Conducting Research That Makes a Difference

Conducting Research That
Makes a Difference
William E. Sedlacek
University of Maryland
Research Problems
The Quest for the Golden Label
Three Musketeers
Same studies repeated at same level
I’m OK; You’re Not
Statistical bias may lead to racial/gender bias
Horizontal Research
All for one & one for all
Bias is Bias
Noncognitive variables
I’m the good guy
Multicultural Myth- We are equally sensitive to all
types of discrimination-professional human beings
70% of multicultural office staff would admit no biases
Define & understand your audience
White students
 Students of color
 Faculty
 Administrators
 State legislators
 Parents
Types of Research
Define research broadly
Likert v. Thurstone
 Nonreactive measures
 Qualitative designs
 Perceptual mapping
 Observation
Focus Your Questions
Don’t try to do too much in one study
How many Muslims are terrorists?
What is range of majors for Asian Americans?
How do men feel about women?
How do White students feel about diversity?
Situational Attitude Scale-SAS
Universal Diverse Orientation- UDO
What interactions work best between able-bodied students &
students with disabilities?
What predicts student graduation?
Noncognitive variables-NCQ
Control The Turf
Choose your topics well
Decide for yourself what to study
Research v data v public relations
Make others react to your data
Multiple methods of communication
Data don’t speak for themselves
Multiple groups
The Long-Term View
Use references
 Incremental gains
Longitudinal studies
Noncognitive variable research
Maryland Longitudinal Study
Long-term cross-sectional studies
Racism over 25 years at UMD
Become The Source
Who do you trust?
 Partisan think tank researcher
 Pollster working for a cause
 Pundit
 Professor
 Others
Up The Conceptual Ladder
Test models or theories
 Don’t always measure variables well
 Too much too soon
Build higher order constructs from bottom
 May never work up ladder
 Don’t use data just because it’s there
Stick To Your Principles
Do follow
Your goals & interests
 Defining your interests in terms of your
Don’t follow:
The money
 The latest fad
 What will get published
 What others want you to do
Patience & Persistence
The mosaic model
 Internal v external motivation
 Share ideas & interests
 Satisfied with small gains
 Learn from nonsignificance
 Say hmmm at least once a day
 Have fun
Sedlacek, W. E. (2004). A multicultural research program. In F. W.
Hale Jr. (Ed.) What makes racial diversity work in higher
education (Pp.256-271). Sterling VA :Stylus Publishing.
Sedlacek, W. E. (2004). Beyond the big test: Noncognitive
assessment in higher education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Longerbeam, S. L., Sedlacek, W. E., Balón, D. G., & Alimo, C.
(2005). The multicultural myth: A study of multicultural program
organizations at three public research universities. Journal of
College Student Development. 46 (3), 88-97.
Sedlacek, W. E. Conducting research that makes a difference.
(2007). In C.C. Lee, & G.R. Walz (Eds.) Counseling for social
justice. (Pp. 223-237). Alexandria, VA. American Counseling
Sedlacek, W. E. (in press). Measures worth considering in
diversity research and programming. Readings on Equal