Presentation - Saltriver Infosystems Pvt. Ltd

Automated Driver Testing System
 Standardize and automate the procedure of evaluating the
driving skills of a driver
 Eliminate subjective opinion of an examiner
 Same yardstick will assess every candidate
 Ability to drive a vehicle on different types of road is checked
Automated Driver Testing System
Skill Assessed
 Ability to drive on various shaped and size like ‘S’, ‘H’ and ‘8’
shaped road and any customized shaped road
 Ability to drive forward on a road with upward gradient without any
backward movement
 Parking a vehicle while driving in reverse
 Identifying traffic symbols
Automated Driver Testing System
 No subjectivity-earlier multiple examiner at locations rated driving on
subjective assessment
 Because of the GPS Based System the Driver get all the information on
the desk
 Automated Display of the Traffic signal on the Wireless Billboard Board
helps the driver for proper guidance on the track
 Total transparency
 Consistency in selection
 No disturbance to operational staff at depots and divisions
 Prevents untrained drivers from getting in to the system
 Ensure selection only on merit
 No scope for extraneous consideration
 Ease, Efficiency, Economy and equity
 Installation cost recoverable from processing fees in a short period
Automated Driver Testing System
Salient Features
Special tracks with a system of sensors embedded in the tracks
Real time data transfer to central location
The system awards mark automatically
On completion of all tests, the results are printed and handed over to
the candidate immediately
Biometric based secure identification of the candidate
Wireless Display Board for displaying different traffic signals
GPS Based navigation system for the correct driving experience
Any type of vehicle including LMV, LCV
Automated Driver Testing System
Automated Driver Testing System
Types of Test
 Negotiation of ‘S’ shaped road with
proper indication of Speed and
traffic signals using GPS based
system and Wireless Display
 Measures time duration to
complete test and any poles
 Automated generation of traffic
signals on the Wireless billboard
board for testing proper skills of
the driver.
Automated Driver Testing System
Types of Test
 Negotiation of ‘8’ shaped road with
proper indication of Speed and
traffic signals using GPS based
system and Wireless Display
 Measures time duration to
complete test and any poles
 Automated generation of traffic
signals on the Wireless billboard
board for testing proper skills of
the driver.
Automated Driver Testing System
Types of Test
 Negotiation of ‘H’ shaped road with
proper indication of Speed and traffic
signals using GPS based system and
Wireless Display board.
 Measures time duration to complete test
and any poles movement
 Automated generation of traffic signals
on the Wireless billboard board for
testing proper skills of the driver.
 Different type of Forward & Entrance,
Reverse, Forward and Forward Exit
Tests has been carried out in this test
Automated Driver Testing System
Types of Test
 Negotiation of Gradient shaped
road with proper indication of
Speed and traffic signals using
GPS based system and Wireless
Display board.
 Measures time duration to
complete test and any poles
 Automated generation of traffic
signals on the Wireless billboard
board for testing proper skills of
the driver.
Automated Driver Testing System
Traffic Signal Test (Kiosk based Signal Test)
 The candidate will be displayed with 4 road signals along with 8 options
out of which 4 will be correct answer.
 The candidate has to match the symbol with the correct answer in the
options provided.
 The time allotted for this test is 2 minutes.
 The candidate will be given 1 mark for every correct answer.
Automated Driver Testing System
Traffic Signal Test (Kiosk based Signal Test)
Automated Driver Testing System
How it Works
 The “Automatic Driver Testing System” will make use of
optical/proximity based sensors which will be connected over to central
control unit.
 The software will check the status of each sensor while test is
performed and time taken and generate report for each user. On
completion of test, the system will generate the test result automatically.
The data will be logged in central database
 During the Test Drive the Driver should follow all the rules displayed on
the Wireless Display Board and Control the speed using the GPS
based system.
Automated Driver Testing System
System Flow
User registers on website or on designated center
User gets a Test Call on mobile SMS or an email
User reaches at Test Center and provide documents and call ID
User details are registered such as, photos, personal information,
address etc. with biometric fingerprint
User undertake the all required tests
The system stores all details during test and generate a Test Report
once all tests are completed
User go to RTO center with given result to collect a driver license
RTO issue a driver license by verified user’s result and fingerprint
Automated Driver Testing System
System Requirement
Land for testing center
Construction work of Test Routes/Tracks
Sensors and controllers for Automated Driver Test system
Software application
Computers with Printer
Server for Database
Intranet/Internet Network connection
Wireless Display Board
GPS Based System
Automated Driver Testing System
Software Application
8 Test
Application Screenshots
Real Time Sensor Details
Candidate Number
Candidate Details with Photo
Test Duration Details
Number of Poles Knock Down
Automated Driver Testing System
Software Application
S Test
Application Screenshots
Real Time Sensor Details
Candidate Number
Candidate Details with Photo
Test Duration Details
Number of Poles Knock Down
Automated Driver Testing System
Software Application
Reverse Parking Test
Application Screenshots
Real Time Sensor Details
Candidate Number
Candidate Details with Photo
Test Duration Details
Number of Poles Knock Down
Automated Driver Testing System
Software Application
Up Gradient Test
Application Screenshots
Real Time Sensor Details
Candidate Number
Candidate Details with Photo
Test Duration Details
Number of Poles Knock Down
Automated Driver Testing System
Automated Driver Testing System
Contact Us
Saltriver Infosystems Pvt. Ltd.
B-11, Premium House, Ellis bridge,
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Phone : 91-79-26580392,26574356