Slide 1

“Disciplemaking is about a
certain kind of person, radically
committed to a certain kind of
purpose, who through a certain
kind of process reproduces a
certain kind of product.”
(Edmund Chan)
“The Master’s Plan of Discipleship”
highlights the approach Jesus used
to attract and instruct his disciples.
To show how he did it within three
years of his brief life, we used the
Gospels as one text and distilled
seven selected aspects of
discipleship from the records of four
At GCF, we intend to use these
studies as our “master plan of
discipleship” to guide believers to
learn these lessons from Jesus
1. Jesus Teaches How to Become a
2. Jesus Teaches How to Share the
Good News
3. Jesus Teaches How to Pray
4. Jesus Teaches How to Appreciate
God’s Word
5. Jesus Teaches How to Use
Money and Possessions
6. Jesus Teaches How to Love and
Serve Others
7. Jesus Teaches How to Worship
From three selected texts, observe
how Jesus instructed people on how
to become his disciple.
The Generic Appeal:
“Follow me”
(John 1:35-45)
The Generic Appeal: “Follow me” (John 1:35-45)
a. Jesus asked people to follow him.
This is the most basic act of being a
b. John the Baptizer pointed his
disciple Andrew to Jesus. Andrew
told Peter; Philip told Nathanael.
The Generic Appeal: “Follow me” (John 1:35-45)
c. Being a follower of Jesus is a
lifelong process of “aligning” to
If I am to become a disciple of
Jesus, I must follow Him!
To follow Jesus requires…
1. That I FIX my eyes on Him.
2. That I FEEL His heartbeat.
3. That I FREE myself from hindrances.
4. That I FLEE from sin & temptations.
5. That I FORM Christlike attitudes
and actions.
The Graphic Assignment:
“I will make you
fishers of men”
(Matthew 4:18-22)
The Graphic Assignment: “I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:18-22)
a. Fishermen who are called to follow
Christ become “fishers of men”.
b. Being a disciple means to follow
colleagues to do the same.
The Graphic Assignment: “I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:18-22)
c. Matthew was a tax collector, Paul
was a lawyer, Luke was a doctor
and they influenced others to
follow Christ.
If I am to become a disciple of
Jesus, I must fish for men!
To fish for men requires…
1. That I PREACH the gospel.
2. That I PRACTICE what I preach.
3. That I PREPARE myself to preach.
4. That I PROTECT my testimony.
5. That I PRAY for workers & for the
The Group Appointment:
“He called his disciples…
and chose twelve of them,
whom he also designated
(Luke 6:12-16)
The Group Appointment: “He called his disciples…and chose twelve of them,
whom he also designated apostles” (Luke 6:12-16)
a. From many disciples, Jesus chose
twelve to become apostles.
b. All apostles are disciples but not all
disciples are apostles.
The Group Appointment: “He called his disciples…and chose twelve of them,
whom he also designated apostles” (Luke 6:12-16)
c. Jesus calls all willing people to
become his disciples and he
chooses some willing disciples to
devote their lives for specific
If I am to become a disciple of
Jesus, I must fulfill my task!
To fulfill my task requires…
1. That I DISCOVER my God-given task.
2. That I DEFINE my role in the task.
3. That I DEVOTE my life to the task.
4. That I DISCIPLINE myself for the
5. That I DEPEND upon the Lord for
strength to fulfill my task.
Jesus asks you to follow him and be
his disciple.
Being a disciple is a lifelong process
of lovingly obeying Jesus and
influencing others to do the same.
Following Jesus might mean
leaving what you are doing to take
on his special assignment for you.
Discipleship is first an “alignment”
to Jesus before an “assignment”
from Jesus.