ICT E-SAFETY ARCHIBALD FIRST SCHOOL ICT Mark Only the 2nd school in Newcastle LA to achieve the award: October 2009 Achieved the award for a second time: October 2012 One of only 785 Primary Schools nationwide to have the award Ofsted 2009 Pupils have great confidence in the use of ICT Pupils show good achievement and skills in ICT There are many opportunities for pupils to apply their ICT skills across the curriculum The team was very impressed with the ICT in school! ICT . Pupils should be given opportunities to: Become Develop Use Learn Have ICT access about effectively independent theirissues ICT to a capability range with ofusers security, purpose of ICT of ICT and enjoyment confidentiality and accuracy equipment E-SAFETY E-Safety encompasses the use of Internet technologies and electronic communications such as webcams, digital video equipment, mobile phones and camera phones. It highlights the need to educate pupils about the benefits, risks and responsibilities of using information technology as well as raising user’s awareness of how to keep themselves safe using electronic technology. School Aims Educate children to be responsible users of ICT Safe and effective use of ICT at home and at school Promote the positive uses and benefits of ICT Raise awareness of the risks Questions Have Do you What you dohave you everuse a used computer theacomputer, chat atroom home? the or Internet social networking and Internet your mobile site? phone for? a Do you have access? Do you own a mobile phone? What your does child your ever child used usethese? the Has Who accesses the Internet? Does your child own a mobile computer, the Internet and their Do you phone know what your child is phone? mobile for? accessing on the Internet? Is your child supervised when using the computer? The Internet Benefits of the internet Educational games and programmes Research information The opportunity to communicate with people from all around the world The opportunity to share resources and ideas with people that have the same interests Shopping around the world without leaving your computer Risks of using the internet Paedophiles use the internet to meet young people People lying to others online Bullying using the internet (Cyberbullying) Seeing inappropriate images and material Viruses and pop ups The Internet - Facts 55% access the internet everyday 47% for an hour or more 21% liked IM/Chat the most 15% used gaming sites 11% used Social Networking sites 33% had access in their bedrooms 25% have met someone offline – one quarter of these did not take anyone with them. of the three quarters who did 83% took a friend not a trusted adult. Mobile Phones “If you took away my mobile phone – you would take away a part of me” Talking Texting Time Downloading and forwarding clips Music Games Web access Blogs, Forums and Social Networking Forums are places to leave messages Blogs contain online diaries and allow you to share your views with the world! Social Networking sites connect people Chat and Instant Messenger Chat rooms are places where people meet to talk Unrestricted and able to meet old and new friends Instant Messenger only allows you to chat to people on own contact list Newcastle VTLE: Years 3 and 4 Virtual Teaching & Learning Environment Unique login and password Monitored and chat recorded Email access to classmates only E-Safety Tips Have the computer in a communal area Know what your children are doing online and who they are talking to Help your children to understand that they should never give out personal details to online friends If your child receives spam/junk email and texts, remind them never to believe them, reply to them or use them It's not a good idea for your child to open files that are from people they don't know Help your child to understand that some people lie online Always keep communication open Teach young people how to block someone online and report them if they feel uncomfortable E-Safety Training @ Archibald 5 - 7 Teaching Resources Hector’s World 5 interactive cartoons Supported by lesson plans 5 - 7 Teaching Resources 8-10 Teaching Resources Cybercafé An engaging virtual café that provides safety information on mobile phones, IM, Email, Chat etc. www.thinkuknow.co.uk/cyberbafe What is Cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is the use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) particularly mobile phones and the Internet, to deliberately upset someone Like other forms of bullying, cyberbullying can include a wide range of unacceptable behaviour, including harassment, threats and insults As with ‘traditional’ face-to-face bullying, cyberbullying is designed to cause distress and harm E-Safety is not about taking away all of the risks but about minimising these by educating our children.