Habla de tu instituto

Habla de tu familia
Habla de tu instituto
¿planes para la
próxima semana?
¿planes para el fin de semana?
Habla de tu familia
¿planes para el fin de semana?
Habla de tu instituto
¿planes para la
próxima semana?
Habla de tu familia
¿planes para el fin de semana?
Habla de tu instituto
¿planes para la
próxima semana?
Habla de tu familia
Habla de tu instituto
Habla de tu familia
Habla de tu instituto
¿planes para la
próxima semana?
¿planes para la
próxima semana?
¿planes para el fin de semana?
¿planes para el fin de semana?
Habla de tu instituto
Nombre del instituto:
Instituto Reina Sofía
Horario: 8h – 14h
¿Cómo se llama tu colegio?
¿A qué hora empiezan las clases?
¿A qué hora terminan las clases?
¿Te gustan (las matemáticas?)
¿Por qué (no)?
¿Te gusta............?
¿Por qué (no)?
Notes for teachers
1) Students revise and prepare to talk about both these two areas.
2) They can take their prompt cards home and write down whatever sentences they like to help them learn.
3) The teacher will not mark/correct these preparations
4) The assessment should not take more than 1 ½ minutes for each student.
5) The student can start after a prompt by the teacher but should be interrupted after 45 seconds to ask questions
(this is IF the student has pre-learnt it as a mini-presentation – if not, the teacher can ask questions at each turn)
6) If the first topic has been exhausted in this time then the teacher can ask questions on the 2nd topic until 1m30 or
as appropriate.
7) Teachers will assess the NC level of their students according the criteria below and will award half levels where
8) The level itself (e.g.3.5 can be entered directly on to the year 7 excel marksheet)
9) It would be very useful to record a sample of your class speaking assessments – e.g. 5 showing a variety of
achievement levels. These could be used by teachers and with students next year.
New NC
Level 2
Pupils answer simple questions and give basic information. They give short, simple responses to what they see and hear,
and use set phrases. Their pronunciation shows an awareness of sound patterns and their meaning is clear.
Level 3
Pupils ask and answer simple questions and talk about their interests. They take part in brief prepared tasks, using visual
or other clues to help them initiate and respond. They use short phrases to express personal responses. Although they use
mainly memorised language, they occasionally substitute items of vocabulary to vary questions or statements.
Level 4
Pupils take part in simple conversations, supported by visual or other cues, and express their opinions. They begin to use
their knowledge of grammar to adapt and substitute single words and phrases. Their pronunciation is generally accurate
and they show some consistency in their intonation.
Level 5
Pupils give a short prepared talk that includes expressing their opinions. They take part in short conversations, seeking
and conveying information, opinions and reasons in simple terms. They refer to recent experiences or future plans, as
well as everyday activities and interests. They vary their language and sometimes produce more extended responses.
Although there may be some mistakes, pupils make themselves understood with little or no difficulty.