Section 14.1 Teamwork Back to Table of Contents Teamwork 14.1 WHAT YOU’LL LEARN How teamwork benefits both team members and businesses The steps involved in establishing and maintaining a successful team continued Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work Teamwork 14.1 WHAT YOU’LL LEARN What total quality management is and how it affects workers. Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work Teamwork 14.1 WHY IT’S IMPORTANT To succeed in the workplace, you’ll need to be aware of current trends such as teamwork and total quality management. Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work Teamwork 14.1 KEY TERMS self-directed cross-functional team functional team team planning facilitator total quality management (TQM) Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work Teamwork 14.1 Teamwork in Business Some teams are supervised by managers. Others are self-directed. Members of a self-directed team are responsible for managing their own progress. Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work Teamwork 14.1 Why Businesses Encourage Teamwork Teams tend to be more productive than the same number of employees working separately. Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work Teamwork 14.1 Why Businesses Encourage Teamwork The benefits of teamwork include: improved quality and customer service, increased employee morale, and fewer layers of management. Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work Teamwork 14.1 Why Businesses Encourage Teamwork Rewards for the worker include: greater job satisfaction, improved self-esteem, and better communication. Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work Teamwork 14.1 Worker Rewards Teams rotate tasks among members. This reduces boredom and allows each team member to develop an array of skills. Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work Teamwork 14.1 Worker Rewards Each team member helps to make and carry out decisions. Workers receive satisfaction from being in charge of their own work. Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work Teamwork 14.1 Worker Rewards Workers in a team learn about each other’s behavior, attitudes, and ways of thinking. They get along better and are not quick to judge one another. Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work Teamwork 14.1 Types of Teams A functional team is a group of people from one company department or area of expertise who work together to reach a common business goal. Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work Teamwork 14.1 Types of Teams A cross-functional team is a group of people from two or more departments or areas of expertise who work together to reach a common business goal. Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work GraphicTeamwork Organizer 14.1 Functional Team Types of Teams • People from a single department or area of expertise • Common goal •May be managed or self-directed • Require team planning • Require cooperation, communication Cross-Functional Team • People from different departments or areas of expertise Both Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work Teamwork 14.1 Team Planning Team planning involves setting goals, assigning roles, and communicating regularly. Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work Teamwork 14.1 Setting Goals A good place to start is with your company’s overall goal, or mission. A company’s mission statement expresses its purpose and values. Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work Teamwork 14.1 Setting Goals Keep your company’s mission in mind when you begin a project. Then set short-, medium-, and long-term goals. Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work Teamwork 14.1 Setting Goals First, break your project into smaller tasks. Then assign a start date and an end date for each task. Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work Teamwork 14.1 Setting Goals A tracking schedule identifies the people who will work on each part of a project. It tells when they will start and when they will finish. Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work Teamwork 14.1 Assigning Roles and Duties A facilitator is a leader who helps a team work more smoothly by coordinating its tasks. Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work Teamwork 14.1 Assigning Roles and Duties When assigning roles in the workplace, it is important to match tasks to abilities. Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work Teamwork 14.1 Regular Assessment If a project doesn’t get assessed regularly, small problems can become major obstacles. The key to assessment is communication. Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work Teamwork 14.1 Regular Assessment Assess progress on a regular basis. Rethink team goals if necessary. Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work Teamwork 14.1 Potential Obstacles Common team problems are: unclear goals, misunderstanding about authority, confusion about how to assess the performance of individuals, competitiveness, continued Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work Teamwork 14.1 Potential Obstacles resentment at a lack of individual recognition, and reduced effort by individuals on the team, especially when the size of the team increases. Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work 14.1 Teamwork Being an Effective Team Member Attitudes and actions for being an effective team member are to: Make the team’s goals your top priority. Listen actively and offer suggestions. Follow up with team members outside meetings. continued Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work 14.1 Teamwork Being an Effective Team Member Follow up on your assignments. Work to resolve conflicts. Respect the other team members. Inspire other employees to get involved. Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work Teamwork 14.1 Total Quality Management Total quality management (TQM) is a theory of management that carefully coordinates company efforts to achieve customer satisfaction and continuous product improvement. Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work Teamwork 14.1 Total Quality Management In TQM, every worker at every stage is challenged to find ways to improve the quality of the product. Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work Teamwork 14.1 Total Quality Management TQM defines a customer as anyone who receives the results of your work. This can mean either a coworker or an outside customer. Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work Teamwork 14.1 Total Quality Management Responsibility for providing quality isn’t limited to salespeople. Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work Teamwork 14.1 SECTION 14.1 REVIEW Key Concept Checkpoint Comprehension 1. What might be the consequences of employees not working as a team? continued Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work Teamwork 14.1 SECTION 14.1 REVIEW Key Concept Checkpoint Comprehension 2. The salespeople in an appliance store are planning a campaign to improve sales. Identify short-, medium-, and long-range team goals. continued Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work Teamwork 14.1 SECTION 14.1 REVIEW Key Concept Checkpoint Comprehension 3. Choose two obstacles to team success, and provide suggestions for dealing with them. continued Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work Teamwork 14.1 SECTION 14.1 REVIEW Key Concept Checkpoint Comprehension 4. Your company has decided to change to a TQM style of management. Describe two ways that this might affect you as an employee. continued Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work Teamwork 14.1 SECTION 14.1 REVIEW Key Concept Checkpoint Critical Thinking 5. What types of people might find teamwork especially difficult? Chapter 14 • Teamwork and Leadership Succeeding in the World of Work End of Section 14.1 Teamwork Back to Table of Contents