Web to Leads - Rci.rutgers.edu

Web to Leads
Web to Leads
• A web to lead provides users the ability to gather information
from their website visitors which automatically tracks and
stores in salesforce.
• You can use standard lead fields on this form such as name,
address, email, phone number, lead source etc. in addition to
any custom field.
• Salesforce provides you the ability to easily add a custom field
such as program of interest to a form.
• If you have a basic understanding of html, you can also
include hidden fields, identify a specific value for these fields,
as well as format the form fields.
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Web to Lead-Best Practices
• Establish a Campaign in order to group the incoming form
• Be sure to include the following hidden fields:
– Record type id so the lead data tracks to your salesforce group
– Web to lead check box to denote the origin of the lead
• Assignment Rules-determine lead ownership
– Use Assignment Rules to specify criteria on which to base the
– If you wish to notify a group of users, create a queue (user group) (If one
isn’t already created for you)
– Create a customized email template to be sent to co-workers notifying
them of the new lead (msg can contain merged fields including prospective contact info)
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Web to Lead-Best Practices
• Autoresponse (Optional)-If you would like to send the
prospective student an email after completing the form:
– Create an email template to be sent to the prospect. This msg can
contain merged fields for a more personalized letter
• If you are using Google Analytics or Google Adwords be sure
to add the tracking code to the web page of the form
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Marketing via Salesforce
Send email blasts
Online Advertising
Include URL directing
leads to online form
Online form collects data and
tracks in Salesforce
Create an automated email notification which s
immediately sent back to end user
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Create a assignment rule that delegates an email
notification to a coworker to contact lead within
Web to Leads
Steps to Creating a Form
Web to Lead
• Generate the Web to lead HTML code in the “setup” area of
• You will find the web to led feature under
the “App Setup” category
• Then select customize  leads  web to lead
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Web to Lead
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Use the “Generate Web to Lead Form” button to
access the creation area
Web to Lead
Select your fields, specify the order, then use the Use the “Generate” button
to retrieve the html code for your desired fields
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Web to Lead
Copy and paste the text into an html editor or notepad to edit the code.
Then add the final code to the desired webpage.
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Tips for Editing the Code
• The first time you create a web to lead form you will need to
edit the code that is generated .
• Once you customize the code you can use this as a template
moving forward.
– You can generate code for additional fields as needed and simply add
this code to your template
– Be sure to also update the campaign id when re-using the template
• It is a best practice to specify a campaign id in the code
You can find the campaign id
at the end of the campaign
url. You can also add the
campaign id field to a report
in order to locate the value
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Tips for Editing the Code
• You may also want to establish a member status value. For
example you may want a lead (that completed the form)
associated with a campaign to contain a value of
• You may need to edit picklist fields as they will contain values
associated with all record types*.
• You will also need to edit the lead record type field as it lists
all types affiliated with the org
• If desired you can change the field label or establish a
required field with simple html edits
Unit Name
*SC&I-Please consult your data dictionary for a list of acceptable values
Web to Leads
Assignment Rules
Assignment Rules
• Prior to establishing an assignment rule be sure you have an
email template setup. This template will be used to notify staff
member(s) of a new lead
• If you wish to notify more than one user be sure to create a
user queue (if one is not already established) with one generic
email address (with multiple recipients) to route these emails
to the group
• Be sure to include your lead record type as part of the filter
criteria in the lead assignment rules.
• You should create multiple assignment rules if you would like
to send out a customized Auto Response to the prospect
based on the data entered (ex program of interest)
Unit Name
Assignment Rules
• Create Assignment Rules in the “setup” area of salesforce
• You will find the Assignment Rules feature under
the “App Setup” category
• Then select Customize  Leads 
Assignment Rules
Please Note: Access to the assignment rules area does
vary depending on your profile settings.
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Assignment Rules
Click “New” to create a new assignment rule
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Please Note: Access to the assignment rules area does
vary depending on your profile settings.
Assignment Rules
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Specify the sort order, set criteria, specify the user to be assigned
the lead and choose an email template for the notification
Web to Leads
Auto Response Rules
Auto Response Rules
• Prior to establishing an Auto Response rule be sure you have
an email template setup. This template will be used to notify
staff member(s) of a new lead
• If you wish to have multiple Auto Response messages based
on the data entered (ex program of interest) be sure to create
multiple customized email templates in advance for each
• Be sure to include your lead record type as part of the filter
criteria in the lead assignment rules.
Unit Name
Auto Response Rules
• Create Auto Response Rules in the “setup” area of salesforce
• You will find the Assignment Rules feature under
the “App Setup” category
• Then select Customize  Leads 
Auto Response Rules
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Auto Response Rules
Click “New” to create a new Auto Response rule
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Please Note: Access to the Auto Response rules area does
vary depending on your profile settings.
Auto Response Rules
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Specify the sort order, set criteria, specify the user in to appear as the sender of the
message (notifier name/email) which is required as well as an email template for the
Web to Leads
Email Templates
Email Templates
• Salesforce provides the following categories of email
– Personal (your use only)
– Public (available to group or org wide)
• There are 4 different types of Email Templates you can create
– Text
– HTML with Letterhead
– Custom HTML
– Visualforce
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Please Note: All users can create text email templates, however
access to the other options vary depending on your profile settings.
Email Templates
• All of these email templates can include
– Text
– Merge fields
– Attached files
• Email templates used in the following features must be both
public and active
– Web-to-Lead
– Assignment rules
– Auto-response rules
Unit Name
Please Note: All users can create text email templates, however
access to the other options vary depending on your profile settings.
• Create Preset Formats for your templates using Letterheads
• These preset features can include:
– Text Settings
– Page color
– Section Dividers (border lines)
– Logo
Unit Name
Please Note: All users can create text email templates, however
access to the other options vary depending on your profile settings.
Personal Email Templates
• Create a Personal Email Template in the “setup” area of
• You will find the Email Templates feature under
the “Personal Setup” category
• Then select Email My Templates
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Public Email Templates
• Create a Public Email Template in the “setup” area of
• You will find the Email Templates feature under
the “Personal Setup” category
• Then select Communication Templates
Email Templates
Please Note: All users can create text
personal email templates, however
access to the public templates vary
depending on your profile settings.
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Email Templates
Click “New Template” button to create a new personal email
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Text Email Templates
Select “Text” email template and click “Next”.
Please note that options may vary depending on your permission settings.
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Text Email Templates-Edit Mode
Use the available
merged fields list
to customize
your message
The red fields are required
(the template unique name
field will automatically
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Select the type of email template you wish to create and click “Next”.
Please note that options may vary depending on your permission settings.
Text Email-Sample
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• Create Letterhead in the “setup” area of salesforce
• You will find the Email Templates feature under
the “Personal Setup” category
• Then select Communication Templates
Please Note: All users can create
Letterhead, access varies depending
on your profile settings.
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Letterhead Email Templates
Select “HTML (using Letterhead)” email template and click “Next”.
Please note that options may vary depending on your permission settings.
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HTML Using Letterheads
The red fields are
required (the template
unique name field will
automatically populate)
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The use of Letterhead is useful if you are looking to standardize your templates
with the same format, logo, and appearance
Letterhead-Edit Mode
Use the “Edit…” buttons to modify the various
sections of the letterrhead
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Using Custom HTML (without using Letterhead)
Select “Custom” (without using Letterhead) and click
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Using Custom HTML (without using Letterhead)
The red fields are
required (the template
unique name field will
automatically populate)
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Using Custom HTML(without using Letterhead)Edit Mode
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Using Custom HTML(without using Letterhead)Sample
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