to the
key question
Why did Spain attack England in
One reason is …
Because …
Another reason is …
Because …
A final reason is …
Because …
How successful was Elizabethan foreign policy?
Why did Spain attack in 1588?
• Elizabeth was a Protestant, whereas Philip
was a Catholic. Her reforms (changes) had
angered him.
• Elizabeth had been forced to execute the
Catholic Mary Queen of Scots after she
plotted to have Elizabeth killed, which
greatly annoyed Philip.
• Elizabeth had refused to marry Philip, and
rejected his advances.
- All in all, Philip was very angry!
Compare the two fighting plans on your sheet – which one do you
think would be most successful and why?
A reminder of what happened!
How successful was Elizabethan foreign policy?
Elizabeth’s Tactics
Poor Spanish Planning
How successful was Elizabethan foreign policy?
Place these sources in the correct
column on your table:
"I sent you to fight with men, and not
the weather."
"The English ships were better built
and better manned. Their skillful use
of artillery gave them a great
Philip II, 1588
J. Oliphant in his 1920 book
"God blew his wind, and they were
Inscription on the Armada medal,
issued by Elizabeth I in 1588
"Did Philip plan carefully enough?
Some suggest his plan was certain to
"The Spanish fleet was defeated for the
first time… only against the hurricanes
and gales did we lose."
"Elizabeth made clever use of what we
would now call propaganda. She made
a public appearance with her troops."
"There is evidence to suggest that the
Spanish cannonballs didn't fit properly
into the Spanish cannons!"
A modern historian
L Ortez Munro in his 1940 book
from a modern historian
From the Internet
How successful was Elizabethan foreign policy?
• Elizabeth addressed her
troops at Tilbury, which is
not very far from here!
• She made a very famous
speech, which has been
used by several historians as
evidence that she was a
‘strong’ monarch.
• Read through the speech to
find evidence for the
argument that Elizabeth I
was a strong monarch.
How successful was Elizabethan
foreign policy?
How to answer this question!
Answer it! Do you think it was
successful or not?
Then give a reason why you
think that and explain why this
reason makes you think it.
Give another reason and
And for bonus points! Aim to
give a third reason and
EXAMPLE: Do you think this is this a
successful way to answer the question?
This is a successful way to answer the question.
One reason for this is that you stay focussed on
the question you are being asked and you don’t
start writing things that are not relevant.
Another reason is that it shows you understand
the topic and you haven’t just repeated what
the teacher has said because you have
explained yourself.
Title: Was the Spanish Armada a success?
Date: ________________
Learning Objectives
• To understand what was the
Spanish Armada?
• To be able to judge its
Learning Outcomes
• To produce a storyboard of
Read through the cards
which tell you the story
of the Spanish Armada
Once you have read them
you must attempt to put
them in chronological
You are now going to create your own storyboard of events (you will
need this information for your assessment)
You are now going to create your own storyboard of events
(you will need this information for your assessment)
The Spanish Armada
Draw six pictures in chronological order showing the key events in
the story of the Spanish Armada
Write a caption for each picture
Title -Why did the Spanish Armada fail?
Look over your story board
List three reasons why you think the Armada failed
My 1st reason is……….. This caused the Armada to fail because…
My 2nd reason is………. This caused the Armada to fail because…
My 3rdreason is……….. This caused the Armada to fail because…
You need to read the cards in your envelope.
They are all reasons behind the failure of the Armada.
You are going to diamond rank these reasons.
Most important
Least important
Explain why the Armada failed
Look carefully at your Diamond Rank
Copy the top three reasons and the bottom reason into your books
Explain why you think they are important and not important reasons
Most important
reason and
reason for choice
2nd most
reason and
reason for choice
least important
reason and
reason for choice
3nd most
reason and
reason for choice
Explain why the Armada failed
Success Criteria
• Write 1/3 – 1/2 of a side
of your book
• Give 3 reasons for failure
• Explain why each reason
led to failure
• Refer to the History
literacy objectives
• Use the writing frame to
guide your structure
The Spanish Armada was a failure.
One reason it failed was …
This led to it being a failure because …
A second reason it failed was …
This led to it being a failure because …
Another reason it failed was …
This led to it being a failure because …
• Complete the multi flow map and bring to next
lesson to support your assessment
Multi-Flow Map!
The Failure of
the Spanish
Title: Why did the Armada Fail?
Date: ______________
Learning Objectives
• Why did the Armada fail?
• How important was this for
England and Elizabeth?
Watch the following
clip from Elizabeth: The
Golden Age
Learning Outcomes
• To complete an assessment.
Be ready to give reasons
why the Armada failed.
Why did the Armada fail?
On the back of your sheet
their is a writing frame to
help you.
Your essay should be ¾ of a
side of your book
Look at the level descriptors
to see what you need to
include, you should be
aiming to do better than
your last assessment.
When you have finished,
note down what level you
think you deserve and why
and then stick in your
feedback sheet.
Title: Which Tudor was the most successful monarch?
Date: ________________
Learning Objectives:
• To assess the relative success
of each Tudor monarch
• To compare the reigns of
each Tudor monarch
Learning Outcomes:
• To reach a justified
judgement in answer to the
key question
makes a
King or
makes a
King or
Review your assessment
Complete your progress record
Contents page
Who was the most successful Tudor
Your challenge is to produce a poster to
explain why your monarch should be
considered the best.
Five key examples that show they were a
good ruler
Include illustrations to support your
Slogan that sums up your monarch
Henry VIII
Henry VIII
Which Tudor was the most successful monarch?
Henry VIII
Mary I
Elizabeth I
Task – Research the strengths and weaknesses of each monarch
and come to a decision over which one made the most successful
Which Tudor was the most successful monarch?
What religious
change took place?
Was a settlement
Was there political
stability? Were there
any wars? Was the
monarch popular?
Henry VIII
Mary I
Elizabeth I
Who was the most successful monarch and why?
How was the
economic stability of
the country? Was the
country in debt or
Were there any
other concerns?
Were there any
Stand under the monarch you think was the most successful
Be ready to explain why!
Henry VIII
Mary I
Elizabeth I