Sampling Fundamentals 1 Basic Concepts Population: the entire group under study (or of interest) Exercise: Define population for a study seeking to assess SUU student attitudes towards a) program quality and delivery, b) program content, and c) social environment. Sample: subset of the population Used to represent the population Sample unit (elements): basic unit investigated (choose sampling units/elements when sampling) Individuals, households, etc. Census: data collected from EVERYONE in population 2 Basic Concepts (continued) AGAIN: total error = sampling error + nonsampling error Sampling error: error due to taking a sample (+/-zs) Nonsampling error: everything else (measurement, data analysis, etc.) Sample frame: list from which the sample is selected Sample frame error: Pop’n members not in frame, and members in frame not in pop’n of interest 3 Reasons for Sampling Cost Too much information to handle Sampling can be more accurate Nonsampling errors can overwhelm reduction in sampling errors – Sampling work behaviors example – Census Bureau Time problem 4 Developing a sampling plana 1. Define the population of interest. 2. Choose a data-collection method (mail, telephone, Internet, intercept, etc.). 3. Identify a sampling frame. 4. Select sampling method 5. Determine sample size. 6. Develop operational procedures for selecting sampling elements/units. 7. Execute the operational sampling plan. 5 PROBABILITY SAMPLING METHODS Each member of population has a ‘known’ probability of being selected Simple Random Sampling: Each member has an equal probability of being selected Blind Draw Method Table of Random Numbers Useful for small samples, when Random Digit Dialing (or +1) is appropriate, and computerized lists 6 PROBABILITY METHODS (Cont’d) Stratified Sampling: Population is segmented (stratified), and then samples are chosen from each strata using some other method Can be more efficient (smaller sampling error) – Homogeneous within, heterogeneous without Useful when interested in different strata (e.g., small numbers, etc) Disproportionate versus proportionate 7 PROBABILITY METHODS (Cont’d) Cluster Sampling: Population is divided into groups, or clusters, and then clusters are randomly chosen. Homogenous without, heterogeneous within Every unit in cluster examined, OR A Random (or systematic) sample is taken from chosen cluster (2-stage or 2-step approach) Careful with the probabilities! 8 PROBABILITY METHODS (Cont’d) Systematic Sampling: Randomly choosing a starting point and then choosing every nth member. Example: Need 52 data points (daily sales) for a year – Skip interval = 365/52=7.01 – Randomly choose 1 day out of first 7, then choose every 7th one after that. Variation: Choose every nth visitor 9 NONPROBABILITY SAMPLING METHODS Probability of selection not known, and hence representativeness cannot be assessed Technically, confidence intervals, H0 tests, etc. not appropriate Convenience Samples: Shopping mall intercepts, classes asked to fill out questionnaires, etc. Judgment Samples: Someone puts together what is believed to be a relatively representative sample Ex.: Test markets 10 Nonprobability Sampling (Cont’d) Referral (or Snowball) Samples Quota Samples EXAMPLE: Choose sampling units so their representation equals their frequency in the pop’n (e.g., 52% females, 48% males) 11 Identifying the Target Population Determining the Sampling Frame Reconciling the Population, Sampling Frame Differences Selecting a Sampling Frame Probability Sampling Non-Probability Sampling Determining the Relevant Sample Size The Sampling Process Execute Sampling Data Collection From Respondents Handling the NonResponse Problem Information for Decision-Making 12 Nonresponse Bias Reason for nonresponse: Refusal Lack of ability to respond Not at home Inaccessible Handling nonresponse Improve research design Call-backs Estimate effects – Sample nonrespondents; trends 13