Cooperative Learning Day 3

Team Windows
(commonalties) (10.12)
• Person 1 suggests something all students might
have in common.
• If all teammates do, Person 1 records it in the
“All” section, if only two people do, then Person
1 records it in Section 2 and so on..
• Continue in RoundTable fashion, passing the
paper, until each team member has had a
chance to go at least twice. (commonalities will
be used to formulate team names)
Team Names (10.13)
• Teams have two minutes to determine four
possible choices for a team name using
commonalities. Write each choice on a square of
one whiteboard from the team packs.
• Sum-the-Ranks
– Everyone gets four post its. (use each to write the
numbers 1,2,3 or 4 down.)
– Decide which is your # 1 choice, #2 choice, #3 choice
– When I say “Sum-the Ranks” – place the post-its on the
whiteboard square, the #1 post it going on your first
choice, the #2 on your second choice etc.
– The choice that has the lowest sum wins.
Team Stand-N-Share (6.37)
All students stand by teammates.
Each team member shares an idea
that went into team poster, name and
After each of you has read your section of
chapter 3…
Connections/Passages: Underline/highlight ideas that stand out to you or
caught your attention in the text, jot down thoughts/connections to your own
Summary and Reaction: Prepare a two to three sentence summary of your
reading on the yellow note sheets in your folder.
Illustration: On your note sheet, quickly sketch a picture relating to your
RoundRobin Share beginning with teammate #1
• Line up by the last letter of your first name
• Fold the line
• Rally Robin
– What does P.I.E.S stand for?
– What are the kinesthetic motions?
– Challenge yourself to recall the critical questions for
each of the PIES!
Structure One – Timed
Pair Share
1. Teacher announces a topic and states how long
each student will have to share.
2. Teacher provides think time.
3. In pairs, Partner A shares; Partner B listens.
4. Partner B responds.
5. Pairs switch roles: Partner B shares; Partner A
6. Partner B responds.
(yellow sheets)
Pat – Cayuga Onondaga BOCES Professional Development Unit - 2009
Rally Robin
1. Teacher poses a problem to which there are
many possible responses or solutions.
1. In pairs, students take turns stating
responses or solutions orally.
Rally Robin- simultaneous interaction is 50%.
Structure Two: Round Robin
Teacher assigns a topic or question with many possible
In teams, students respond orally, each in turn taking about
the same amount of time.
Find Someone Who
Students mix in the class, keeping a hand raised until they find a
partner that is not a teammate.
In pairs, Partner A asks a question from the worksheet; Partner B
answers. Partner A records the answer on his or her worksheet.
Partner B checks and initials the answer.
Partner B asks a question; Partner A responds. Partner B
records the answer on his or her own worksheet.
When sheets are complete, students may be seated and act as a
When all team members return, students share answers; if there
is a disagreement or uncertainty they raise four hands to ask a
team question.
Mental Math Pairs
(Rally Coach 6.32)
• Partner A solves the first problem and thinks
the process aloud.
• Partner B watches and listens
• Partner A says, “Do you agree?”
– If Partner B agrees – write it down
– If Partner B disagrees- coach
• Partner B praises.
• Switch roles and partner B solves problem 2
thinking aloud as they complete
• Partner A agrees or coaches, praises
• Partners record answers
All Write RoundRobin
• Every person has a pencil and paper
• #__ starts by sharing 1 answer
• Everyone records
• Repeat for 2 minutes
How would students
benefit from being in
Teacher C’s room?
Round Table Steps
• Problem is Posed: Teacher
poses a question/prompt with
many possible answers
• Students Contribute:
Students create a collective list,
passing the “paper” around the
Round Table Variations
I’ll Remember You!
(Simultaneous Roundtable)
• Put your name on the line at the top
• When I say “pass” – pass the paper to
your right.
• Each of you will write a parting message
for the person whose name is at the top.
• You will all continue to pass and write
until everyone has their own paper back.
1. Team chooses a SHOWDOWN CAPTAIN
2. Teacher reads a question
3. Working alone, all participants write their
4. Teacher says showdown
5. Teammates show and state their answers
6. Captain leads checking
7. Showdown captain role rotates to the left
•Team Brainstorm- No WRITING !
•After a set amount of time, team members fill the
GIVE ONE column with as many items they can
remember and then add their own ideas.
•When each person’s GIVE ONE column is full, all
team members stand.
•Team members move around the room to find
partners and GIVE ONE idea and GET ONE idea
•When sheet is filled, return to table
Structure Three – Inside – Outside Circle
1. One student from each
pair moves to form one large
circle in the class.
Remaining students find and face their partners. (The
class now stands in two concentric circles.)
Inside students respond to a teacher prompt. (or ask a
question from a question card they already have)
Partners switch roles: outside circle students ask,
listen, respond, praise.
Partners trade cards if they have them, otherwise they
say thank you and listen for further direction.
Quiz – Quiz- Trade (6.32)
Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up
Partner A quizzes
Partner B answers
Partner A praises and thanks
Switch roles
Partners trade cards
Repeat steps 1-6 a number of times
Table Team – Word Splash
What are key words and
ideas that you have
learned in our first two
days of Cooperative
1. Write Words Randomly on
2. Draw “connections” lines. ROUNDTABLE
Team Stand and Share