Promoting GIS in the Workplace with Minimal Training Funds Susan Cohn KY Division of Water KY GIS Conference September 27, 2012 Purpose of This Presentation Ô Outline practices in Division of Water Ô Discuss ways to achieve GIS competency in the workplace Ô Share ideas of how to promote GIS in our programs, agencies Current Practices in Division of Water Ô DOW Workgroup Ô It’s GIS Lunch Ô GIS 101—In-House (coworker-led) Workgroup Purpose Ô Discuss GIS issues Ô Identify issues in data development & review from GIS perspective Ô Develop GIS agency standards Ô Make recommendations to management Workgroup Schedule Ô Meet bi-monthly Ô Meet additionally if project dictates Workgroup Format Ô Develop agenda and follow it Ô Encourage both users and managers to attend Ô Let the group decide what issues to address Ô Keep participants and management informed Ô Distribute/Post meeting minutes It’s GIS Lunch Ô Presentations Ô Coworkers Ô NGOs Ô Other Agencies Ô Consultants Ô University Staff and faculty Ô Basic theme ďDemonstrate how they used GIS to accomplish a task DOW Launched EEC Workgroup Ô Energy and Environment Cabinet Group ÔQuality Assurance & Standards ÔApplication and Development Ô Annual GIS Open House EEC GIS Open House Ô Formal introduction and keynote presentations Ô Stations with different GIS tools and presentations In-house Training General Ô Introduce GIS concepts Ô Demonstrate GIS accessibility in DOW Ô Present water-related information Specific Topics Ô Address many relevant functions available through specific tools Training Components of GIS 101 Ô Who to contact for server account Ô How to log onto Remote Desktop Connection Ô Basics of Toolbars and Projections Ô How to set up workspace Ô Where to save projects Ô How to add layers Ô Different uses for point, line or polygon layers …GIS 101 Continued… Ô Table of Contents and how layers load Ô What is an Attribute Table Ô Zoom To features Ô Identify Tool/Latitude and Longitude Ô Labeling Ô Map Layout View versus Data View Ô Cartographic Standards and Making a Map …GIS 101 Concluded Ô Exporting and Saving to PDF Ô Printing Ô Homework: Produce a map of where you live. Export map and send pdf to instructor for training certificate and credit in training record. Training Certificate Initial Pilot Evaluations Ô 33/41 students completed form Ô Overall responses positive Ô Participation from all branches 20 18 16 expectations? 14 12 10 8 6 1 (not at all) 4 2 2 0 3 1 (not at all) 1.5 2 Frequency 5 (much more than expected) 3 5 (much more than expected) 3 3.5 4 3 2 4 5 (much more than expected) 4 2.5 1 (not at all) 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 (not at all) Frequency Did the class meet your Was the information clear and understandable? 4.5 5 (much more than expected) After first year of GIS 101 Overall Rating 32% of DOW staff had attended training 14 1 (Poor) 12 1.5 10 2 8 2.5 6 3 4 3.5 4.5 35 5 (Excellent) 30 Frequency 5 (Excellent) 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 0 Would you recommend GIS 101 for other staff? 4 2 1 (Poor) Frequency 16 25 No 20 Did not answer 15 Yes 10 5 0 No Did not answer Yes Measures of Success (2009) Ô Participation strong across branches Ô Staff trained internally, estimated savings to DOW: $16,000 (67 staff X $250 fee). Ô Evaluations Overwhelmingly positive! Ô Branch Managers’ recognizing of the importance of GIS proficiency “Command Performances” Ô Continued to offer classes Ô Developed GIS 201 Ô editing, labeling, spatial joins Ô Converted GIS 101 into a Self-Study course for new hires Ô Recently updated for ArcMap 10 Ways to Promote GIS Ô Establish Workgroups Ô division, department, intra-agency Ô Develop/Host Presentations Ô for Management and Coworkers Ô Create tailored Trainings Ô Networking Ô With other divisions, departments, agencies and organizations Results of Workgroup Approach Ô Smoother transitions with ESRI upgrades Ô Better coordination among divisions Ô Better understanding of data applications and limitations between agencies Ô Empowering employees to use available tools Networking Ô Formed a cabinet-wide workgroup to strengthen data-sharing and skills development Ô Participation in KAMP quarterly meetings and annual meeting Ô Discover other resources Ôgovernment agencies Ôuniversities Ôlocal governments Future Ways to Promote GIS Ô Do YOU have ideas to help DOW? ÔPresentations ÔWorkgroup Development ÔAdditional in-house training The End