Color Schemes

Color Schemes
Fashion Design, Textiles
& Merchandising
What is a color scheme?
A color scheme is a plan for using a color
or combination of colors
Six basic color schemes
Accented Neutral
Arrangement of values and intensities of
one hue
Ex: Very pale blue shirt, navy blue suit,
and a medium blue tie
Arrangement that uses two or more colors
that are side-by-side on the color wheel
Analogous colors schemes blend better
when colors are similar in value and
Red and Red-violet blend
better than pink and red-violet
A grouping of colors that are directly
opposite each other on the color wheel
Ex: red and green, blue and orange
Can create a very bold effect when colors
have the same intensity
A softer effect can be achieved when the
colors are of different values and
Ex: pink and forest green
Uses one color with the two colors on
either side of its direct compliment
Ex: Orange, blue-green, blue-violet
More common and easier to wear because
the combinations are less bold
Often used in plaid or
print fabric
Uses three colors that are equal distance
from one another on the color wheel
Ex: Primary colors
Bold and bright or soft and dull depending
on the intensity used
Neutral Colors
Can be used to create dramatic effects
Worn alone = very sophisticated, “classic”
evening wear
Worn alone = associations with wealth
Often the color of professionalism
Considered a warm color
Combines well with most any other color
Can be calming (low intensity, tint)
Darker shades = seriousness and businesslike
Combing tints and shades of gray contribute to
an air of formality
Accented Neutrals
Since neutrals have no hue, they combine
well with most other colors
Accented Neutral Color Scheme
Mixing a neutral with a small amount of color
Ex: Gray dress with red belt
Often used to create a focal point in the
Ex: bright belt accents waist, scarf accents
face, etc.