Third Grade Common Core Math Presentation Feb20

Please complete your morning work!
(keep for later)
Introductions & Norms 
Your “LAMP” presenters
 Christy Frank: Franklinville
 Please silence cell-phones
 Kirsty Hughes: Trinity
 Please no side-bar conversations
 Christin Frank: Trinity
 Please fill the “parking lot”
 Tamara Lafferty: Franklinville
 Erin Stolp: Hopewell
 Kim Wilburn: Farmer
 Tammy Routh: Tabernacle
 Layla Fields: Southmont
whenever you have a question!
Common Core
State Standards
Learning Targets
 Gain an awareness of the content and
structure of the Common Core State
Standards for Mathematics
 Understand the meaning of the
Mathematical Practices in the CCSSM and
apply the practices to your current
classroom instruction
 Become familiar with the content
standards at your grade level
Common Core Notebooks
 Math Section
& Glossary
Learning Progressions
Unpacking Document
Crosswalk Document
Common Core
State Standards
Design and Organization
Standards for Mathematical Practice
Carry across all grade levels
Describe habits of mind of a mathematically expert student
Standards for Mathematical Content
K-8 standards presented by grade level
Number and Operations
Counting and Cardinality
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Number and Operations in Base Ten
Number and Operations—Fractions
Measurement and Data
Design and Organization
Grade Level Overviews
Design and Organization
Content standards define what students should
understand and be able to do
 Clusters are groups of related standards
 Domains are larger groups that progress across grades
Grade Level
Content Domains
Illustrative Mathematics Tools
Common Core Resources
Common addition and subtraction situations
Common Core Resources
Operations and Properties Tables
Table 3. The properties of operations
Unpacking Document
Scavenger Hunt
1. What grade is the standard algorithm for
multiplication taught?
2. What grade introduces the concept of
3. What grade has volume as a critical focus area?
4. Which grade teaches cardinality?
5. By the end of what grade should students
memorize addition facts?
6. What grade is responsible to teach the eight
mathematical practices?
7. Line symmetry is introduced in what grade?
8. What grade are the concepts of area and
perimeter taught?
Time to Reflect
Vertical Progression
Look at handout; CCSS “Learning Progressions”:
 What will they already know?
 What do they need to know?
 Create a flow-chart showing how your table’s BIG
IDEA progresses throughout K-5.
Focal Points & Critical Areas
Focal Points
Critical Area
Grade Big Ideas
Take a break…!
…10 minutes
Equal Groups
Materials on your table: colored tiles, construction
paper, cm squared paper, scissors, glue sticks,
 With a partner use tiles to create as many different
arrays as you can for your assigned product.
 As you make each array, copy it on to cm squared
paper and label it with the matching multiplication
 Glue your arrays on the construction paper. Make a
title showing the number you were assigned.
Unit 5, Session 3.1 “Arranging Chairs”
Exploration Stations
What makes this activity a good task?
What mathematical practices are reinforced with
this station?
 What content standards or big ideas are
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving
6. Attend to precision
Overarching habits of mind of a productive
mathematical thinker.
Standards for Mathematical Practice
2. Reason abstractly and
Reasoning and Explaining
3. Construct viable arguments
and critique the reasoning of
4. Model with mathematics
5. Use appropriate tools
Modeling and Using Tools
7. Look for and make use of
8. Look for and express regularity
in repeated reasoning
Seeing Structure and Generalizing
*p. 3 Unpacking Document
Mathematical Practices Picture Sort
 Sort the pictures to match each
mathematical practice
 Pictures may fit multiple categories
Mathematical Practices
Construct viable arguments and
critique the reasoning of others.
Attend to
Quick Search!
Using your NEW CCSS notebook…
1. Find the standard and sample activities that match
the math activity we just completed.
2. Does it match more than one standard?
Mathematical Practices
Mathematical practices describe the
habits of mind of mathematically
proficient students.
In your classroom,
Who is doing the talking?
 Who is doing the thinking?
 Who is doing the math?
Is there any place for drill and practice?
“Yes! However the tragic error is to believe that drill
is a method of developing ideas. Drill is only
appropriate when (a) the desired concepts have
been meaningfully developed, (b) students already
have developed (not mastered) flexible and useful
procedures, and (c) speed and accuracy are needed.
Watch children drilling basic facts who are
counting on their fingers… What they may be
improving is their ability to count quickly. They are
not learning their facts.”
Van de Walle “Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics” p. 21
Time to Reflect
What’s In
What’s Out
Challenges for Next Year
 What concepts need to be addressed in order to help
students transition to the new math standards?
Time to Reflect
Investigations Alignment
 How will Investigations align with the new
Common Core State Standards?
Goals of Investigations
 Support students to make sense of mathematics
and learn that they can be mathematical thinkers.
Focus on computational fluency with whole
numbers as a major goal of the elementary grades.
Provide substantive work in important areas of mathematics—
rational numbers, geometry, measurement, data, and early
algebra—and connections among them.
Emphasize reasoning about mathematical ideas
Communicate mathematics content and pedagogy to teachers.
Engage the range of learners in understanding mathematics.
Investigations and the CCSS
 Close alignment between Investigations & the CCSS
 New work builds on and extends the existing work within the
grade level.
 Some sessions have been omitted to allow for new material.
 Mathematical Practices are aligned with the goals
and principles of Investigations and deeply
embedded in the fabric of the curriculum.
 The Investigations curriculum when taught as
intended, offers students and teachers coherence,
focus, clarity and specificity in the teaching and
learning of mathematics.
“While the CCSS Content Standards describe
what mathematics students should be able to
understand and do, the mathematical
practices describe how students should
engage with these mathematical concepts
and skills. The Investigations curriculum is
intentionally designed to promote a deep
understanding of mathematics and develop
mathematically proficient students who can
think, reason, model and solve problems.”
(Standards for Mathematical Practices in Investigations in Number, Data and Space, p. 6.)
Grade Level Adaptations
Using Investigations to Implement the Common Core – November 4, 2011
Investigations Alignment
 Resources:
 Investigations and the
Common Core State Standards
 Also found online
Investigations Alignment
Investigations and the CCSSM
 Companion materials to Investigations
Investigations and the Common Core State Standards
 Each grade level resource book contains:
An instructional plan for adapting existing content
and adding new content
Teacher and student materials for new content
Sessions, Classroom Routines/TMM, Teaching/PD Notes,
Resource Masters, Assessments
Detailed correlations between Investigations and
Mathematical Practices and Content Standards
 “Snap-in” Instructional Plan Tabs for each unit
How the New Content is Addressed
 Teaching/Math Notes
 Ten Minute-Math/Classroom Routines
 Homework & Practice Pages
 Sessions
Content & Pacing
Time to Reflect
CCSSM Resources
Technology Resources
DPI Wiki
CCSSM Resources
Common Core State Standards Live Binder:
 Resources:
 21st Century Skills
 Common Core State Standards & Essential Standards
 Crosswalks
 Unpacking Documents
 Investigations & CCSSM
 Websites
Math Resources
Aegom Interactive Smartboard Lessons
Video Resources
 Annenberg Media Videos & Resources
 browse. html?discipline=6
 Discovery Education/United Streaming
Math Resources
 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
 Teaching Children Mathematics
Math Resources
 SMART Exchange
 netTrekker
Common Core Resources
 ACRE: Common Core State and Essential Standards
 ACRE: Instructional Support Tools
 Tools for the Common Core Standards
 Illustrative Mathematics (CCSS Tools & Resources)
 Common Core Wiki (by Drew Polly)
 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Math Resources
Time to Reflect