Eat well plate Quiz

Hearty Quiz
Heartley’s Hearty Lunch
How many portions of fruit and
veg. should you have a day?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
Sorry Wrong Answer!!
If Heartley eats two bananas and
one orange for lunch, how many
portions of his 5 a day will he
A. 3 portions
B. 2 portions
C. 1 portion
Sorry Wrong Answer!
Heartley has got 2 portions of his 5 a day
Heartley has got 2 portions of his 5 a day
Heartley wants to know which of
these foods belong together in
the same group?
A. Bread, beans, potatoes and peanuts
B. Pasta, milk, cheese and potatoes
C. Bread, rice, pasta and potatoes
Sorry Wrong Answer!!
Bread, rice, pasta and potatoes
Correct Answer!
Bread, rice, pasta and potatoes
Why did Heartley ask for
wholemeal bread?
A. Provides Protein and
builds your muscles
B. Provides Vitamin C and gives
you energy
C. Provides Energy and Fibre,
and keeps you fuller for longer
Sorry Wrong Answer!!
Correct Answer!
Heartley knows that his glass of
milk counts for 1 of his servings
a day, but how many servings of
milk and dairy does he need a
A. 5 servings a day
B. 3 servings a day
C. 2 servings a day
Sorry Wrong Answer!!
Correct Answer!
Why do we need milk and dairy
A. Keeps your teeth and bones
strong and your heart healthy
B. Keeps your teeth strong
and keeps you regular
C. Keeps you feeling fuller for longer
Sorry Wrong Answer!!
Correct Answer!
Heartley is having egg and ham,
why does he need these two
A. Provide energy, build and
repair muscles
B. Provide energy and
strengthens bones
C. Makes your hair strong
and shiny
Sorry Wrong Answer!!
Correct Answer!
Heartley wants to know which of
is not a protein?
A. Fish
B. Pop corn
C. Beans
Sorry Wrong Answer!!
Correct Answer!
Heartley and Chester want to know how
many sugar cubes are in their favourite
12 Sugar Cubes
Heartly and Chester want to know how
many sugar cubes are in their favourite
chocolate bar?
 14 Sugar Cubes
… and the winner is!
Heartly’s Harriers!
Chester’s Challengers!