Parts Libraries ISO 13584

On-line dictionaries with ISO
Part 1
Introduction and terminology
© Ferroday Ltd 2006
Structure of course
Part 1 – Introduction to information
representation and demonstration of
industrial dictionaries
Part 2 – Description of ISO 13584 and
comparison with other standards
Part 3 – Theory and practice of building ISO
13584 dictionaries
Part 4 – Practical exercise in building an ISO
13584 dictionary
© Ferroday Ltd 2006
Terminology 1
Data – observations, measurements, or facts
Data representation – the quantities,
characters or symbols that substitute for data
and on which operations may be performed by a
Information – what is conveyed or
represented by a particular sequence of
quantities, characters or symbols
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Terminology 2
Information model – structure for a data
representation derived by a formal process
Dictionary – collection of words and their
meanings arranged in a defined structure
Information exchange – data representation
conveyed in a form that is understandable by
the recipient
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Information structure
Data objects and representation symbols:
Data organised for exchange of information:
Example: ‘Mat’, ‘cat’, ‘old’, ‘had sat’, ‘green’
En. The old cat had sat on the green mat
Fr. The old cat had sat on the mat green
Ge. The old cat had on the green mat sat
To communicate unambiguous information we
need a defined specification for the structure
of the data representation
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Information meaning
It was brillig and the slithy toves did
gyre and gimble in the wabe. All mimsy
were the borogroves and the mome
raths outgabe. (Lewis Carrol)
To communicate usable information in a
defined structure we also need a
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Information exchange
The communication of usable information
always requires:
Symbols as objects to represent the data
An nformation model to define the structure of the
A dictionary to define the meanings of the objects
Everyone in a communication process must
use the same model and the same dictionary
to achieve an unambiguous result
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Types of information model
Entity relationship (software engineering)
Classification (taxonomies in biology)
Define objects by their attributes (properties)
Assigning a value to an attribute creates an
instance of an object
Classify objects by their family relationships to
other objects
ISO 13584 dictionaries are structured as:
a classification at the user level
an entity relationship model at the processing
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Modern cutting tools
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Tools for multiple tasks
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Industrial problems
Current designs of tools cannot be described by
existing standards
Customers are demanding tool procurement data in
digital form
Every customer has a different system
Tool users are digital control systems that need data
in digital form
Integration between product design, tool operation
and tool design
Future tool developments will require an updateable
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Industrial solution
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ISO 13399 Cutting tool data
representation and exchange
ISO 13399-1 Entity relationship model for exchange
of tool geometry and tool assembly data
ISO 13399-2 Dictionary for cutting items
ISO 13399-3 Dictionary for tool items
ISO 13399-4 Dictionary for adaptors
ISO 13399-5 Dictionary for assembly items
ISO 13399-50 Dictionary for reference systems and
common concepts
ISO 13399-60 Dictionary for connection systems
ISO 13399-100 Specification for the dictionary
© Ferroday Ltd 2006