Contents Geography Class Discussion Urban Primacy Question 3 ‧How MDCs exhibit binary or more orderly rank-size pattern? ‧Why MDCs exhibit binary or more orderly rank-size pattern? --- the general reasons ‧Case Study --- the Philippines and the USA How MDCs exhibit binary or more orderly rank-size pattern? Geography Class Discussion Urban Primacy Question 3 Most More Developed Countries exhibit more orderly rank-size pattern, compared with Less Developed Countries. Example: Canada[1] ‘000 heads Population (log scale) 5000 1000 Primacy ratio = 1.03 500 [1] Canada 2001 Census, Statistics Canada How MDCs exhibit binary or more orderly rank-size pattern? Example: Greece [2] ‘000 heads Population (log scale) 500 100 10 [2] List of cities in Greece, Geography Class Discussion Urban Primacy Question 3 How MDCs exhibit binary or more orderly rank-size pattern? Geography Class Discussion Urban Primacy Question 3 Orderly rank-sized cities are distributed evenly and separated apart in a MDC. Some of the MDCs are in binary pattern of urban network for the first two largest cities. Example: Australia How MDCs exhibit binary or more orderly rank-size pattern? Geography Class Discussion Urban Primacy Question 3 ‘000 heads Population (log scale) 5000 binary 1000 orderly [3] [3] Statistical Divisions (SDs), Australian Bureau of Statistics How MDCs exhibit binary or more orderly rank-size pattern? Comparing the shapes of rank-size patterns of MDCs and LDCs. Population (log scale) Geography Class Discussion Urban Primacy Question 3 Greece Canada1 Australia The Philippines (Typical LDCs) 1 10 rank Why MDCs exhibit binary or more orderly rank-size pattern? --- the general reasons Geography Class Discussion Urban Primacy Question 3 Longer history of urban development Without colonial background, a MDC has a longer history of urban development to develop more than one city. Better-off government MDCs’ governments are better-off than the LDCs’, they are able to spend on developing not only one city. Better transport network Transport network and infra-structures are built not only to one city. This enhances even developments in various cities. Why MDCs exhibit binary or more orderly rank-size pattern? --- the general reasons Geography Class Discussion Urban Primacy Question 3 High living standard in rural Ruralites in MDCs have a high living standard. Politics is stable there. They would not flock to the city. Higher education level People in MDCs are at higher education level. Birth control policies would be easier successful there and this does not favour the formation of primate city. Federal government system Federal government encouraged developments in different states of a MDC but not only at one city. Case study and evidence --the Philippines and the USA Geography Class Discussion Urban Primacy Question 3 Case study on MDC with binary pattern --- the USA With comparison to a typical LDC --- the Philippines Case Study and evidence --the Philippines, the USA and Japan Los Angeles Geography Class Discussion Urban Primacy Question 3 New York Population density of The USA Orderly pattern of urban network with a binary pattern for the first two largest cities. Case Study and evidence --the USA Geography Class Discussion Urban Primacy Question 3 Longer history of urban development Though with a colonial background, the USA gained her independence in late 19th Century and has had a long history of urban development. The largest city New York at the Eastern coast was developed first while the USA later develop the Western coast and Los Angeles. Better-off government The US government is the wealthiest one in the world. She became a superpower in the 20th Century and she was able to develop the whole country. Case Study and evidence --the USA Geography Class Discussion Urban Primacy Question 3 Better transport network Transport is very easy between the Eastern and the Western coast of the USA. Developments on both of the two coasts were enabled. High living standard in rural The USA rural residents enjoy a high living standard. They don’t have high incentive to move to the cities. Higher education level Birth control policies are successful in the USA. No population boom would take place to help formation of a primate city. Case Study and evidence --the USA Geography Class Discussion Urban Primacy Question 3 Federal government system The USA has a federal government. Capital was given for developments in different cities. Case Study and evidence --the Philippines Primate city --- Metro Manila with around 10 million population (1/9 of the total population of the Philippines) Geography Class Discussion Urban Primacy Question 3 Case Study and evidence --the Philippines Geography Class Discussion Urban Primacy Question 3 Short history of urban development Colony of the USA till 1946. Economic Poverty Corruptions were usual. National finance and economy were always bad. Poor government was not able to support developments of more cities. Political Instability Lower education level