The Software Challenge • People may come and go, but software may remain • A software product is often expected to be used for an extended period of time by someone who did not write the program and who is not intimately familiar with its internal design • Software may evolve • New features may be added, environments may change, so initial specification may be incomplete 1 The Software Specification Challenge • Software specification is not easy • It should be generated at the beginning of project and maintained up-to-date while the software goes through changes • It should be clarified through extensive interaction between the users and the system analyst, and then approved by the users • It should be clear and understandable to any programmer 2 The Software Life Cycle – The Life and Death of Software • Software products go through several stages as they mature from initial concept to finished product • The sequence of stages is called a life cycle 3 Software Life Cycle Models • Waterfall model: simplest way of organizing activities that transform software from one stage to another • Activities are performed in sequence and the results of one flows into the next 4 Waterfall Model 1 2 3 4 5 Requirements (requirements are determined) Analysis (requirements are analyzed) Design (components are designed) Implementation (components are implemented) Testing (components are assembled and tested as a whole) 5 Software Life Cycle Models • Waterfall model is simple but unworkable • Fundamental flaw is assumption that each stage can and must be completed before the next one occurs • Sometimes, it is not until the product is finished that the user can fully express his or her requirements 6 Software Life Cycle Activities 1) Requirements Specification 2) Design a. Architectural Design b. Component Design c. Detailed Design 4) Test a. Unit Test b. Integration Test c. Acceptance Test 5) Installation 6) Maintenance 3) Implementation 7 Design Principles in Software Life Cycle Activities • Top-down approach: breaking a system into a set of smaller subsystems • Object-oriented approach: identification of a set of objects and specification of their interactions • UML diagrams are a design tool to illustrate the interactions between • Classes • Classes and external entities 8 Requirements Analysis, Use Cases, and Sequence Diagrams • First step in analysis is to study the problem of input and output requirements carefully to make sure they are understood and make sense • Use case: list of the user actions and system responses for a particular sub-problem in the order that they are likely to occur • Sequence diagram: shows all the objects involved in this use case across the horizontal axis, time is shown along the vertical axis 9 Pre- and Postconditions • Precondition: a statement of any assumptions or constraints on the method data before the method begins execution • Postcondition: a statement that describes the result of executing a method 10 Using Abstraction to Manage Complexity • Abstraction is a model of a physical entity or activity • Abstraction helps programmers deal with complex issues in a piecemeal fashion • Procedural abstraction: distinguish what is to be achieved by a procedure from its implementation 11 Using Abstraction to Manage Complexity (cont’d) • Data abstraction: specify the data objects for a problem and the operations to be performed on them without concern for their representation in memory • Representation of a data object is irrelevant to other classes that access to it only via its methods Information hiding: concealing the details of a class implementation from users of the class 12 An Example: Telephone Directory • Maintain a collection of telephone directory entries, where each entry is referred to by a unique name. • Can read from a file, save to a file, lookup, add, remove, and change phone number 13 Dependencies Among Possible Actions 14 Object Relations 15 Things you already know (about) ... • • • • • Java programs (you know and love) Classes and objects (you can create and use) Inheritance (you understand and can extend) Abstract classes (you remember what they are) Interfaces (your contractual obligations) • Interfaces are a key idea in CSC220 16 Interfaces • The interface specifies the names, parameters, and return values of the ADT methods without specifying how the methods perform their operations and without specifying how the data is internally represented • Each class that implements an interface must provide the definitions of all methods declared in the interface 17 Interfaces • You cannot instantiate an interface; that is, can’t invoke “new INTERFACE_NAME” • You can declare a variable that has an interface type and use it to reference an actual object • A Java interface is a contract between the interface designer and the programmer who codes a class that implements the interface 18 Public Methods of PhoneDirectory Interface Method Action public void loadData(String fileName) Loads the data from the data file whose name is given by fileName public String addOrChangeEntry(String name, String number) Changes the number of the individual with the name to the number public String lookupEntry(String name) Searches the directory for the name public String removeEntry(String name) Removes the entry with the given name public void saveData(String fileName) Saves the data in a load-able format in the data file whose name is given by fileName 19 The PDUserInterface Interface • There is only one required public method, processCommands, which takes input from the user and executes the command • Two different implementations: • PDGUI: a GUI-based implementation • PDConsoleUI: a console-based implementation 20 PDGUI: Implementation as GUI • Uses JOptionPane dialog windows String[] commands = {"Add/Change Entry", "Look Up Entry”, "Remove Entry", "Save Directory", "Exit”}; do { choice = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog( null, “Select a Command”, “PhoneDirectory”, JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTIONE_MESSAGE, null, command, command[commands.length – 1]); switch (choice) { case 0: doAddChangeEntry(); break; case 1: doLookupEntry(); break; case 2: doRemoveEntry(); break; case 3: case 4: doSave(): break; default: // Do nothing. } } while (choice != commands.length – 1); // No parent // Prompt message // window title // Option type // Message type // Accompanying icon // Choice names (array) // Default command 21 PDConsoleUI: Implementation Using a Console • Uses System.out to display the menu of choices and results. • It also uses a Scanner object (scIn) created out of to read data from the keyboard. // Constructor /** Default constructor. */ public PDConsoleUI() { scIn = new Scanner(; } … choice = scIn.nextInt(); // Get next choice. scIn.nextLine(); // Skip trailing newline. 22 ArrayBasedPD that Implements PhoneDirectory Interface, Private Data Fields Data Field Attribute private static final int INITIAL_CAPACITY The initial capacity of the array (or the array size). It has the “final” attribute so change is not allowed. private int capacity The current capacity (or the array size), so the capacity changes private int size The number of entries held in the directory private DirectoryEntry[] theDirectory The directory realized as an array of DirectoryEntry objects private String fileName The name of the data file private boolean modified A boolean variable that maintains whether any change has been made to any entry since the last time the data were saved or loaded. Data is automatically saved at closing if this variable is true. 23 The Private Methods of the ArrayBasedPD Class Private Method Action private int find(String name) Searches the array for the name and returns the position of the name; -1 indicates that the name was not found private void add(String name, String number) Adds to the array a new entry with the given name and number private void reallocate() Creates a new array with twice the capacity of the current one with the same entries 24 DirectoryEntry Class Data Field Attribute private String name The name of an individual private String number The phone number of the individual Constructor Action public DirectoryEntry(String name, String number) Create an entry with the name and the number Method Action public String getName() Retrieves the name of an individual public String getNumber() Retrieves the number of an individual public void setNumber(String number) Sets the number of an individual to the give number 25 Implementing and Testing the Array-Based Phone Directory • The main loop of ReadData has two notable points • The while and if statements combine an assignment with a conditional statement • The break statement allows exiting of the while loop without storing an entry // Read each name and number and add the entry to the array. BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File (this.filename))) while ((name = in.readLine()) != null) { // Read name and number from successive lines. if ((number = in.readLine()) != null) { break; } // No number read, exit loop. // Add an entry for this name and number. this.add(name, number); } 26 Code Reuse • A part of program can be reused for other programs • If there is a code for maintaining a phone book (adding, removing, editing, loading, and storing), some of the ideas and concepts used for the code can be used for writing a code for maintaining business cards. 27 Maximizing Code Reuse • View the program to be developed as a process of dealing with data • The data has to be maintained during execution of the program • The data may be read from and/or stored into files • The data may be generated from input • Various operations on the data may be performed 28 Abstract Data Types • Abstract data type (ADT) = the combination of data together with its methods (how the data objects are accessed) • ADTs specify a set of required methods, but do not specify how those methods should be implemented (that’s why they are called “abstract”) • “Data structures” quite often refer to ADTs • For frequently used ADTs the most efficient universal (applicable to the vast majority of programming languages) implementations are known 29