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New Associate Training Series
Business Format
The Start-Up
The Fast Start Challenge
Your (or your new associate’s) beginning
days with WFG are pivotal to your
success. The first few days set the
tone for your business career.
You alone set the standards of excellence
that will carry on for all of your future
Golden Rule: A recruit is not a recruit
until he/she has a recruit and both of
them have gone through the Eight
Speed Filters.
The Fast Start Challenge
At this point you should have completed the Sign-Up Process
(Filters 1-4) and now must complete the Start-up Program
(Filters 5-8) to get off to a fast start.
Fast Start/Upstart Program:
Complete Speed Filters 5 – 8 in the first 10 days after
submitting your AMA.
How To Get Off To A Fast Start
Fast Start Program (Complete Filters 5 - 8 within the first 10 days)
Sit down with your Leader and spouse to develop a
Prospect List and identify the Top 25 Target List.
Determine Immediate Goals.
OFF TO A FAST START. — Immediately begin
to invite people to the Corporate Overview or to do a field
presentation to begin the recruiting process to build your team.
NEEDS ANALYSIS. — Together with your leader and your
spouse, complete the personal financial review, and determine
which concepts and products might fit your individual needs.
The Fast Start Checklist
Chronological Order of Starting Your Business
Complete the Associate Membership Agreement and
submit a money order or credit card online. Upon
approval, you will receive a code number.
Review the six steps in the BFS with your leader and
develop your personal business plan.
Set up five Field trainings (KTPs) immediately and Identify
your top three contacts, invite them to the next Corporate
Overview. Master the invitation. Your ability to identify,
invite and bring quality guests to Corporate Overviews will
determine your level of success.
Complete the Fast Start/Upstart Program.
Set time each week for contacting new prospects.
The Fast Start Checklist
Chronological Order of Starting Your Business
6. Prioritize start-up activity:
Learn and follow the BFS, and consistently invite and
bring high-quality guests to the Corporate Overview.
Attend all other special leadership events.
7. Submit your licensing paperwork, study the material,
schedule and pass the tests.
8. Follow the accountability program with your leader.
Seven Keys to a Fast Start
During the follow-up interview, take in the following important points:
1. Attend all meetings.
 Learn and perfect the Business Format System.
 Set an example for your team.
2. Develop a complete prospect list.
 Add names to the list, don’t eliminate them.
 Always carry your list with you, work it and
constantly update it.
3. Master the invitation.
 Avoid the Scenario of Disaster.
 Sell the dream and show enthusiasm.
Seven Keys to a Fast Start
4. Set goals.
Decide exactly what you want to accomplish.
Write down your goals and read them aloud twice a day.
5. Begin field training immediately.
Follow the Associate Field Training program.
Learn the business firsthand from experienced leaders.
6. Remain positive.
Have a positive mental attitude at all times.
Don’t let negative people kill your dreams.
7. Be coachable.
Follow the system.
Align yourself with your team leader and WFG.
WFG Field Training
World Financial Group’s Associate Field
Training program is one of most
important ways for you to learn to be
Trained and effective leaders are willing to
spend their valuable time helping you
build your business. They will model for
you and teach you compliant and
successful methods in both recruiting
and sales.
WFG Field Training
In what areas should an associate be
field trained?
The simple answer is – in all areas.
Your Training should include, but not be limited to,
the following areas:
 The invitation – in person and via telephone
 Setting the appointment – in person and via
 Recruiting presentations
 The Sales Process
WFG Field Training
Your leaders will provide field training at the
point of contact so you can learn how to
use the invitation script and set
Your Field Trainer will help you identify the
people on your list whose situation is
likely to provide the best learning
opportunities for you.
You bring the relationship; the Field Trainer
brings the credibility and the know-how.
WFG Field Training
“How much field training will I receive?”
Field training will be provided while you are
productively engaged in the process until
you are able to get quality results on
your own, or in some cases, until you are
ready to field train other associates.
Additional training will be provided by
continuously attending Corporate
Overview meetings and by doing Oneon-One Corporate Overviews with your
WFG Field Training
“When will I be prepared to field train?”
You will be ready to field train when you:
Understand how to comply with applicable insurance and
securities laws and regulations.
Have mastered the invitation and setting appointment scripts
to the point where you can effectively get a prospect to a Corporate
Overview meeting or set a solid appointment to meet.
Give a fantastic “First Presentation.”
Analyze client information and design a suitable proposal.
Give a fantastic “Closing Presentation” and consistently close the sale.
Overcome competition.
Know how to get referrals from 1) new associates’ target market lists,
2) clients, and 3) the FORM method by turning strangers into friends.
Are a believer in the mission.
Are capable of making a positive impression on a new associate
and a prospect.
Exchange Principles
Some of the great building catalysts that create and accelerate
the multiplication power of the System are the Exchange
Principles. All five are required or the system breaks down.
1. Personal Sale Exchange
One thing that makes us unique is the Personal
Sale Exchange. Most companies in our industry
allow their agents to sell products to themselves.
This is a very limited one-time benefit. With World
Financial Group you exchange the chance to
make your own personal sale for the opportunity to
make the suitable personal sale to those you
personally recruit after you are licensed.
Exchange Principles
2. Field Training Exchange —
Generate Activity and Learn
This is an important part of the learning process
for the new associate to receive invaluable field
Trainers are compensated for training you through
the business they write in training situations as
they help you learn how to do this business.
You give up the sales from your warm market to
your field trainer one time for the privilege to earn
for the rest of your career through training your
new recruits.
Exchange Principles
3. Promotion Qualification Exchange
The Promotion Guidelines have been created to help you
develop the skills and knowledge required to become a
SMD and run your own business. Obviously your upline
SMD will earn an override for teaching you the finer points
of our business. As your skills, knowledge and production
rise, your commission level increases with the promotion
levels from Associate to Senior Associate to the SMD level.
You go through this learning curve one time in the Base
Shop of your SMD. In exchange, all of your future SMDs
will go through the same learning curve by completing the
promotion guidelines in your base shop.
Exchange Principles
4. Builder’s Exchange - The Key to
Width and Profitability
One of the biggest challenges facing businesses today is the ability
for an individual to move up in the company based on his/her efforts
or performance. Most employees end up in a situation where
advancement is hindered because promoting him/her would be a
detriment to the manager or senior leader. It’s a Catch-22: If the
person moves up, it’s at the expense of the leader, and if he/she is
held back, it’s at the expense of his/her own family and personal
WFG has solved this issue with the Builder’s Exchange.
Upon your promotion to SMD, you make a one-time “exchange”
of one of your fully qualified Senior Associate legs or two fully
qualified Associates to the promoting SMD. The promoting
SMD chooses the exchange leg.
Exchange Principles
5. Nobility Exchange
Lead by example with the Nobility
Exchange. Putting forth some extra time
and effort to help your leader receive his
next promotion is a noble and generous
professional move. By doing this, you
display your dedication and willingness to
help other team members reach their
goals. And in turn, your team members
take note and are empowered to do the
same when it comes time for your next
Three Keys To
Constant Momentum
1. Become a student of the BFS.
2. Fight for your next promotion.
3. Qualify for the next big
company trip.
Compress Activity /
Collapse Time Frames
Time management is one of the most
important skills that an associate must
hone, develop and employ in his day-today activities. Although everyone has 24
hours in a day, not everyone uses them in
the same way. Even if two people have
the same abilities and opportunities they
can get different outcomes.
The end result of your efforts is directly
related to the time frames in which you
work. This holds especially true when
you are building your WFG business.
You can build your business through the power of focus. By collapsing time frames you
can accomplish in a week what others might accomplish in a month, or longer.
If you are not yet full time, simply fill in the time slots during which you are
available to devote time to building your business.
Keys To Success
Being in a people-oriented business can be emotionally difficult at times
and there is no way to get to the No. 1 spot by coasting. Sometimes
when you’re playing on a team you have to “play hurt.”
As a new WFG associate you must:
Come to work.
Start field training (inviting, recruiting, selling).
Obtain your licenses and registrations.
Be a student of the business and learn it inside and out.
Learn the system.
Learn the products available through WFG and how to
sell them.
 Study, learn and believe in what WFG does.
 Attend all WFG events – Corporate Overviews, training,
workshops, special events, convention, etc.
Keys To Success
Encourage your spouse to participate and
attend the events whenever possible.
Work, work, work.
It is okay to be scared sometimes, frustrated
sometimes, discouraged sometimes as long
as you keep going.
It is not okay to quit.
Know that you are not in it alone – you will
receive field training as long as it takes for
you to master the business.
Keys To Success
Understand you have to tough it out through the
discomfort, awkwardness, uneasiness and the
fear if you want to win.
Remember people who want to be comfortable –
who want to have it easy most of the time – will
probably not have their dreams come true.
Be a crusader to survive the tough times.
Remember why you came here. Remind yourself
continually of your compelling “why.”
Trust that you can do it.
The Fast Start Challenge
Challenge yourself to get off to a fast start!
Set a winning tradition.
30-Day Fast Start Challenge:
Slow start
3 recruits, 3 accounts in 30 days
Fast start
5 recruits, 5 accounts in 30 days
Super Start 10 recruits, 10 accounts in 30 days
Expect success. Accept no less.