KTIP UPDATE for 2011 - 2012 - Education Professional Standards

KTIP Materials Update
2011 - 2012
Changes to Templates
Important Reminders
August 2011
General Guidelines
• Utilize the link: KTIP Handbook, Fall 2011
• Utilize the task templates on the following
• Review all materials for the internship
committees here: KTIP Materials
All documents may be accessed at
• The KTIP Handbook and several Task Templates have
been modified to accommodate for the KY Core
Academic Standards and other state learning
• Interns beginning in the fall of 2011 will utilize the
new templates.
• Interns who started in the spring of 2011 may
continue to use the original templates, or they may
opt to use the new documents.
• If interns use the new documents, the committee
should acquire a written statement from the intern
about the choice and keep on file in case on an
• To build understanding of serving as a coach
and mentor contributes to the success of the
• To become familiar with KTIP Teacher
Performance Assessment (TPA) materials.
• To develop an understanding of how to gather
performance evidence and score intern
• To provide updates that have been made to
the handbook and Tasks.
KTIP Dates
• Reminders:
– The full-year internship must occur when the intern is
instructing a minimum of 140 instructional days from the
first day of school to the end of the school year.
– Example: If an intern begins August 1, the committee
should use the school calendar to physically count from
August 1 until the end of the school year to account for the
140 + instructional days. If an intern is sick or school is
canceled due to inclement weather, then the calendar must
be re-adjusted. Sick days and snow days do not count
during the instructional day period.
– Within the 140 + instructional day span all 3 cycles must
occur as identified in regulation.
What are Instructional Days
• Instructional Days are:
• 1. When teacher intern is performing regular
teaching responsibilities in an instructional setting.
• 2. Professional development for compensation from
the district or employing school (4 days mandated by
• Instructional days are not:
– Annual leave
– Sick leave
– Other authorized or unauthorized leave time
– School closings
Use of Calendar to Establish Cycle
• During the Orientation meeting establish
tentative dates to ensure all observations and
cycle meetings occur during the correct
• The observations and Cycle 1 meeting must
occur during the 1 – 60 day period.
• EXAMPLE: If the Orientation is held on
September 4, begin counting on September 5
for day one of the 60 day span for Cycle 1.
Use of Calendar to Establish Cycle
Dates (cont.)
• The observation and Cycle 2 meeting must
occur during the 61-110 day period following
the Orientation meeting.
• The observation and Cycle 3 meeting must
occur during the 111-140 day period following
the Orientation meeting.
• The following is an example of a calendar used
by a committee to establish dates.
Calendar Example
Calendar Example
Common Committee Error with Cycles
• KTIP cannot be completed early. The
committee must follow the regulated dates as
provided in slides 7 - 8.
• This error has resulted in numerous
internships being nullified during an appeal.
• Because of this error, many committee
members have attended additional training
in KTIP prior to being assigned a new
• All three members of the committee and the
intern must be present at the orientation
meeting. In some cases (medical issues,
budget, etc.) a member may be present
through electronic means such as phone
conference, Skype, etc.
Formative Assessment of the Intern
• The first two cycles of observation are
formative. Formative assessments include:
– Task A-2 lesson plan review prior to the observed
– Lesson observation
– Post-observation conference
– Performance Task A-F review
– Committee meeting
Summative Assessment of the Intern
• The third cycle of observation is summative.
Summative assessments include:
– Unit planning using Tasks G-J2
– Task A-2 lesson plan review prior to the observed
– Lesson observation
– Task C for lesson reflection
– Post-observation conference
– Final committee meeting
Analytic and Holistic Scoring
• Both analytic and holistic scores must be
recorded on the Intern Performance Record
(IPR) for each standard in all cycles.
• Only the holistic score is entered in the Record
of Teacher Internship Year (RTIY).
• If consensus cannot be reached in Cycle 3, two
of the three committee members must assign
a score of 3 on each standard for a successful
Guidelines for Collecting Evidence
• Clear, specific, objective evidence is critical to ensure
accurate, fair data collection.
• Evidence describes what the observer actually sees
when observing.
• Evidence should be stated as precisely and objectively
as possible in order to minimize interpretation.
• Evidence will be used to explain your assessment
decisions about a standard.
• These notes will be used during mentoring sessions,
committee meetings, and possibly in appeal hearings.
Changes to Handbook and Tasks
Schedule of Activities (p. 9 – 10)
• Many issues are related to the committee
members and intern not reading the handbook.
• Schedule of activities are available to assist each
committee member with their respective roles
and responsibilities on the committee.
• There is a separate guide for each committee
member (guide can be found on the EPSB
Website identified on slide 2).
Table of Contents Checklist (p. 11 – 12)
• The Table of Contents Checklist is a new item
to assist with organizing the TPA Notebook of
completed tasks.
• Highlighted: Place each checklist in front of
the appropriate cycle of the notebook.
Intern Information Sheet (p. 15)
– Now requests last four digits of intern’s
SSN and cell phone number.
– Includes statement verifying the intern has
thoroughly read the TPA Handbook.
Task A-1: Teaching and Learning
Context ( p. 18)
• Prior: Interns completed A-1 for each lesson plan.
• NOW: The intern completes Task A-1 once prior
to the Cycle 1 observations to describe the
teaching and learning context. An intern does not
complete for each lesson.
• However, if the teaching environment changes
significantly (e.g. new school, change in
classroom placement configuration, change in
grade or courses taught) the intern will complete
A-1 again.
Task A-1: Teaching and Learning
Context (p. 18)
• Prior: Students were provided check boxes to
identify student categories
• NOW: Interns must identify and describe the
diverse nature of the students in their class(es).
• NOW: Interns must provide three brief profiles
of students in their class(es).
Student struggling to meet lesson objectives
Student meeting lesson objectives
Student exceeding lesson objectives
An example is provided in the KTIP Examples
document on the KTIP Website.
Task A-2: Lesson Plan (p. 19)
Prior: Students responded to questions and completed
the Objective/Assessment Plan Organizer
•Questions are more clearly defined for ease of
•Lesson Plan format has changed that aligns to
expectations of the instructional unit.
–Lesson objectives/targets
–Assessment descriptions (with differentiation)
–Instructional Strategies/Activities (with
•Requires the use of the Kentucky Core Academic
Standards where applicable.
•References to DOK have been removed.
Task C: Lesson Analysis and
Reflections (p. 21)
• To ensure that the lesson analysis and reflection
have an impact on instruction, this task must be
completed no later than two days after each
observed lesson.
• Communication of student results is an ongoing
process: It does not just happen at the end of the
nine weeks (which is no longer an acceptable
• Place heavy emphasis on helping students assess
their own performance.
Task D: Collaboration Plan
(p. 23)
• This task must be approved by your
committee before implementation.
• Prior: Progress reporting for Cycles 1
and 2 were combined in one descriptor
• NOW: Cycles 1 and 2 are separated for
ease of use.
Task D (p. 23)
• Any student with a special need may be
considered for this task. Though special
education students may be identified, this task is
not limited to a student with an official plan (e.g.
IEP, 504).
• Other students could include:
– Barriers (child of divorce, death, truancy issues, job)
– Gifted students needing enrichment
• Students utilizing Family Resource Centers as well
as other wrap around services (Comp Care,
Counselors, etc.).
• A student identified in Task A-1 may be the focus
of this task.
Task E: Assess & Manage Professional
Growth (p. 24)
• Highlights:
• The committee uses the PGP to ensure the
intern is receiving mentoring based upon
needs identified in the PGP.
• The PGP is reviewed during an appeal to
ensure the committee members have
provided opportunities to assist the intern in
meeting needs.
Task F: Leadership (p. 32)
• This task must be approved by the committee
before implementation.
• There is a list of examples and non-examples of
projects on page 32 of the Handbook.
•It is possible that an intern has successfully
completed the leadership project without the
intended results.
–The intern does not repeat Task F if this occurs. Rather,
the intern describes in Cycle 3 (or Cycle 2 if completed
during that cycle) a reflection concerning what did not
work and why.
Instructional Unit: Task G
(p. 35 - 36)
• Prior: completion of seven (7) sections to design the
• NOW: completion of four (4) sections to design the
unit which mandates the use of the Kentucky Core
Academic Standards where applicable.
Instructional Unit: Task H
(p. 37 – 39)
• Prior: Interns responded to seven (7) sections
on the tasks.
• NOW: Intern responds to five (5) sections.
• An example is provided on page 37 of the
directions for completing the assessment
• References to DOK have been removed.
• Student self-assessment may be included with
the Pre-Assessment Plan.
Instructional Unit: Task I
(p. 40 – 41)
• Task C must also be completed for each lesson being
• Interns utilize the new template that identifies
–Lesson number
–Unit objective #
–Lesson objectives/targets
–Formative Assessment descriptions (with
–Instructional Strategies/Activities (with
Instructional Unit: Task J-1 Organizing and
Analyzing the Results
(p. 42 – 43)
• Prior: The template did not include a section that
allowed the intern to collect the required preassessment data.
• No example was provided for the diverse group.
• NOW: The table has been updated to allow the
intern to record the pre-assessment data.
• An example has been provided for the diverse
Instructional Unit: Task J-1 Reflecting on
the Impact of Instruction
(p. 44)
• Prior: The intern responded to six (6)
items in the task.
• NOW: The interns responds to five (5)
items in this task.
Instructional Unit: J-2 Communication and
Follow-Up (p. 45)
• Prior: Multiple questions provided within one
• NOW: New questions, separately delineated,
have been included with a focus on
– Use of formative assessment data
– Use of student self-reflection
– Teacher reflection on communication strategies
Contact Information
Teresa M. Moore: teresam.moore@ky.gov
Sharon Salsman: sharon.salsman@ky.gov
Sherri Hensley: sherri.Hensley@ky.gov
Robert Brown: robertl.brown@ky.gov