QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. www.howtosmile.org COSIA student interacting with group of children about how fish breathe underwater. WHAT IS IT? • COSIA is a network of partnerships between universities and informal science education institutions (aquariums, science centers, museums). • Led by the Center for Ocean Sciences Education ExcellenceCalifornia (COSEE-CA) at Lawrence Hall of Science (LHS), University of California, Berkeley. WHAT ARE THE GOALS? 1. Provide a model for establishing substantive, long-term partnerships between scientists and informal science education institutions to meet their respective outreach needs. 2. Provide future scientists with experiences communicating science concepts & research to the public in informal environments, and promoting the broader impact of scientific research. 3. Provide informal educators with access to cutting-edge science and effective strategies to incorporate it into their practice. 4. Provide diverse role models and inquiry-based ocean sciences activities for children and families visiting informal education institutions to increase diversity in the geosciences. 5. Offer regional professional development opportunities for scientists and informal educators led by regional hubs of informal science institutions and universities. COSIA Activities on SMILE The informal science activities developed for COSIA have been documented, field tested, and shared with other informal science institutions and colleges/ universities for use by students, docents, or education staff and are included on the NSDL SMILE Pathway Go to www.howtosmile.org & search for “COSEE” WHO IS IN THE NETWORK? UC Berkeley Educational Research Qui ckTi me™ and a decompressor are needed to see this pictur e. Lawrence Hall of Science QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. Instructional Materials Development Rutgers University Ocean Observatories Liberty Science Center Large Urban Science Center Oregon State University Informal Learning Research Hatfield Marine Science Center Small Aquarium & Science Center Hampton University Diverse Audience Outreach Virginia Aquarium Community Outreach WHAT IS IN THE NETWORK? Scripps Institute of Oceanography Leading Oceanographic Institution • • • COSIA college course. Scientist & informal educator co-teach a course that introduces science students to learning & teaching science, & offers students practical experience in communicating their scientific knowledge to the public. Currently being taught in 7 universities nationwide. Museum Educators Reflecting On Practice. Professional development program for science educators in informal science education institutions. Currently being field tested in 10 institutions nationwide. Scientist Workshops. One-day & multi-day workshops for scientists to learn how to communicate their research effectively & develop ways to improve their broader impacts. Birch Aquarium Communicating Cutting-edge Research University of Southern California Outreach to Diverse Audience Aquarium of the Pacific Large Aquarium University of Hawaii & multiple informal institutions Focus on Traditional Knowledge SMILE Pathway Partners Qui ckTi me™ and a decompressor are needed to see this pictur e. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. HOW TO JOIN THE NETWORK? ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Contact: Catherine Halversen chalver@berkeley.edu Qui ckTi me™ and a decompressor are needed to see this pictur e. Both COSIA and SMILE are funded by grants from the National Science Foundation. . Visit COSEE California: http://www.coseeca.net/programs/communicatingoceansciences/ Quick Time™ an d a d eco mp res sor ar e n eed ed to s ee this pic ture . QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.