ORGANELLE NOTES Just to make sure everyone has the same info ORGANELLE A part of the cell with a specific job that is necessary for the cell to stay alive A lot like an organ in a person, but smaller and inside a cell not a person. List of required organelles To get a C in class you need to know: Cell membrane Nucleus Mitochondria Cytoplasm ribosomes Cell wall - (only in plants) Chloroplasts – (only in plants) To get an A in class you should also include these Endoplasmic reticulum Rough and smooth Golgi apparatus Lysosome Vacuoles Cell membrane The cell membrane's jobs are: to keep everything else inside the cell To decide what can diffuse into the cell So the cell membrane is like a screened in porch: keeping the people inside, the bugs outside, but letting helpful stuff like air and a breeze pass through. NUCLEUS The nucleus's jobs are to: Keep the DNA safe To control other parts of the cells Sends copies of DNA like little messengers with instructions All plant and animal cells have a nucleus but bacteria cells don't need one The nucleus is the control center of the cell MITOCHONDRIA The job of the mitochondria is: To break down nutrients and create energy for the cell. Cells that need more energy have more mitochondria The mitochondria is like the power-plant of the cell, providing the rest of the cell with energy CYTOPLASM The cytoplasm is the goo that fills up the cell The jobs of the cytoplasm are: Keep all the organelles in place Allow the stuff moving between the organelles to travel The cytoplasm is like the water in the fish tank; it keeps all the plants and scenery where it belongs but allows the fish to move around. Ribosomes The job of the ribosomes is: To create proteins Proteins are the building blocks of many other things inside the cells So ribosomes are like brick factories, they make the stuff that everything else is built with CELL WALL – plants only The hard outer shell in a plant cell The jobs of the cell wall are: Give the cell structure and support Protect the cell Cell walls are like our classroom walls. They protect what is inside and help give structure to the physical shape of the room. CHLOROPLAST – plants only Chloroplasts are what make plant leaves green The job of the chloroplast is: To carry out photosynthesis Photosynthesis is taking sunlight and creating sugar, which will later be used as food POWER-UP 11/14 Tell me the FUNCTIONS AND NAMES of the 2 plant only organelles ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM Abbreviated as ER There are 2 types: – Smooth ER – Rough ER SMOOTH ER The smooth ER's functions are: - to make fats (lipids) - to help the cell contract (like what your muscles do) They are like a crisco factory and the gym that you have to go to because of all the crisco. ROUGH ER The rough endoplasmic reticulum's functions are: - stores most of the ribosomes - gets the ribosomes the materials for making proteins - sends the proteins on their way after they are made So it is like the delivery trucks for the ribosomes GOLGI APPARATUS The function of the golgi apparatus is: - to package and send anything made in the cell to its destination It is like the post office or mail-room of the cell LYSOSOME The function of a lysosome is: - to break down harmful things in the cell and dispose of them They are like the garbage men of the cell, getting rid of the trash. VACUOLE The functions of a vacuole is: - to store WATER for the cell - to store nutrients for the cell Vacuoles are bigger in plant cells than in animal cells but they are in both Vacuoles are like the water towers of the cell EXIT TICKET 11/14 TELL ME THE FUNCTIONS OF 2 OF THE ORGANELLES WE LEARNED ABOUT TODAY.