Everything else: RSS feeds, blogs, wikis, and podcasts


Everything else: blogs, RSS feeds, wikis, and podcasts

Computer Science 110

Fall 2005

Blogs: The elements (optional)

・ Post Date - date:time the post was published

・ Category - category the post is labeled with (can be one or more)

・ Title - main title of the post

・ Body - main content of the post

・ Trackback - links back from other sites

・ Comments - comments added by readers

・ Permalink - the URL of the full, individual article

・ Footer - usually at the bottom of the post, often showing post date/time, author, category, and stats such as number of comments or trackbacks.

- from Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blogs

Elements in action title body

Post date footer category trackback

How a blog works using LAMP


1.Request web page

Web Server


6.Sends web page

5.Creates HTML

Code (PHP)

2.Runs code

3.Gets records

4.Organizes records



A blog we can edit…

RSS feeds: widely used XML application

This stands for:

 RDF Site Summary (where

RDF stands for Resource

Description Framework)

 Rich Site Summary

 Really Simple Syndication

How RSS feeds work

<Item >in a RSS feed

Example of an <item>

Adding a RSS feed to your blog

Adding rss for a blog to your reader


Link is on the left column

Another option is from a site…


1.Anybody can edit the pages of the wiki, and anybody can undo these edits

2.It is easy to write new pages for the wiki, because it doesn't use HTML

- http://www.oddmuse.org/cgi-bin/wiki/What_Is_A_Wiki

How a Wiki works using LAMP


1.Request web page

Web Server


6.Sends web page

5.Creates HTML

Code (PHP)

2.Runs code

3.Gets records

4.Organizes records



Wait a second…

ANYONE can edit a wiki? Yup.

In Wikipedia when there are problems….


Syndicating audio content, prompting some folks to compare it to an audio version of a blog

Uses RSS feeds, but it puts an audio component in the <enclosure> field

Intellectual Property rights and copyright

Constitution, Article 1, Section 8

“The Congress shall have power…to provide for the

…general welfare of the United States To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries;

(emphasis added)

What has copyright become?

Licensing is replacing copyright in the digital age

Moving long standing common law or constitutional rights into the arena of person to person business transactions, where these rights no longer apply. Examples, international arena, increasing time before work enters the public domain

Fair use is disappearing

Public domain: Why should we care?

What’s part of Public Domain?

Still is




Land Sunlight



Ideas & Facts*

Resources freely available, without permissions or fees needed, and no tracking of what you read or use - all for society to do what they want with them.

Importance of Public Domain

Common Heritage (philosophical)

New Knowledge incorporates Old (progress)

Derivitative works rely on pre-existing works


Social Commentary (free speech)

Lengthier Copyright Means: http://www.copyright.cornell.edu/training


Or… http://www.gseis.ucla.edu/~howard/Pap ers/pw-public-spaces.html

What this means

Dismantlement of the public sphere in general controlling social/political commentary & satire.

Criminalizing acts that might impede digital commerce.

Controlling access to older information (our history).

Makes the Internet a commercial venture, not for production of ideas.

Diminishment of exploration & experimentation.

Challenges Democratic values (that anyone can be a creator)

How to find them

To listen, just double click

How to make a podcast:

1) First you'll need to use software to record your own audio file.

2) You ’ ll also need something which allows

MP3 exportation.

3) Once your audio is recorded you'll need to create an RSS feed file.

4) Once your audio and RSS files are completed you'll need to upload both of them to your server/website.

Equipment you can use to make one

This is what a professional podcast site looks like

Once you have a file, upload to iTunes

File sharing …

What is it?

How is it useful?

