The Hobbit

The Hobbit
Written by:
J.R.R. Tolkien
• Bilbo is one of the main characters in The Hobbit.
He is a homely hobbit who likes to be nonadventurous. He contributes to this story in many
ways. He helps the dwarves when they are in a
bad situation. And he is there lucky number and a
burglar. He grew a lot throughout the story by
becoming more adventurous and being extremely
brave, especially for a homely hobbit.
• Gandalf is another of the main
characters in The Hobbit. He is a
wizard who has had many adventures.
He would tell the hobbits about his
adventures. He is a significant help to
the dwarves and Bilbo by using his
magic and wisdom to help them out on
their adventure. He stayed the same
through the whole book, this thus
makes him a static character.
• There where 13 dwarves their names where Thorin,
Gloin, Kili, Fili, Dori, Nori, Ori, Bombur, Bifur, Bofur,
Dwalin, Balin, and Oin. They wanted to get the
treasure from Smaug, who is a dragon that stole the
treasure from him. There significant to the story was
they were brave and skillful. They grew through the
story by learning to get along with Bilbo, and accepting
him as a part of their service.
The Climax:
This is when the
Dwarves and Bilbo
find Smaug. And where
his treasure is.
The rising
This is when the
dwarves and
Gandalf decide
that Bilbo is
going on the
adventure with
Falling action:
Smaug is killed by
a lakeman named
Bard and they are
able to get their
treasure back.
The Resolution:
Describes the shire
along with Hobbits in
general. Then it goes
to describe Bilbo along
with Gandalf.
The Dwarves, Gandalf, and
Bilbo get home safely. And
Bilbo gets part of the
When the dwarves and Bilbo are on there way they all begin to grow
hungry, so they see a house up ahead and send Bilbo to see what's in
it and when he gets there he finds out that it is mountain trolls. But
to impress the dwarves Bilbo decides to try and pick-pocket the
trolls. He evidently gets caught and is in a load of trouble. He had
no way to let the dwarves know that he wasn’t okay. The dwarves
are on the path and they are getting worried about Bilbo so they
decide to head towards him. When they get there the trolls want to
eat them. So a big fight occurs between the dwarves and the trolls.
The trolls were winning until Gandalf came and rescued them.
• The dwarves, Bilbo, and Gandalf all end up in a cave
that they thought was safe. Except while they were
sleeping horrid goblins came and took them away. Only
Gandalf was safe. He of course used his magic to horde a
couple of them off. While the dwarves and Bilbo were
under the cave Gandalf was on his way to save them.
Gandalf saved them by killing the leader. After he did
that they were on the run. They were running from the
angry goblins hoping to get out of the cave alive.
• In this conflict Bilbo is lost in the cave all by himself.
And he finds a ring on the ground then a creature of
which it calls itself gollum. Gollum wanted to play a
game with the hobbit to see if he would get out so they
played a riddle game. In the end Bilbo won but gollum
wouldn’t keep to his word of showing him the way out.
Bilbo then learns that the ring will make him invisible
so he uses it to get out of the cave and then Bilbo goes on
to find Gandalf and the dwarves.
After the dwarves and Bilbo go off the path
and fall asleep the giant spider capture the
dwarves and Bilbo wakes up and sees that
they are gone. He then goes to help them. As
he is helping them he calls upon the spiders
and distracts them. His ring is on so he is
invisible. After distracting the spiders for
a while he is able to help the dwarves out.
When he finally gets them out he has to take
a little bit to stabilize them. After he
gets them ready to go they have to run from
the spiders.
In the major conflict the dwarves and Bilbo are faced against
Smaug the dragon. They want their treasure back and he
doesn’t want to give it back. So they have to think of a way to
get their treasure. They send Bilbo down into his cave to get
something but as he gets it the dragon wakes up. He smells
Bilbo but can’t make out what he is. So they have a little chat.
The dragon asks him questions and Bilbo being smart never
gives him his real name. The dragon then mentions that he
smells dwarf and tells Bilbo not to get mixed up with them.
When Bilblo comes back up he shows the dwarves the cup that he
had stolen. The dwarves then want all of the treasure but can’t
get it with smaug there. Smaug then goes out and a lakeman
named Bard kills him and the dwarves are able to get their