VSS and training tools

VSS to implement strategies
and use of VSS training tools
Topic of this lesson
• From national strategies to work plans and
how to implement them.
• How to use the training tools of the VSS.
From strategy to plan
• When a strategy has been adopted a plan needs
to be written about how to implement the VSS.
• This is mostly a multi-annual plan along with a
detailed annual plan.
• Sometimes to be followed with detailed short
term plans like quarterly plans.
• Planning leads to the design of implementation
• To make implementation plans training of staff is
Planning and Programming
• The statistical organization is advised to draw up
a work plan.
• Best is to have a multi-annual work plan.
• This can be for a three or five year period.
• The plan should list by topic or sector all ongoing
work that is relevant and leads to results.
• Also planned new work for that period part of the
strategy and not part of the strategy.
• And mention what is financed and what not.
Yearly and quarterly
work plans
• Yearly plan should only mention what actually
will be done in that year: ongoing and new.
• By what unit of the organization/system.
• Under which conditions and timeframe.
• What (intermediate) results will be produced.
• How many staff are involved.
• Quarterly work plans are the quarterly versions of
yearly plans. They describe progress.
Recommended info
on the VSS
• The VSS has sections on management and
organizational issues.
• The VSS has a training course on the
management of statistical systems.
• The VSS has an eLearning course on the
management if statistical projects.
From plan to
implementation plan
• The work plan provides lists of tasks that the organization is
involved in.
• These are: ongoing routine work, special tasks and new work
and planning of new work.
• New task can be defined as “projects”, with a beginning, an
end and specific deliverables.
• In principle all work can be defined as projects, as long as
specific outputs at the end of the plan period are expected.
• This approach will lead to the definition of a lot of projects,
which include regular work.
• After a strategy and a work plan a project
needs an implementation plan.
• An implementation plan is a technical project
description about what technical and
organizational steps will be made.
Types of statistical projects
• Some scholars think that only new and short activities
can be called projects.
• Here we assume that all new activities can be called
• In theory all activities that produce outputs can be
called projects.
• A statistical project can be some type of survey, or part
of that.
• Including data collection from administrations.
• ICT work, data analysis and even improving
administrations can be considered projects.
More types of
statistical projects
Projects can be:
Covering all activities and themes of statistics.
New and short in duration.
New and long in duration.
Technically simple.
Technically very complex.
Using management tools
• Central in the management of projects are the units of
management. That’s is about what has to be managed.
• In projects we use defined activities, staff and budget.
• Activities are defined by using the Work Breakdown
Structure process approach(WBS).
• With a WBS process a project is broken down into
separate WBS activities.
• A WBS activity is a complete and coherent set of
actions for which we can allocate staff, budgets,
responsibilities, accountabilities and information and
training needs.
The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
approach to define core activities
• Each project consist of a list of WBS activities.
• Each of these activities should be well defined in detail.
• The WBS core activities are the unit of management and
• It has a start and an end time.
• It has a defined set of inputs: staff and budget.
• It has a defined set of outputs (reports/products).
• It has a defined set of training needs that should be
Using Knowledge
• Projects can be split into two levels
- The general level of the project.
- The specific level for each of the defined core
• This corresponds roughly with general knowledge
about the project (objectives and activities) and
specific knowledge needed at each core activity
• Clearly there may be an overlap between general
knowledge and specific knowledge.
Getting knowledge you need
• Each project and each activity have their own sets of
knowledge needs.
• Knowledge does not normally exists with workers but
needs to be created and maintained.
• This is done by training events or self study.
• Training events:
– Courses, workshops, classroom use of VSS e-Learning.
– Can be Certified or Not Certified.
– Self study: books, articles, VSS e-learning courses. Certified
or not certified.
• The next slide is listing the available eLearning courses
on the VSS.
VSS eLearning courses
Courses on:
Management of Statistical Systems
Project Management of Statistical Surveys •
Presentations/ Power Point 20 lessons
Presentations/ Power Point 24 lessons
Power Point
6 lessons
Labor Market Statistics and Survey Design •
Justice, Security and Crime Statistics
Quality Assurance of the Census.
Power Point (voiced over)
Power Point (voiced over)
Power Point
20 lessons
20 lessons
20 lessons
Agriculture Statistics.
Business Statistics and Business Register.
System of National Accounts (basic and
Government Finance Statistics
Power Point
Power Point
Power Point
Power Point
20 lessons
20 lessons
10 lessons
10 lessons
Power Point
20 lessons
Twenty Animated Lessons
Training of staff
• Organizing training events, using the VSS in
different forms:
- Following formal training courses (delivered by
- Following specific training events: courses and
workshops; in-house or other. (delivered by own staff)
- Following VSS e-Learning (future option).
• With different types of support: professional
trainers/facilitators, in-house staff, other.
• With different duration and different costs.
Using VSS training tools
• Training events need a training plan and training
curriculum. For general and specific stats topics.
• Define the stats project and the separate core activities and
identify the training needs,
• A match can be made between staff and training needs.
• Training can be followed by staff according to their needs.
• This can be done in classroom situations (preferred), using
distance learning (future option), or self paced (by
individual staff members).
• For class room situations facilitators and trainers need to be
trained first and made available.
Applying the VSS training
• When knowledge has been absorbed: what to
do with it?
• It needs to be applied.
• The best way to use trained skills is to apply it
in concrete projects.
• Therefore staff to be trained should work in
projects with specific activities for which
training is needed.
Interactivity on the VSS portal
• Registered VSS users can communicate and
contribute by:
– Using the VSS Wiki and uploading their own
– Using the VSS discussion groups and starting or
participating in discussions.
– VSS Wiki and VSS discussions are organized by