What Alisa Leonard Vice President, Marketing Strategy iCrossing means for you The basics… Streams – connect with people COPYRIGHT ICROSSING / PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 3 Circles – manage people COPYRIGHT ICROSSING / PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 4 Sparks – discover content COPYRIGHT ICROSSING / PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 5 Hangouts – connect in real-time COPYRIGHT ICROSSING / PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 6 So what does it mean for you? Perspective 1 Google+ is not another social destination site 2 Google+ promises to continue to enhance the relationship between search and social 3 Combined with use of +1, Google+ promises to drive greater bought, earned & owned media synergy COPYRIGHT ICROSSING / PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 8 Not another social destination Building a social web COPYRIGHT ICROSSING / PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 9 Laying the foundation for a social web • Focused on creating a social layer – social data that could permeate nearly every Google product • Social identity, content and activities connect across web services– from Google+ to Search and Maps • This means a more customized, user-centric web experience COPYRIGHT ICROSSING / PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 10 The new social CRM – hyper customization CIRCLES ALLOW MARKETERS TO CUSTOMIZE SOCIAL CONTENT TO SPECIFIC AUDIENCE SEGEMENTS COPYRIGHT ICROSSING / PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 11 Search + Social Algorithm + Human Interaction COPYRIGHT ICROSSING / PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 12 The question for marketers: Can you improve your short- and longterm natural search performance by becoming active in Google+? COPYRIGHT ICROSSING / PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 13 The answer: Yes. The backbone of search & social synergy is content & social signals COPYRIGHT ICROSSING / PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 14 Sparks – social content COPYRIGHT ICROSSING / PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL • Similar to “most shared” stories in LinkedIn, “most retweeted” in Twitter • Tends to rank and display content based on social signal velocity • Users can subscribe to topics at keyword level • Expected to become a signal for web search in the future 15 +1 – social signal COPYRIGHT ICROSSING / PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL • The +1 appears to be Google’s primary social signal • +1’s live in Google+, Google Search and now your web site • Aggregated +1’s increase visibility in search & social • Receiving +1’s requires better content and active engagement 16 Content best practices • Editorial Insights. Develop a content program based on search and social insights that cater to your target audience (segments) • Customization. Customize editorial programs by Circle segmentation; create multiple editorial calendars that map messaging to audience segment • Ritualized Content. Communities respond best to ritualized content; identify top topics and content formats that receive the most interaction and create recurring content events (e.g. “Tuesday Tips”) • Publishing Primetime. Monitor and measure when content posts receive the most interaction and adjust publishing schedule to maximize social signals COPYRIGHT ICROSSING / PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 17 Community management best practices •Balanced Diet. A community must have a “balanced diet” of content and conversation. Community managers should turn published brand content into consumer-centered conversations •A/B Testing. Just like paid media, content and engagement tactics should be tested, refined and formalized into day to day execution best practices. •Escalation. Establish a clear path for escalation so that no comment goes left unanswered or ignored. Unanswered comments lead to mismanagement and lost opportunities COPYRIGHT ICROSSING / PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 18 Bought, Earned, & Owned Synergy An illustration COPYRIGHT ICROSSING / PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 19 The relationship between Google+ and the +1 means that a consumer’s social graph could be connected with actions across natural search, paid media, and web content (Let’s see what this could look like) COPYRIGHT ICROSSING / PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 20 Bought + earned A paid media program using +1 could extend its reach through targeting a user’s social graph who +1’d an ad, and capture audiences in a social database (the +Page) for ongoing messaging and engagement beyond the paid campaign COPYRIGHT ICROSSING / PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 21 Amplified earned: search + social All of that brand content and engagement shared through the +Page in turn creates visibility in natural search (“flooding the zone” of a SERP with all brand touch points – from site to social) COPYRIGHT ICROSSING / PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 22 Earned + owned • A customer that +1’s content (or a product) broadcasts a recommendation to friends, generating earned media impressions and word-of-mouth • Additionally, that customer may be asked to join the brand's +Page circles (capture for CRM) • Your site content benefits from improved search visibility from social signals COPYRIGHT ICROSSING / PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 23 In summary COPYRIGHT ICROSSING / PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 24 Remember the 3Cs of Google+ 1 Content. Success in Google+ is predicated on quality, frequently published content. 2 Community. Building community is crucial– it impacts brand engagement and how content moves and spreads across the web (including how visible it becomes in search). 3 Customization. Google+ will offer more flexibility and customized brand engagement with specific audiences due to the Circles feature. COPYRIGHT ICROSSING / PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 25 Get started • Get personal. Set up a personal account and familiarize yourself with the platform until +Pages are launched. • Asses your current social media programs. Are your programs centered around content and proper engagement techniques? Are you thinking about your current social programs in a holistic manner with search? • Test & learn. iCrossing’s Live Media Studio & SEO teams have developed Google+ best practices and starter programs COPYRIGHT ICROSSING / PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 26 Thank you! Alisa Leonard Alisa.Leonard@icrossing.com @alisamleo “We Build Connected Brands” iCrossing