Ladybugs! Written and Illustrated By: Dazey Messer Table of Contents • • • • • • Ladybugs, How you know them 1 Did you know? 2 Where do ladybugs live? 3 Ladybug’s Predators 4 Ladybug diet 5 Ladybug colors and kinds 6 Ladybugs, How you know them! Ladybugs are insects. Insects have six legs and three parts of their body. The head, thorax and a abdomen. The abdomen is their bottom. You know it’s a ladybug by it’s color. They can be red, orange, yellow or yellowish brown. It can be any of those colors with black spots. They are symmetrical which means both sides are the same. They can have different kinds of designs. Did You Know? Did you know a long time ago doctors smashed ladybugs to put in cavities to cure a tooth ache? In spring the mom ladybeetle lays tiny yellow eggs in a cluster of ten to fifty. Ladybugs after laid hatch in to two-five days. Some ladybugs only live to two-three days. There are five-thousand different kinds of ladybugs and only three options to call it. They are ladybird, ladybeetle or ladybug. Ladybugs with a lot of spots are good luck. One ladybug can eat to five-thousand aphids in a lifetime. Depending on species they can have spots, stripes and non. When a ladybug fly's its wings beat five-hundred times a minute. Ladybugs in a lifetime lay one-thousand eggs. Ladybugs will not fly when it’s below fifty-five degrees Fahrenheit! Fungus bug Lady bird : A fungus bug looks like a ladybug and that’s what keeps safe from harm. Ladybugs taste nasty. Ladybugs are light colored to make birds stay away. Sometimes a ladybug when scared will play dead. Did you know ladybugs will also suck nectar from flowers? Where do ladybugs live? Ladybugs can live any were that’s not cold. Ladybugs can live in lamps, trees, bushes, grass, or flowers. Ladybugs could also come in a house and become a pest or a pet. In winter, they huddle together in the bark of a tree. Half of the ladybugs will die if it’s a cold enough winter. Ladybug predators Ladybugs predators are ants. The ants drive away the ladybug to get to the aphids. If you spray poison on your plants to kill the bugs than your also killing the ladybugs. Never put poison on your plants just let ladybugs do the job. Ladybugs will eat the aphids. Ladybug diet A ladybugs diet is mostly aphids and aphids are green flies. Ladybugs eat roses too. Aphids suck sap from plants. Larva eats by sticking it’s jaws into the aphid and sucking out the juices. Big aphids try to get away by kicking the larva of the plant, falling off the plant or put sticky liquid on the larva’s head. The larva eats hundreds of aphids and gets a little bigger as it eats. A pupa breaks out of a chrysalis just like a butterfly. After that it turns to a ladybug. It rests for some time For it’s wing case to harden and turn to a ladybug color. Then it fly's away for more Food. Ladybugs colors and ladybug kind Eye-Spotted ladybug The Couergen ladybeetle has a pair of white dashes on it’s pfothax. The seven spotted ladybeetle is named for it’s seven spots. Nine spotted ladybeetle is named for it’s nine spots. Pine ladybeetle is named for it’s home in a pine tree. Eye spotted ladybeetle named for it’s spots that looks like eyes. Twice-stabbed ladybeetle named after it’s two red spots. Ladybugs have up to twenty-four spots. Ladybugs that have a lot of spots are good luck. Resources .Library think quest .Backyard Insects By: Millicent E. Selsam and Ronald Goor and photographs By: Ronald Goor .I would like to thank Mrs.Debord and Mrs. Ashley my second grade teachers. I would like to thank Mrs.DeBord and Mrs. Ashley, my second grade teachers. I’m a eight year old second grader who loves ladybugs. I always thought ladybugs were fascinating. I have learned lots of things about ladybugs from my book. I was born July 11, 2002. I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did making it.