RESETTING PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT— DEVELOPING YOUR STAFF Manager Briefing & Discussion Sessions Winter 2012 Copyright ©2012 by The Segal Group, Inc., parent of The Segal Company and its Sibson Consulting Division. All Rights Reserved. This Year’s Cycle Phase 1 Clarifying and enhancing definitions of ratings Resetting how ratings were used Phase 2 Focus on goal setting Merit increase differentiation Phase 3 Staff development Schedule meetings with your direct reports and draft reviews Submit salary recommendations by May 4th Finalize performance review and hold conversations – due by April 2nd 1 Today’s Agenda What do we mean by “Development”? Group Discussion—Your Most Memorable Development Experience Your Role as a Manager A Question of Balance—Learning Orientation and Performance Orientation A Debrief Tool Exercise Providing Feedback Preparing for this Year’s Cycle 2 Everyone Can Benefit From Development Filling the gaps—skills, knowledge, performance Building upon strengths—skills, knowledge, performance, and deepening experiences Expanding expertise for future growth and advancement 3 Exercise: A Memorable Development Experience Purpose Overview Reflect back on important development experiences and determine what made them memorable Consider the types of development we just discussed Think back on a development experience in your career TIME 10 minutes Describe the situation. What made it memorable and why? What did you get out of it? We’ll share some of our experiences 4 Your Role as a Manager Managers play important roles at Northeastern and defining the expected competencies is essential. An effective manager at Northeastern … Pays attention to and addresses others’ capabilities and development needs; helps identify and close gaps Effectively gives and receives feedback for growth Seeks feedback about his or her own performance as a manager; learns from experience and mistakes Models desired behavior for peers and subordinates Delegates for the development of others—encourages others to make decisions, take responsibilities, and learn from it; “Gets out of the way” Use the Manager Self-Review to assess your strengths and plan improvements 5 Your Role as A Manager continued Get to know your staff member Goals, interests and aspirations Strengths and areas for improvement How they learn How they see themselves Use the Employee SelfAssessment form and process to get to know your staff member’s perspectives Actively support and encourage their development Help them plan and stick to the plan Provide resources and opportunities as appropriate Tailor to individual needs and styles How does he/she learn: Visual, auditory or kinesthetic? What is his/her focus: Developing or achieving? Provide clear, supportive, frequent feedback Positive to reinforce what should be continued Constructive to redirect or change performance 6 Development Happens Every Day Courses and Reading 10% 20% Feedback 70% On the Job Experiences, Tasks and Problem Solving 90% of development opportunities can happen anytime—look for developmental, “coaching moments” Consider the context Identify goals and needs at the individual and department level Use your direct reports’ self-assessments Find on-the-job opportunities If appropriate, find stretch opportunities outside own area Adapted from research by M.M. Lombardo and R.W. Eichinger for the Center for Creative Leadership 7 A Question of Balance LEARNING ORIENTATION Focus: Improving and learning. Implication: “Mistakes” viewed as a part of the learning process and therefore not bad 1 PERFORMANCE ORIENTATION Focus: Achievement and getting ahead Implication: “Mistakes” viewed as failures and to be avoided Adapted from Dweck, D.S., & Leggett, E.L. (1988), A Social-Cognitive Approach to Motivation and Personality. Psychological Review, Volume 95, No 2 pp. 256-273 8 Fostering an Environment of Learning and Development A DEBRIEF TOOL What? To reflect on what happened, what worked and what could be improved upon Why? Supports learning orientation and facilitates improvement When? How? Lessens “scariness” of feedbacks As soon as possible after the event—memories are fresh, more efficient than adding to a “To Do” list Can be a group discussion, or individual exercise Identify and define action items and follow up 9 Fostering an Environment of Learning and Development Customize the debrief Sample questions: What happened? What did you think, feel, say, and do? What could you have done differently? What did others say and do? What was effective? What was not so effective? How can you learn from this experience? 10 Exercise: Providing Real Time Feedback Purpose Overview To practice providing feedback to a colleague Within each group, one volunteer stands facing the others in the group. Place an empty container 3 to 5 feet behind the volunteer—out of view of the volunteer The volunteer tosses crumpled balls of paper into the container behind him/her without looking, aiming to get 3 in. Group members provide feedback to guide the volunteer TIME 20 minutes Repeat exercise with a new volunteer— move box to a different position for the new volunteer 11 Feedback Framework© Feedback is essential to a learning and performance culture Clear, specific, real-time works best Provide both positive and constructive Framework assists in preparing to deliver feedback effectively Expectations Outcomes Observations Assessments 12 Top 5 Take-Aways 1. Everyday activities create opportunities for feedback and development 2. 70% of development occurs through job experiences, tasks and problems solving 3. Create a learning environment to balance with performance— use the debrief tool, encourage self-reflection 4. Offer effective feedback and reinforcement—clear, specific, real time 5. Use what has proven effective—employee self-assessments 13 The Performance Management Cycle I. Performance Planning/ Expectation Setting And is discussed here Development can be planned here III. End of Year Evaluation II. Ongoing Review and Feedback And takes place here 14 Using the Performance Appraisal to Document Development Goals and Proposed Actions IV. DEVELOPMENT DISCUSSIONS A. Recommendations for Development (List specific recommendations to facilitate continued employee development for professional growth.) B. Performance Improvement Requirements (List specific areas in which performance did not meet expectations and improvement is necessary.) C. Actions to be taken by Employee/Supervisor (i.e., related to specific recommendations and/or requirements in either A or B above) Development activities that specifically support the University and/or Department goals? V. OVERALL PERFORMANCE RATING Consistently Exceeds Frequently Exceeds Fully Meets Partially Meets Does Not Meet* * Strongly recommend consultation with Human Resources Management VI. EMPLOYEE COMMENTS (Optional) 15 Wrap-up – Questions, Comments, Thoughts? 16