Stormwater Education Karla Beatty, Oklahoma Conservation Commission Becky Inmon, Oklahoma Co. Conservation District Don Bartolina, Oklahoma Co. Conservation District Oklahoma Conservation Commission Oklahoma Conservation Districts The Oklahoma Conservation Commission and conservation districts accomplish conservation of renewable natural resources through soil and water conservation, land use planning, small watershed upstream flood control, abandoned mine land reclamation, water quality monitoring, conservation education and wetlands conservation. Why Water Education? Water is essential for all life. Finite or limited supply of water. Variety of users. Demand is increasing; supply remains the same. Citizens must be able to make responsible, informed decisions regarding water resources. Project WET is… A Water Education Program designed for formal and non-formal educators of preK-12 students. Sponsored by OCC, ODEQ and OWRB. Includes: a Curriculum Guide of activities developed, fieldtested, and reviewed by over 600 educators and resource managers working with 34,000 students nationwide and correlated to current education standards. an Instruction and Delivery Network offering Educator Workshops that include training, the Project WET Curriculum & Activity Guide, and additional water education resources. KIDS Booklets Kids In Discovery Series Student activity booklets written and illustrated for 8-12 year olds. > 30 water-related topics Stormwater Program + Project WET + Conservation District = Stormwater Education Program Stormwater Program Permit requirements for Education/Outreach Funding Staff with knowledge, training and/or confidence to deliver educational programming Time Curriculum materials Project WET Curriculum materials Training network Staff Time Funding Conservation District Staff Time Curriculum materials Funding Stormwater Program (funding) + Project WET (materials) + Conservation District (delivery) = Effective & Efficient Stormwater Education Program Other Opportunities Oklahoma Co. Conservation District 405.524.4450 Oklahoma Conservation Commission 405.521.2384