6-11 Abraham and Isaac

“Lesson 11: Abraham and Isaac,”
Primary 6: Old Testament, (1996),43
How hard do you think
it would have been for
Heavenly Father and
Jesus Christ to create
our beautiful world and
everything in it?
Do you think they could
move a mountain or
change the direction of
a river if they wanted
The Lord parted the waters of the Red Sea
to let Moses and the Israelites escape
from the Egyptian army.
He protected Daniel from a den of
He kept three
young men
from being
burned when
they were cast
into a fiery
We will learn more
about these stories
later in the year.
These people
trusted in the Lord
and had faith that
his will would be
done. Their faith
was rewarded with
We are going
to learn about
a time when
Abraham and
Sarah were
asked this
Abraham and Sarah were sad
because they had no children.
Later God said Abraham and
Sarah would have a son. His
name would be Isaac. He would
serve God and obey his
commandments. Sarah was
ninety years old. She was too
old to have a baby. But God
said Sarah would have a baby.
Three wise men visited
Abraham and told him
Sarah would have a baby.
Sarah, who was standing in
the tent listening, laughed
when she heard this.
Sarah had a baby boy
named Isaac.
Let’s read:
How did Abraham treat
the three wise men who
visited him?
What did these men tell
Why did Sarah laugh
when she heard what
they said?
Laugh in these verses
probably means to
Genesis 18:3–
Genesis 18:10
Let’s read:
What important lesson
did the Lord teach
What can we learn
from this?
Anything is possible
if it is the Lord’s will.
Genesis 18:14
Let’s read:
What did Abraham and
Sarah name their son?
How old were Abraham
and Sarah when Isaac
was born?
How do you think
Abraham and Sarah felt
when they finally had a
baby after so many
Genesis 21:3
Genesis 17:17
Genesis 21:6;
see the footnote
to Genesis 21:6
in the LDS
edition of the
How did Abraham and Sarah learn
to have greater trust in the Lord
through this experience?
How can we develop more trust in
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?
How can we show our trust in
When we pray.
Ask that Heavenly
Father’s will be done.
Listen and learn.
When we come to
When we are tempted
to do something
Remember what Jesus
taught, and refuse to do
the wrong thing.
Enrichment Activity #3
When we think we
need our tithing
money for something
When someone hurts
our feelings.
Pay tithing.
Be forgiving and show
love instead of anger.
Enrichment Activity #3
When our friends want
us to play soccer or go
to a movie on the
When it’s time to get
up for family scripture
reading and we are
still sleepy.
Keep the Sabbath day
Get up and read.
Enrichment Activity #3
We have already received the great
blessing of having the gospel of Jesus
Heavenly Father and Jesus have promised
us many more blessings if we trust in them
and live the gospel.
Each of you are going to take a turn
reading a blessing from this bag and we’ll
discuss how we might gain that blessing.
Enrichment Activity #4
Blessings do not always come
Some blessings may come years later
and some may not come while we are
on the earth.
I want you to each decide on
something you can do during the
coming week to show your trust in
Heavenly Father and Jesus.
Enrichment Activity #4
God wanted to know if
Abraham would obey him.
God told him to sacrifice
Isaac on a mountain.
Abraham loved his son very
much. He did not want to
sacrifice Isaac. But
Abraham wanted to obey
God told Abraham to go to
a mountain. He took Isaac
and two men with him.
Abraham and Isaac rode
on a donkey. They traveled
for three days.
The two men stayed with
the donkey. Abraham and
Isaac walked up the
mountain. Abraham took a
knife. Isaac took some
Isaac asked where the
lamb was for the
sacrifice. Abraham told
him God would provide
Himself a lamb.
Abraham built an altar.
He put wood on it.
Abraham tied Isaac and
put him on the altar. He
held the knife over Isaac.
Abraham was ready to
sacrifice his son.
But an angel spoke to
Abraham. He told
Abraham not to sacrifice
Isaac. Abraham had
obeyed God. God loved
Abraham looked
around. He saw a
ram in the bushes.
God had given the
ram for the
sacrifice. Abraham
sacrificed the ram
on the altar.
God was happy
Abraham had obeyed
him. God said he
would bless
Abraham’s family.
Abraham and Isaac
went home. Abraham
had obeyed God. He
was willing to let his
son die.
What Abraham
did was like
what Heavenly
Father did.
Heavenly Father
was willing to
let his son, Jesus
Christ, die for
Heavenly Father and Abraham loved their
sons. Jesus and Isaac loved their fathers and
obeyed them.
Let’s read:
What did God
Abraham to do?
Why did God
ask Abraham to
do such a
difficult thing?
Genesis 22:2
Genesis 22:1;
see the footnote
to Genesis 22:1
in the LDS
edition of the
Bible. Tempt in
this case means
to test or prove.
What did Abraham do
when God told him to
take his son to Moriah
to sacrifice him?
Why would it have been
difficult for Abraham to
sacrifice Isaac?
Abraham was nearly
sacrificed himself, and
he knew human
sacrifice was wrong .
Let’s read:
Genesis 22:3
1:7–8, 15
Let’s read:
Why do you think
Abraham quickly
Genesis 22:7–
How does this show that
Abraham trusted
Heavenly Father?
Genesis 22:12
How do you think
Abraham felt when
Isaac asked him where
the lamb was for the
Why did the Lord
send an angel to
stop Abraham from
killing his son?
How do you think
Abraham felt then?
Let’s read:
What blessings did
the Lord promise
Abraham because of
his faithfulness?
Seed refers to
descendants or
children. All those
who have been
baptized become the
“seed” of Abraham.
One reason Abraham was asked to sacrifice
his son was to teach about the atoning
sacrifice of Jesus Christ (see Jacob 4:5).
Why was it necessary that Heavenly
Father’s Son not be saved from his sacrifice?
There are several similarities between
Heavenly Father sending Jesus Christ to
earth to be sacrificed and the near-sacrifice
of Isaac by Abraham.
The near-sacrifice of Isaac
by Abraham:
a. Isaac was the only son of
Abraham and Sarah.
Heavenly Father sending
Jesus Christ to earth to be
a. Jesus Christ is Heavenly
Father’s Only Begotten Son in
the flesh (Heavenly Father is the
father of Jesus’ spirit and body).
b. Heavenly Father loves Jesus.
c. Jesus was obedient to his
b. Abraham loved Isaac.
c. Abraham was obedient to
Heavenly Father. Isaac
was obedient to his father.
d. The Lord provided a ram d. Heavenly Father provided
Jesus, the Lamb of God, for a
for Abraham’s sacrifice.
sacrifice for us.
Enrichment Activity #1
How does Abraham’s nearsacrifice of Isaac help you
better understand Heavenly
Father’s love for you in
sacrificing his Son?
What does the sacrifice that
Heavenly Father and Jesus
Christ made mean to you?
How does this help you
have greater trust in what
Heavenly Father and Jesus
ask us to do?
Trust in the
Lord with
all thine heart; and lean not
unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways
acknowledge him, and
he shall direct thy paths.
Enrichment Activity #2
Here is a
bookmark to help
you memorize
this scripture.
Show it to your
families and
discuss its
meaning with
Challenge them to
memorize it, too!
Trust in
the Lord with all
thine heart; and
lean not unto
thine own
6 In all thy ways
him, and he
shall direct thy
Proverbs 3:5-6
Enrichment Activity #2
How could the Father tell the world of love and tenderness?
He sent his Son, a newborn babe, with peace and holiness.
How could the Father show the world the pathway we should
He sent his Son to walk with men on earth, that we may
How could the Father tell the world of sacrifice, of death?
He sent his Son to die for us and rise with living breath.
What does the Father ask of us? What do the scriptures say?
Have faith, have hope, live like his Son, help others on their
What does he ask? Live like his Son.
Words: Mabel Jones Gabbott, b. 1910 Music: Michael Finlinson Moody, b. 1941
© 1982 by Mabel Jones Gabbott and Michael Finlinson Moody. Arr. © 1989 IRI
This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church or home use.
Enrichment Activity #5
I am very thankful for
the sacrifices Heavenly
Father and Jesus Christ
made for all of us. I
bear my testimony
that when we trust in
them and obey their
commandments, we
will be blessed.
Clipart and images are from lds.org (magazine library),
Sugardoodle.net, Microsoft Office and Bing images.
The scripture stories & hymn are from lds.org. Lesson
and Enrichment Activities are from the Primary 6 Old
Testament Manual. No copyrighted materials were
knowingly used improperly or without consent. Please
do not use this presentation for commercial use.