The National Personal Health Budget Pilot Programme Gemma Newbery ‘NHS Personal Health Budget’ Project Manager Working together for a healthier Nottingham What is a Personal Health Budget? (PHB) A Personal Health Budget (PHB) is an amount of money that is allocated to a patient. The patient has choice and control over how this money is spent to meet their own personal and clinical outcomes. Working together for a healthier Nottingham Where have PHBs Come From? Personal Health Budgets (PHBs) are one part of the drive to personalise public services in general, and health services in particular. They are a way to allow people to take more control over how money is spent on their healthcare. Positive lessons from social care •A firm commitment to personal health budgets Very new to the NHS •But begin by piloting Promising international evidence evidence of the benefits of personalisation •Take time to evaluate, finding out what works •Build on what works in other areas and link with them Working together for a healthier Nottingham Many risks and complexities Who benefits most NHS Personal Health Budget Pilot Sites -Hartlepool PCT with Stockton PCT -Doncaster PCT -Hull Teaching PCT -Manchester PCT -Merseyside (joint bid) -Stoke on Trent PCT -Health and Wellbeing Partnership, Birmingham -Barking and Dagenham PCT -Havering PCT -West London PCT Working together for a healthier Nottingham - Dorset PCT -Norfolk PCT -NHS Nottingham City -Northamptonshire Teaching PCT -Oxfordshire PCT -Avon, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and Somerset Cardiac and Stroke Network -Bedfordshire PCT -Eastern and Coastal Kent PCT -Medway PCT -Torbay Care Trust Nottingham’s NHS Personal Health Budget Pilot To explore the use of Personal Health Budgets for: • Patients with neurological conditions referred to the new Community Neurology Service • Patients with memory problems referred to the Intermediate Care Service at the Willows • Patients that become eligible for fully funded NHS Continuing Health Care or joint funded care packages • Carers of patients receiving a Personal Health Budget Working together for a healthier Nottingham Clear Government Support for PHBs NHS White Paper SEN Green Paper Spending review Mental health strategy October 2011 announcement that, subject to the evaluation, people receiving NHS Continuing Healthcare will have a right to ask for a personal health budget by April 2014 Carers’ strategy Right to Control NHS Operating Framework. NHS Future Forum and the Government’s response Working together for a healthier Nottingham PHBs: Key Points • At the heart of a personal health budget is a care plan which is developed in partnership. Bringing together the clinical knowledge and expertise of professionals in partnership with the individual’s knowledge of how their condition affects them and what works for them. • The plan and the budget enables people to meet their needs in different ways, ways that work for them. Once it has been developed, the plan will be subject to clinical governance and sign off. • Personal health budgets are not about new money; rather they use money which would have been spent on an individual’s care in different ways. • Personal health budgets aim to deliver better health and wellbeing outcomes through choice and control. They should facilitate integration across services. Working together for a healthier Nottingham Step by Step Journey Working together for a healthier Nottingham 5 Steps 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How much? Support Plan Agree the Plan Organise Support Review Working together for a healthier Nottingham Step 1- How Much? • Based on the cost of providing the patient with commissioned services • Continuing Health Care Resource Allocation System Working together for a healthier Nottingham Step 2 – Support Plan • Self Brokerage • Brokerage – Internal (NCC) – External • Directory of Services: – – Working together for a healthier Nottingham Step 3 - Agree the Plan Step 1 – Clinical sign off by lead clinician Step 2 – Commissioning sign off Working together for a healthier Nottingham Step 4 – Organise the Support Personal care plans Real budget held on the individual’s behalf Direct payment – cash held by patient Working together for a healthier Nottingham Already legally possible More direct control to individuals Notional individual budget Step 5 - Review • Review periods based on: – Patient’s condition – Risk – Clinical Agreement – Support Plan Period Working together for a healthier Nottingham Patient Examples: Mental Health • Pete’s Story – DVD Working together for a healthier Nottingham Early Lessons & Key Challenges -1 • It is essential that health and social care work together to facilitate personalisation • Personal Health Budgets aren’t for everyone • People want help to develop a support plan and decide how to spend their budget • Support planning is time consuming if it is done properly • Fluctuating and changing need Working together for a healthier Nottingham Early Lessons & Key Challenges -2 • The culture change to facilitate personalisation in health is huge • It is important to recognise and record risks • Market development • Delivering Personal Health Budgets in a time of financial challenge • Developing the right systems and processes Working together for a healthier Nottingham What Next - 1? To build on the lessons learnt throughout the PHB pilot to develop a sustainable, efficient and effective process for providing patients with a PHB in Nottingham. Working together for a healthier Nottingham What Next - 2? • Roll out for patients eligible for Continuing Health Care • Roll out for joint funded patients • Continue to offer PHBs to patients with neurological conditions accessing the Community Neurology Service • Explore PHBs in children’s continuing care • Explore PHBs in mental health, short term residential care • Explore PHBs with patients with working age dementia living in the community • Explore PHBs for people with ME Working together for a healthier Nottingham Any Questions? Gemma Newbery Email: Tel: 0115 883 9474 Working together for a healthier Nottingham