On-going and planned projects with ECHAM ETH Martin Wild, Doris Folini, Adeline Bichet, Maria Hakuba, Christoph Schär IACETH Simulations with ECHAM5-HAM Model ECHAM5-HAM (updated from Stier et al. 2005), Version Oct. 2008 Detailed aerosol treatment (prognostic equations for number and mass) Experiments (carried out by Doris Folini at CSCS) ETH - Transient simulations (atmosphere only, prescribed SSTs) - Historic emission inventories: NIES - Resolutions from T42L19 to T106L31 List of Ensembles Simulations #members: 1870 – 2000, default “all forcings“ simulations, T42 (T63) 13 (9) Sensitivity experiments: 1950 – 2000, SO2 emissions at level of 1950, T42 3 1950 – 2000, BC / OC emissions at level of 1950, T42 3 1870– 2000, all anth. aerosol emissions constant, T42 (T63) 6 (3) 1870 – 2000, all anth. aerosol emissions constant, no volcanoes: 3 1870 – 2000, fixed climatological SSTs, T42 (T63) 13 (1) Research focus Significant decadal changes in the observed components of the Earth energy and water balance • • • What are the origins of these changes? What is their impact on climate system components and climate change? How will these components evolve in the future? Atmospheric transmission 1950-2002 ETH “dimming” Observed precipitation NH mean land “brightening” “dimming” Wild et al. 2005: Science 308 “brightening” Research focus: origins of changes • What are the origins of these changes? => sensitivity studies, impact of various types of aerosol on decadal changes in surface solar radiation Surface solar radiation: constant versus variable aerosol emissions constant aerosol emissions variable aerosol emissions 1950-2000 1950-2000 ETH Varying only SO2 or BC emissions Folini et al. in prep. Research focus: impacts Impact of dimming on precipitation in China Annual mean precipitation constant aerosol emissions ETH historic aerosol emissions Suppression of precipitation with dimming in China Impact of dimming on precipitation in China Summer precipitation total precipitation JJA constant aerosol emissions variable aerosol emissions ETH convective large scale Suppression of convective precipitation with dimming Research focus: impacts Impact of SSTs and aerosols on global land precipitation ETH PhD Thesis Adeline Bichet: Precipitation evolution since the late 19th century Bichet et al., submitted Research focus: impacts Impact of reduced Greenland topography on precipitation Change in precipitation with topography reduced by 50% ETH T106 simulations Overall increase in precipitation with decreasing topography Master Thesis Maria Hakuba Research focus: scenarios • How will the Earth energy and water balance components evolve in the future? 1950 - 2020 Surface clear sky insolation in NH midlatitudes ECHAM5-HAM with ENSEMBLE SSTs ETH Transition into a new dimming? Coupled model desirable Future Plans with ECHAM Research focus on changes in the energy and water cycles based on multidecadal transient simulations Near term experiments: • Carry out multidecadal transient simulations with new model versions ECHAM6 and ECHAM6-HAM (sensitivity studies) • Use ECHAM6-HAM with new emission inventories from IPCC AR5, comparison to NIES and other inventories, comparison to earlier ECHAM5HAM simulations ETH Mid term experiments: • Use a coupled Atmosphere-Ocean version of ECHAM6 (ECHAM6-HAM?) to study impacts of changes in the radiation balance on various climate system components including ocean feedbacks. • High resolution (T213?) time slice experiments for present and future climates (e.g. for mass balance changes of polar ice sheets) All simulation data can be made available to other interested groups ETH