Genre as a Series: Finding Predictability in Complex Genres Presented by Sarah Collinge Literacy Publications & Consulting Collinge Read Side by Side Literacy P Common Core State Standards Workshop 1: What do the Common Core State Standards require? Key Requirement: all students must be able to comprehend texts of steadily increasing complexity as they progress through school. Genre Workshop 2: Closing the gap between reader and text. Teaching genre to unlock comprehension. Moving beyond the basic definition of each genre. Workshop 1: Key Requirement: all students must be able to comprehend texts of steadily increasing complexity as they progress through school. 2006 ACT, Inc. report “Reading Between the Lines”: 51% of college bound students were proficient in reading according to the 2006 ACT Report. Why? ACT Strand: Inferential Thinking ACT Strands: Strategies & Skills ACT Strand: Complex Text Define Complex Text Reader and Task Common Core State Standards: Appendix A, p. 4 Quantitative Demands Word length Word frequency Sentence Length Text Cohesion Typically Measured by Computers (Lexile, AR) Quantitative Grade Bands Grade Band Old Lexile Level New Lexile Level Difference K-1 N/A N/A N/A 2-3 450-725 450-790 65 4-5 645-845 770-980 135 6-8 860-1010 955-1155 145 9-10 960-1115 1080-1305 290 11-CCR 1070-1220 1215-1355 135 CCR = College Career Readiness Common Core State Standards: Appendix A, p. 8 Turn and Talk According to quantitative measurements, what grade level should be reading Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath? 680 Lexile Level Qualitative Demands Multiple levels of meaning Implicit purpose Figurative language / dialect Complex structure Sophisticated genre Background knowledge necessary Why? Increasing the complexity of the text increases student competency with strategy/skill work. Increased Rigor The strategy stays the same, but the rigor increases in more demanding text. Exp. Predicting & Summarizing Why? Strategies & skills are more likely to transfer. Strategies are used when we are stuck Awareness of the need for strategies increases progressively in more challenging texts When students see strategies as valuable tools for comprehension, they will be more likely to use those strategies in other contexts (independently). Reflection I completely agree with… It surprised me to hear… I am wondering… Workshop 2: The Common Core State Standards demand all students must be able to comprehend texts of steadily increasing complexity. How do I close the gap between reader and text? Close the Gap Provide Modeling & Support – Gradual Release Model Reading-Speaking-Listening Link Comprehension Build student’s reading comprehension through both being read to and reading independently. Gradually shift this balance as students progress in age. 1 6 Common Core State Standards: Appendix A, p. 26 13 Age Close the Gap Build Background Knowledge Genre Subject Matter Vocabulary Genre Treat genre like a series; make it comfortable! Did you know? Readers find comfort in what is predictable. Character Setting Plot Genre Teach students what is most important to the genre. Realistic Fiction Historical Fiction Fantasy Science Fiction Nonfiction Most Curriculums Teach the Definition Only Realistic Fiction Beyond the Definition Setting: Realistic / Believable Present Time Characters: Believable Change over time Plot: Real-life problem Main character changes over time Read and Reflect Look at the genre charts. What are you learning? What are you wondering? Beyond the Definition Biography Setting: Real Begins in the past Chronological Character: Real people The main character is a person of importance we can learn from Plot: Tells about the person’s life Tells about the person’s accomplishments Practice / Turn and Talk 1. Read Midnight Hero by Su Montour 2. Reflect: How do these supports help you navigate this genre? Did the text feel comfortable? Did you know what was important? Genre and the MSP How does knowing this information about genre help students on the MSP? Determine the genre. Review the genre chart. Predict the theme/message. Read and answer the questions. Close the Gap Broaden Text Experiences Expose students to a range of genres in instructional read aloud Align subject matter and genre to increase student success in complex text Strategically plan your scope and sequence to connect books/themes across the year and years Sample Scope and Sequence 4th Grade Model Sept/Oct Nov/Dec Jan/Feb March/April May/June Realistic Fict. Epic Fantasy Biography Nonfiction Historical fiction Realistic Fict. Fantasy Biography Nonfiction Jan/Feb March/April May/June Nonfiction Science Fiction Guide 5th Grade Sept/Oct Model Guide Nov/Dec Realistic Fict. Realistic Fict. Historical Complex structure Fiction Realistic Fict. Realistic Fict. Historical Fiction Nonfiction Reflection I completely agree with… It surprised me to hear… I am wondering… Tomorrow The C. I. A. Approach to Reading Chapter Books Workshop 3: Teach a Plan of Action Collect Interpret Apply Visit my website: Register for upcoming workshops Purchase materials Join my list serve Be invited to special events Contact me