Edexcel Level 2 BTEC First Diploma in Engineering Unit 18 Engineering Marking Out Academic Year: Jo Richardson Community School Using the table below you must write down the appropriate method of marking out the body of the ‘DRILL DRIFT BODY then list the most suitable measuring and marking out equipment you would need to use. Component Measuring and Marking Out Equipment Marking out method Drill Drift Body Jo Richardson Community School BTEC First Diploma in Engineering Name: Candidate No: Unit 18: Engineering Marking Out Task: 1a i Grading Criteria: P1 Key Skills: Assignment: 1 - Selecting appropriate methods of measuring & marking out and equipment DRILL DRIFT BODY Using the table below you must write down the appropriate method of marking out the body of the ‘DRILL DRIFT BODY’ then list the most suitable measuring and marking out equipment you would need to use. Component Measuring and Marking Out Equipment Marking out method Selecting a datum (reference point): Radius Gauge Use marking blue to prepare surface. Steel rule Use top of rectangle bar as datum Marking Blue Engineering Vice Holding the work: Odd Leg Calipers Place work in an engineering vice Steel Rule Scriber Drill Drift Body Marking the work: Centre Punch Using a steel rule and scriber, mark the centre line by using the datum to mark the position of the radius. Use the centre punch and bull and pein hammer to mark the centre of the radius. Using the datum, measure the position of the start of the slope. Using a steel rule, I marked out the position of the small end radius. Bull and Pein Hammer Dividers Engineers Square Measuring: Measure with steel rule Jo Richardson Community School BTEC First Diploma in Engineering Name: Candidate No: Unit 18: Engineering Marking Out Task: 1a i Grading Criteria: P1 Key Skills: Assignment: 1 - Selecting appropriate methods of measuring & marking out and equipment DRILL DRIFT BODY T Using the table below you must write down the appropriate method of marking out the body of the ‘BEVEL GAUGE BLADE’ then list the most suitable measuring and marking out equipment you would need to use. Component Measuring and Marking Out Equipment Marking out method Bevel Gauge Blade Jo Richardson Community School BTEC First Diploma in Engineering Name: Candidate No: Unit 18: Engineering Marking Out Task: 1a ii Grading Criteria: P1 Key Skills: Assignment: 1 - Selecting appropriate methods of measuring & marking out and equipment BEVEL GAUGE BLADE Using the table below you must write down the appropriate method of marking out the body of the ‘BEVEL GAUGE BLADE’ then list the most suitable measuring and marking out equipment you would need to use. Component Measuring and Marking Out Equipment Marking out method Selecting a datum (reference point): Surface plate Use one long edge of the material as a starting point. Angle Plate Square off from the datum edge. Scribing block Use marking blue to prepare surface. Steel rule Combination Set Bevel Gauge Blade Holding the work: Engineers Square Place work on a surface plate with an angle plate. Dividers Hold in hand when measuring angles. Scriber Marking Blue Marking the work: Use an engineers square, scriber, centre punch and scribing block for marking surface and position of holes Measuring: Measure with steel rule and measure angles with combination set Jo Richardson Community School BTEC First Diploma in Engineering Name: Candidate No: Unit 18: Engineering Marking Out Task: 1a ii Grading Criteria: P1 Key Skills: Assignment: 1 - Selecting appropriate methods of measuring & marking out and equipment BEVEL GAUGE BLADE T Using the table below you must write down the appropriate method of marking out the body of the ‘TOOL MAKERS CLAMP’ then list the most suitable measuring and marking out equipment you would need to use. Component Measuring and Marking Out Equipment Marking out method Tool Makers Clamp Jo Richardson Community School BTEC First Diploma in Engineering Name: Candidate No: Unit 18: Engineering Marking Out Task: 1a iii Grading Criteria: P1 Key Skills: Assignment: 1 - Selecting appropriate methods of measuring & marking out and equipment TOOL MAKERS CLAMP Using the table below you must write down the appropriate method of marking out the body of the ‘TOOL MAKERS CLAMP’ then list the most suitable measuring and marking out equipment you would need to use. Component Measuring and Marking Out Equipment Marking out method Selecting a datum (reference point): Surface plate Use one long edge of the material as a starting point. Angle Plate Square off from the datum edge. Scribing block Use marking blue to prepare surface. Steel rule Combination Set Tool Makers Clamp Holding the work: Engineers Square Place work on a surface plate with an angle plate. Dividers Hold in hand when measuring angles. Scriber Marking Blue Marking the work: Use an engineers square, scriber, centre punch and scribing block for marking surface and position of holes Measuring: Measure with steel rule and measure angles with combination set Jo Richardson Community School BTEC First Diploma in Engineering Name: Candidate No: Unit 18: Engineering Marking Out Task: 1a iii Grading Criteria: P1 Key Skills: Assignment: 1 - Selecting appropriate methods of measuring & marking out and equipment TOOL MAKERS CLAMP T Measuring and Marking Out Whilst you are in the workshop, you are required to select suitable measuring and marking out methods and equipment for three different applications. You will be making a Drill Drift, a Bevel Gauge and a Tool Makers Clamp. This means that you are expected to use your knowledge and understanding of the methods and equipment for measuring and marking out discussed in Task 1a. During your sessions in the workshop, you will be observed working in this way. YOU MUST MAKE SURE YOU GET YOUR OBSERVATION SHEET SIGNED TO ACHIEVE THIS GRADE CRITERIA. Name: Jo Richardson Community School BTEC First Diploma in Engineering Unit 18: Engineering Marking Out Candidate No: Task: 1b Assignment: 1: Measuring and Marking Out Grading Criteria: P1 Key Skills: Describe the appropriate measuring and marking out equipment for marking out the drill drift body, the bevel gauge blade and the tool makers clamp Equipment name Used on components (name) Jo Richardson Community School BTEC First Diploma in Engineering Equipment is used for Sheet 1 How it is used/what it does Name: Candidate No: Unit 18: Engineering Marking Out Task: 2a Grading Criteria: P2 Key Skills: Assignment: 2 - Describe the measuring & marking out equipment used for marking out the 3 components (Task 1a) Describe the appropriate measuring and marking out equipment for marking out the drill drift body, the bevel gauge blade and the tool makers clamp Equipment name Used on components (name) Jo Richardson Community School BTEC First Diploma in Engineering Equipment is used for Sheet 2 How it is used/what it does Name: Candidate No: Unit 18: Engineering Marking Out Task: 2a Grading Criteria: P2 Key Skills: Assignment: 2 - Describe the measuring & marking out equipment used for marking out the 3 components (Task 1a) Describe the appropriate measuring and marking out equipment for marking out the drill drift body, the bevel gauge blade and the tool makers clamp Equipment name Used on components (name) Jo Richardson Community School BTEC First Diploma in Engineering Equipment is used for Sheet 3 How it is used/what it does Name: Candidate No: Unit 18: Engineering Marking Out Task: 2a Grading Criteria: P2 Key Skills: Assignment: 2 - Describe the measuring & marking out equipment used for marking out the 3 components (Task 1a) Describe the appropriate measuring and marking out equipment for marking out the drill drift body, the bevel gauge blade and the tool makers clamp Equipment name Used on components (name) Jo Richardson Community School BTEC First Diploma in Engineering Equipment is used for Sheet 4 How it is used/what it does Name: Candidate No: Unit 18: Engineering Marking Out Task: 2a Grading Criteria: P2 Key Skills: Assignment: 2 - Describe the measuring & marking out equipment used for marking out the 3 components (Task 1a) Describe the appropriate measuring and marking out equipment for marking out the drill drift body, the bevel gauge blade and the tool makers clamp Equipment name Used on components (name) Equipment is used for How it is used/what it does Surface plate Bevel gauge, Drill Drift Providing a large flat surface on which to place the work piece – small portable plate in workshop Angle plate Bevel Gauge Providing a flat surface on which to place the work piece at 90 degrees to the surface plate Scribing Block Bevel gauge, Drill Drift Used for scribing lines parallel to the surface plate and transferring heights Steel Rule Bevel gauge, Drill Drift Measuring to an accuracy of 0.5 millimetres Jo Richardson Community School BTEC First Diploma in Engineering Sheet 1 Provides a datum flat surface on which to place the work piece. A scribing block or height gauge can then be used from the datum. Sometimes an angle plate is placed onto the plate. Irregular shapes without flat surfaces can be clamped to the angle plate and marked out using a scribing block – Is also used to keep thin material vertical when marking out When placed onto the surface plate, adjust the height and scribe along the work piece. Adjust to the datum and transfer height to another part of the work piece. Used for measuring on work piece or setting other tools such as height gauge Name: Candidate No: Unit 18: Engineering Marking Out Task: 2a Grading Criteria: P2 Key Skills: Assignment: 2 - Describe the measuring & marking out equipment used for marking out the 3 components (Task 1a) T Describe the appropriate measuring and marking out equipment for marking out the drill drift body, the bevel gauge blade and the tool makers clamp Sheet 2 Equipment name Used on components (name) Combination Set Bevel gauge Measuring angles, adjustable The set is provided with a steel rule, and three attachments: compound – angle measurement 0-180 degrees; Set square – angle 90 degrees: Vee – locating the centre of round bar Engineers square Bevel gauge, Drill Drift Proving an edge 90 degrees to another datum edge The square is placed against a datum edge or used to check the square ness of an object. The edge must be kept flat Dividers Bevel gauge, Drill Drift Marking circles and transferring distances The dividers allow the accurate marking out of circles. They are adjustable using a small screw. They can be used to check dimensions an mark radii Vee Block and clamp Drill Drift Holding round objects securely when marking out Jo Richardson Community School BTEC First Diploma in Engineering Equipment is used for How it is used/what it does Round objects (bar) can be located in the Vee and clamped in place. This provides a stable parallel line for the bar so that it can be marked along its centre line or across the flat end Name: Candidate No: Unit 18: Engineering Marking Out Task: 2a Grading Criteria: P2 Key Skills: Assignment: 2 - Describe the measuring & marking out equipment used for marking out the 3 components (Task 1a) T Describe the appropriate measuring and marking out equipment for marking out the drill drift body, the bevel gauge blade and the tool makers clamp Equipment name Used on components (name) Equipment is used for How it is used/what it does Height Gauge Bevel Gauge, Drill Drift Measuring and marking out from a datum Scriber Bevel Gauge, Drill Drift Used for scribing lines onto work piece Marking Blue Bevel Gauge, Drill Drift Jo Richardson Community School BTEC First Diploma in Engineering Sheet 3 The height gauge is used to accurately mark out parallel lines and to check the height of datum's on components. Some have a Vernier gauge A sharp instrument that is used for general marking out normally alongside a straight edge such as an engineers square Highlights the scribed line when scratch onto with a scriber point Coats the surface of work piece Name: Candidate No: Unit 18: Engineering Marking Out Task: 2a Grading Criteria: P2 Key Skills: Assignment: 2 - Describe the measuring & marking out equipment used for marking out the 3 components (Task 1a) T Measuring and Marking Out On this page, annotate photographs of your three different practical pieces of work with descriptions on the measuring and marking out methods you used. Drill Drift Tool Makers Clamp Bevel Gauge Name: Jo Richardson Community School BTEC First Diploma in Engineering Unit 18: Engineering Marking Out Candidate No: Task: 2a Grading Criteria: P2 Key Skills: Assignment: 2: Describe the measuring & marking out equipment used for marking out the 3 components (Task 1a) Defective Measuring and Marking Out Equipment Reporting defective and/or unsafe equipment During your work, marking out each of your three components, you may come across ‘defective’ equipment. What should you do with it? •it may be defective in that it is totally un-usable •it may be useable but inaccurate •It may be un-safe to the user Using a ‘Defective Equipment Report sheet’, you will produce a report for three pieces of faulty equipment stating: • the correct name of the piece of faulty equipment • the defect/fault (what is the problem) • the implications of the fault if it was continued to be used • the appropriate remedial/corrective action to make the equipment non-defective/safe Jo Richardson Community School BTEC First Diploma in Engineering Name: Candidate No: Unit 18: Engineering Marking Out Task: 2b Grading Criteria: M1 Key Skills: Assignment: 2 - Recommend corrective action for unsafe or defective marking out equipment Using the chart below, prepare an appropriate ‘Work Plan’ for the ‘Drill Drift’. Component Name: Stage No. Date: Process Jo Richardson Community School BTEC First Diploma in Engineering Tools & Equipment Health & Safety Name: Candidate No: Unit 18: Engineering Marking Out Task: 3a i Grading Criteria: P3 Assignment: 3 - Prepare a ‘Work Plan’ for the marking out of components Name: Quality Check Key Skills: Time Check Using the chart below, prepare an appropriate ‘Work Plan’ for the ‘Bevel Gauge’. Component Name: Stage No. Date: Process Jo Richardson Community School BTEC First Diploma in Engineering Tools & Equipment Health & Safety Name: Candidate No: Unit 18: Engineering Marking Out Task: 3a ii Grading Criteria: P3 Assignment: 3 - Prepare a ‘Work Plan’ for the marking out of components Name: Quality Check Key Skills: Time Check Using the chart below, prepare an appropriate ‘Work Plan’ for the ‘Tool Makers Clamp’. Component Name: Stage No. Date: Process Jo Richardson Community School BTEC First Diploma in Engineering Tools & Equipment Health & Safety Name: Candidate No: Unit 18: Engineering Marking Out Task: 3a iii Grading Criteria: P3 Assignment: 3 - Prepare a ‘Work Plan’ for the marking out of components Name: Quality Check Key Skills: Time Check Using the chart below, prepare an appropriate ‘Work Plan’ for the ‘Drill Drift’ Component Name: Stage No. Date: Process Jo Richardson Community School BTEC First Diploma in Engineering Tools & Equipment Health & Safety Name: Candidate No: Unit 18: Engineering Marking Out Task: 3a i Grading Criteria: P3 Assignment: 3 - Prepare a ‘Work Plan’ for the marking out of components Name: Quality Check Key Skills: Time Check Using the chart below, prepare an appropriate ‘Work Plan’ for the ‘Bevel Gauge’. Component Name: Stage No. Date: Process Tools & Equipment 1 Cleaning and De-burr Cloth, file 2 Applying marking out ink 3 Place one edge of material Surface plate onto surface plate scribing block Permanent marker pen Name: Health & Safety Quality Check Sharp edges Ensure that burrs are remove Keep cap on Cover whole surface Keep scriber point away from hands Re-check measurements Time Check 2 mins 1 min 5 mins before final marking out steel rule Angle plate 4 Mark out centre of hole, As above As above As above 1min rotate 90 deg and mark other centre line 5 Mark out 30 & 45 deg angles Combination set, scriber, steel rule Ensure that combination As above 5 mins parts are kept together and set screws tight 6 Centre punch hole location C entre punch, hammer Keep hammer on work bench As above 20 secs safely Jo Richardson Community School BTEC First Diploma in Engineering Name: Candidate No: Unit 18: Engineering Marking Out Task: 3a ii Grading Criteria: P3 Assignment: 3 - Prepare a ‘Work Plan’ for the marking out of components Key Skills: T Using the chart below, prepare an appropriate ‘Work Plan’ for the ‘Tool Makers Clamp’ Component Name: Stage No. Date: Process Jo Richardson Community School BTEC First Diploma in Engineering Tools & Equipment Health & Safety Name: Candidate No: Unit 18: Engineering Marking Out Task: 3a iii Grading Criteria: P3 Assignment: 3 - Prepare a ‘Work Plan’ for the marking out of components Name: Quality Check Key Skills: Time Check For this task, you will be observed carrying out the task of marking out the three components to your work plan. Ensure that you have the correct tools and equipment available. You will be observed throughout the process and will be assessed on the following: Processes: Correct processes used Tools & Equipment: Correct tools and equipment used and used correctly Health & Safety: Suitable H&S measures used throughout Quality Check: That you are constantly checking you work throughout. Time Check: You are aware of the time constraints and work within them Jo Richardson Community School BTEC First Diploma in Engineering Name: Candidate No: Unit 18: Engineering Marking Out Task: 3b Grading Criteria: P4 Assignment: 3 - Mark out the three different applications to the prepared work plan Key Skills: For this task, you will be observed carrying out the task of marking out the three components to your work plan. To gain a ‘Merit’ grade for this task, you will need to carry out appropriate checks to ensure that your marking out of the components are to the requirements of the drawings provided and that the appropriate machining and material removal techniques are considered. Again, you will be observed for this – you should ask questions about the drawings if you feel that not enough information is provided. Jo Richardson Community School BTEC First Diploma in Engineering Name: Candidate No: Unit 18: Engineering Marking Out Task: 3c Grading Criteria: M2 Assignment: 3 - Mark out the three different applications to the prepared work plan Key Skills: For each of the three work pieces covered in the previous tasks, you must ‘JUSTIFY’ your CHOICE of measuring and marking out equipment. Justify WHY you decided to mark out your first ’DATUMN LINE’, the EQUIPMENT chosen (its use) and the TECHNIQUES used. CRITICALLY EVALUATE your decisions giving good reasons and SUBSTANTIATE these (why you chose them), say WHAT you did, and HOW you did it. Sheet No: Jo Richardson Community School BTEC First Diploma in Engineering Name: Candidate No: Unit 18: Engineering Marking Out Task: 3d Grading Criteria: D1 Key Skills: Assignment 3: - justify the choices of datum, work-holding equipment and measurement techniques used to mark out the three different applications. (Continued) Sheet No: Jo Richardson Community School BTEC First Diploma in Engineering Name: Candidate No: Unit 18: Engineering Marking Out Task: 3d Grading Criteria: D1 Key Skills: Assignment 3: - justify the choices of datum, work-holding equipment and measurement techniques used to mark out the three different applications. Leaving the work area in a safe condition; cleaning of equipment; disposal of waste; storage of measuring and marking out equipment is an important part of an engineers job. You must give ‘SIX’ examples of where the above practice has taken place and explain the implications of NOT doing it correctly. Use headings for each of the examples and bullet points for your examples of ‘Good Practice’. (Continue on separate sheet) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Sheet No: Jo Richardson Community School BTEC First Diploma in Engineering Name: Candidate No: Unit 18: Engineering Marking Out Task: 4a Grading Criteria: P5 Key Skills: Assignment: 4 - leaving the work area in a safe condition; cleaning of equipment; disposal of waste; storage of measuring and marking out equipment (Continued) Leaving the work area in a safe condition Sheet No: Jo Richardson Community School BTEC First Diploma in Engineering Name: Candidate No: Unit 18: Engineering Marking Out Task: 4a Grading Criteria: P5 Key Skills: Assignment: 4 - leaving the work area in a safe condition; cleaning of equipment; disposal of waste; storage of measuring and marking out equipment Demonstrating Safe Working Practice and Good Housekeeping Whilst undergoing practical activity, you must be able to demonstrate safe working practice and good housekeeping. You will be observed during your practical sessions to ensure that this takes place during your routine and during all practical activity. YOU MUST MAKE SURE YOU GET YOUR OBSERVATION SHEET SIGNED TO ACHIEVE THIS GRADE CRITERIA. Name: Jo Richardson Community School BTEC First Diploma in Engineering Unit 18: Engineering Marking Out Candidate No: Task: 4b Grading Criteria: P5 Assignment 4: Demonstrating safe working practice and good housekeeping. Key Skills: