Network Programming: Syllabus Spring 2009, Prof. Kihyun Pyun Network Computing Lab. ( 1 Evolution of Data Communication Networks (1) r A key motivation r A typical key cost : communication media installation cost r Equipments are relatively cheap! Evolution of Data Communication Networks (2) r If a new technology requires a new network infrastructure, reconsider it! m m m Is it worth for investing a BIG money? As an example, think about the video conferencing technologies in 1970s xDSL technologies are good examples for success Evolution of Data Communication Networks (3) r Due to a tremendous initial investment for a network backbone infrastructure m traditionally telecommunication companies leads the trend • E.g., FrameRelay, ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode), … m existing infrastructures are reused as much as possible • However, equipments can be replaced more easily than transmission media Evolution of Data Communication Networks (4) 인터넷 망 전체 구조 인터넷 서비스 제공자 (ISP) 고비용, 기존망 활용 WAN 라우터 가정망 ISP (케이블 모뎀, xDSL, etc) 서버 회사망 PC 노트북 무선 AP 저비용, 이더넷 LAN 5 Evolution of Data Communication Networks (5) r An example 수십 ~ 수백 Km 거리, 56 Kbps 이하 인터넷 검색 인터넷 연결을 위한 중간 다리 역할 가정 인터넷 컴퓨터 전화 모뎀 전화모뎀 컴퓨터(고성능 컴퓨터) 전화망 가정 컴퓨터 가정 컴퓨터 전화 모뎀 전화모뎀 전화 모뎀 전화모뎀 Evolution of Data Communication Networks (6) Another example 300 m 이하 거리, 10 Mbps 이상 인터넷 가정 컴퓨터 전화선로 ADSL 모뎀 분리기 (splitter) 분리기 (splitter) 중계기 (MSLAM) 전화망 300 m 이하 거리, 10 Mbps 이상 가정 컴퓨터 전화선로 ADSL 모뎀 분리기 (splitter) 분리기 (splitter) Figure 16.1 McGraw-Hill Connecting devices ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2004 Figure 16.2 McGraw-Hill Repeater ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2004 Figure 16.3 McGraw-Hill Function of a repeater ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2004 Figure 16.4 Hubs Dummy hub : multi-port repeater McGraw-Hill ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2004 Figure 16.12 McGraw-Hill Star backbone ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2004 Residential access: cable modems Diagram: Introduction McGraw-Hill 1-13 ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2004 Cable Network Architecture: Overview Typically 500 to 5,000 homes cable headend cable distribution network (simplified) McGraw-Hill home Introduction 1-14 ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2004 Cable Network Architecture: Overview cable headend cable distribution network (simplified) McGraw-Hill home Introduction 1-15 ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2004 Cable Network Architecture: Overview server(s) cable headend cable distribution network McGraw-Hill home Introduction 1-16 ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2004 Cable Network Architecture: Overview FDM: V I D E O V I D E O V I D E O V I D E O V I D E O V I D E O D A T A D A T A C O N T R O L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Channels cable headend cable distribution network McGraw-Hill home Introduction 1-17 ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2004 Evolution of Data Communication Networks (6) A short history Telegraphic communication Message Telephone networks Voice Telephone and Data networks Voice, data Winner? ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) Voice, video, data ALL IP ?! B-ISDN (Broadband ISDN) Voice, video, data Internet Data, voice by VoIP, video Analog wireless communications Voice McGraw-Hill Digital wireless communications Voice GSM Voice CDMA Voice, data CDMA2000, HSDPA, … Voice, video, data ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2004 프로토콜 스택 (Protocol Stack) 다양한 통신선과 장비가 서로 통신할 수 있도록 정한 규약들 전화선, 동선, 광케이블 등 국제 표준화가 필요 Layering을 통해 복잡성을 줄임 하위 계층의 기능을 상위 계층에서 활용 Network Computing Lab. ( 19 ISO의 OSI reference model OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) reference model ISO에서 만듦 7 계층 참고 모델일 뿐! Application Presentation Session Transport Network Data Link Physical Network Computing Lab. ( 20 Internet protocol stack application: supporting network applications m FTP, SMTP, STTP application transport: host-host data transfer m TCP, UDP transport network: routing of datagrams from network source to destination m IP, routing protocols link: data transfer between neighboring network elements m link physical PPP, Ethernet physical: bits “on the wire” Introduction 1-21 Protocol layering and data 스택구조로 사용 먼저 넣은 것이 가장 늦 게 나옴 Each layer takes data from above adds header information to create new data unit passes new data unit to layer below source M Ht M Hn Ht M Hl Hn Ht M application transport network link physical destination application Ht transport Hn Ht network Hl Hn Ht link physical M message M segment M M datagram frame Introduction 1-22 토론 마당 새로운 선, 예들 들면 USB 선에 연결된 마우스를 인터넷에서 접속하는 것이 가능할까? 어떻게? 혹은 CDMA망에 인터넷은 어떻게? TCP IP CDMA CDMA Physical Physical Network Computing Lab. ( 23 프로토콜 예제 TCP/IP TCP/IP TCP/IP TCP/IP TCP/IP TCP/IP Ethernet Ethernet X.25/… X.25/… UTP UTP Coaxial Coaxial WCDMA/ Wibro Wireless channel WCDMA/ Wibro Wireless channel 하부망 특정 프로토콜 (예: ARP, RARP) 하부망 특정 프로토콜 (예: 기지국 찾기, …) 네트워크 프로그래밍은 넓은 관점에서는 위의 모든 프로토콜 영역에 적용할 수 있어야 함. 그러나 하부망 특정 프로토콜 영역은 (소켓프로그래밍에서 Raw 패킷 ) 이 과목에서 주로 다루지 않음 Network Computing Lab. ( 24 고려해야 할 프로토콜들 TCP 오류없는 데이터 전송 보장 UDP 효율적인 데이터 전송 (패킷 소실 가능) 응용 프로토콜 FTP, Telnet, … OSPF FTP HTTP RIP TCP UDP IP Network Computing Lab. ( 25