Table of Contents: •Tomochichi Gardeners •Patience… Why? •Plant the Seed •Watch and Learn •Growth of Corn Bar Graph •Growth of Corn Pie Chart •Time line •Time line Continued •Organizational Chart •Gardening Necessities •Finished Product •Lets Plant a seed •Now what do we need? •Keeping track •How many Ears of Corn? •How we figured it out •Keep your plant ALIVE *Hesci there kids! I am Tomochichi your guide for gardening. The one thing you must remember when growing crops is to have patience. *Hesci is hello in Muskogee language Patience…. Why? Patience is key when trying to grow your own crops. It takes a lot of time and effort for the crops to grow! Lets use corn as an example because the Creek and Yamacraw Indians planted this crop. Table of Contents First, we must plant the seed Want to see what happens in the next few days to the seed? Click Here! Table of Contents You guys want me to show how to get started? Lets see how different plants grow and change over time. Watch and learn!!! Click Here Table of Contents Growth of corn shown in a Bar Graph Table of Contents Weekly Corn Growth as Percentages in a Pie Chart 15% 2%3% 5% 6% Weeks 8% 15% 9% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11% 14% 12% Table of Contents Time line of corn growth Week 1 Plant the seed Week 2 Starting to grow Table of Contents Week 4 Week 3 Week 6 Week 5 Time line continued Week 7 Week 8 Table of Contents Week 11 Week 9 Week 10 Organizational Chart What we need to grow any plant Water Land Rain Table of Contents Light Hose Lamp Sun Gardening Necessities…. It is a good thing that water and sunlight are a natural resource and we can use our hands to dig. Table of Contents Finished Product Table of Contents Let’s plant a seed and watch it grow 1. Take your Dixie cup 2. Place a single lima bean seed in the soil, and then cover up the seed with more soil. Your cup should be about ¾ full now, and your seed should be buried under the soil. and fill it up about ½ full of soil. ½ mark Table of Contents Lima beans seeds. You only need 1 seed. Now what do we need? In order for our seeds to grow into a plant we need water and sunlight for heat. How much of each do we need? Using a new dixie cup, fill it up a little less than ¼ with water, and pour that water on your lima bean plant... We will do this once a day, until they start to grow! Since it is starting to get cold outside we will use the heat from a lamp to keep our plants nice and warm and lit up. Table of Contents Keeping a growth track of your plant You are responsible for keeping up with watering your plant and remembering to place your plant under the lamp every day. You are also to keep a daily journal explaining what you have done to help this seed grow into a plant. I would like you to explain if you watered your plant and how much water you used, and if you remembered to put your plant under the lamp and how close it is to the bulb. Also in your journals, you can write about any changes you may have observed throughout this whole process!! Table of Contents How many ears of corn all together? Tomachichi has 4 corn stocks. Each corn stock has 8 ears of corn on it. How many ears of corn are there all together? Write your answer and process in your math journal. Table of Contents Ask yourself… How do I solve this? What is the important information in this question? How did you figure it out? Corn Stocks Ears of Corn 1 2 3 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 x4 or 64 8 8 +8 Table of Contents 64 4 groups of 8 Table of Contents Try to keep your plant ALIVE!!!! Sources • • • • • • • • • • • Images: • • • • • • • • • • •,-Jimmy-eating-corn-7-21-7-775354.jpg • Back to Turbo Quest Movie Clips: • • Activity • Table of Contents