Presentation to officials of the Government of India by Titus M. Ndambuki Permanent Secretary Ministry of Public Service, Nairobi, Kenya 1 To manage and improve the performance of the Public Service by enabling a higher level of staff participation and involvement in planning, delivery and evaluation of work performance 2 KENYA VISION 2030 MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS (MDGs) MINISTRY’S/ DEPARTMENT’S / AGENCY’S MANDATE STRATEGIC PLAN PERFORMANCE CONTRACT / SERVICE CHARTER WORK PLAN / TARGET SETTING STAFF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL 3 Link individual performance with organization performance Enable Supervisors and Appraisees to continuously assess work progress Assess on a timely basis the learning development needs of staff Promote accountability in the Public Service Promote communication and encourage continuous feedback between appraisee and the supervisor 4 Set the basis on which an officer’s performance is monitored and evaluated as stipulated in the individual work plan Improve the quality of work through better planning, on-going discussions and fair participatory appraisal; and Provide information for decision making on administrative and human resource issues such as renewal of contracts, promotions, delegation, training, deployment, reward and sanctions 5 Work Planning and Setting of Performance Targets Staff Competencies and Values Assessment Monitoring and Evaluation Mid-Year performance review End of Year appraisal Rewards and Sanctions 6 1. WORK PLANNING PROCESS/SETTING OF PERFORMANCE TARGETS Departmental work plans are prepared based on the Ministerial Strategic Plan – the staff being supervised must be briefed on the departmental objectives and targets. These should show dept priority objectives Individual work plans are then derived from the departmental work plan 7 Individual work plan describes the performance targets or expected results on specific assignments and activities Appraisee must hold discussions with the immediate supervisor to agree on the work plan 8 MINISTERIAL/DEPARTMENTAL ANNUAL WORK PLAN e.g. FOR PERIOD 2010/11 Tasks Ministerial/ Departmental Performance Objective Activity Budget/ Resources Required Expected Results Time Frame Actors Performa nce Indicator s Q Q QQ 1 2 34 What gets measured gets done 9 Performa nce Objective Dept Tasks Activities Resource s Expected Results Time frame Performa nce indicator Individ ual 10 Targets are quantifiable results or objectives which are set by the supervisor and the appraisee, discussed and agreed upon and are to be attained at a future date Sources of targets.. 1. Performance contract 2. Individual work plans 3. Departmental objectives 11 SPECIFIC MEASURABLE AGREED REALISTIC TIME BOUND 12 This involves assessment of whether one possesses certain specific competencies or not Results must be achieved through well defined values and ethics Each value and competency must be discussed with the appraisee at start of the appraisal period 13 1. Period of appraisal is 1st July to 30th June of the following year There will be the following forms of appraisal: On-going Performance Appraisal – continuous through out the period. This is through Quarterly Reports 14 this accords both appraisee and supervisor an opportunity for joint review of performance-January each year. 15 It is in form of a discussion on achievements, any constraints experienced and whether there is need to vary the initial assignment After discussion, supervisor comments on the appraisee’s performance If supervisor leaves the department then he/she must appraise performance up to the point of departure 16 An evaluation of the performance of an officer with regard to targets set and all other areas under consideration (values and competences) Takes place at end of reporting period The appraisee and supervisor meet to discuss performance – the results Appraisee is expected to prepare a preliminary assessment of the extent to which set targets have been met These are then discussed with the supervisor 17 Achievement of Performance Targets Description Rating Score points 1. All performance targets consistently exceeded Excellent(High Achievers Scheme) 101% 5 2. All performance targets fully met Good 100% 4 3. Some performance targets fully met Fair 70-99% 3 4. Performance targets partially met Poor 50-69% 2 5. Performance targets not met Very poor Below 50% 1 18 1. 2. 3. Responsible for overseeing implementation of PAS in Ministries and Departments Advises the authorized officer Responsible for ensuring integrity and credibility of evaluation by supervisors by a. b. c. d. Cascading PAS in the Ministry/Department Developing mechanisms for moderating targets Receiving and reviewing quarterly reports Overseeing the training of appraisees and supervisors on PAS e. Ensuring that written feedback on annual performance is given to officers f. Discussing any PAS related disputes g. Moderating the rating scores h. Identifying those who need to be rewarded or sanctioned 19 Rewards at corporate level(PC Results) 1st One month basic salary 2nd 75% of one month basic salary 3rd 50% of one month basic salary Rewards at individual level PAS provides the basis for rewarding exemplary performance and administering sanctions for non-performance Rewards are aimed at motivating public officers for increased efficiency, improved accountability and good conduct 20 PAS to be used as the appropriate instrument in evaluating performance Evaluation of performance for rewards and sanctions Ministries/departments to organize end of year celebrations during which excellent performers will be recognized/rewarded through letters of commendation, honours, and rewards/presents Monetary incentive for excellent performance will be awarded at the discretion of Accounting Officers 21 Authorized officers shall, on the recommendation of the Ministerial Performance Management Committee reward excellent Performance and apply the appropriate sanction for poor and very poor performance as stipulated Rewards and sanctions scheme provides a linkage of Performance contracting to PAS whereby the individual staff performance appraisal will be the instrument used to identify performers for rewards in the best performing Ministries/Departments as ranked in the Performing Contracting results 22 All cases of misconduct and nonperformance to be reflected in the PAS report Disciplinary action to be taken in the Ministry where the officer is deployed 23 Sanctions will be applied in the following circumstances: a) Poor performance (score 2) 1st year - cautionary letter 2nd year - warning 3rd year - separation 24 1st year 2nd year - warning letter - separation NB. Fair performance is exempted from sanctions The sanctions to be applied strictly in accordance with existing Service regulations 25 i. ii. iii. Staff not used to sitting with immediate supervisors to agree on targets challenges in coming up with departmental objectives linked to overall institutional objectives. (some described as activities) Difficulties crafting SMART results based targets What gets measured gets done 26 v. vi. Challenges of preparing individual work plans linked to departmental work plans Resistance – PAS is viewed as an extra burden. 27